After a while, while people were still excited,

Luo Hua, who had collected some energy, flapped his wings and rushed directly to the endless sky.

Seeing the handsome angel disappear in the blink of an eye, people who recovered quickly uploaded the photos and videos they took to the Internet.

As for the consequences?

Luo Hua hoped that this information could ferment more perfectly.

He didn't need to be low-key, and the angels didn't need to be low-key.

Rather than being low-key, it's not to say that angels should be more suitable for a more high-profile existence.

The scene turned back to Luo Hua.

After flying for about 6 minutes,

Luo Hua saw that he had reached Afghanistan.

In other words, his speed had reached Mach 10!

Converted to Mach 10, the speed is 3.4 kilometers per second!

Luo Hua, who already has a body of steel, didn't feel the pressure brought by this speed at all.

It can even be said to be simple.

After arriving in Afghanistan,

Luo Hua briefly activated the Eye of Insight to check it out.

【Eye of Insight】

After activating it for a while and collecting all the data, Luo Hua turned off this ability.

Then he flew towards the side with the information. He activated the ability one after another. In less than half an hour, he flew above a desert.

Finally, he used the Eye of Insight once and turned it off.

Luo Hua had already flown directly in one direction.

In the results of the previous insight, he had seen the jeep team here a few months ago, pulling the injured Tony towards their base.

And he already knew the specific location.

Although this trip wasted a lot of time in total, as long as there is enough energy in the future, the Eye of Insight can be upgraded and fully fired.

Even the information of the entire earth can be collected in a short time.

Think about the time when Kaisha went to that blue planet.

A pair of"cataract" eyes glanced.

The information of the entire blue planet was seen clearly for at least several years in just a few seconds!

So Luo Hua wasted this time.

1. It was to save some energy, which would be useful later.

2. The Eye of Insight had not been upgraded to a certain level.

Next, when Luo Hua flew to the final target location.

The pilot of the reconnaissance fighter plane hovering in the area almost vomited.

He looked at a signal reflection point that suddenly appeared nearby on the radar. He quickly sent a message to the combat command center far away in the United States.

"Thank you for the generous gift! Commander! I found a reflection point in the center of our search area! It is very close to us!"


"How did he appear? We didn't find any trace of him!"

At this time, the pilot of the fighter plane hovering in the sky stared blankly at the radar on the fighter plane again.

After a while,

"Chief.....Maybe it was too fast, he had disappeared from my scanning radius, I watched him fly away"

"Are you crazy from flying a plane? How big is our scanning radius? You said you watched him fly away."

"Yes, sir. It's probably several Machs......."

The commander fell silent again:.......

"You go over and check the situation, I'll report it!"

This kind of radar equipment uses kilometers to calculate the unit.

It appears and disappears in an instant, how fast can it be.

Anyway, this must have risen to a level that even the pilot's superiors can't handle.

And it is estimated that it will be transmitted to S.H.I.E.L.D. soon.

And to be honest, if Luo Hua hadn't almost stuck to the fighter plane (several hundred meters), it is estimated that the radar would not be able to scan it with his size and speed.

And this period of time is just a sip of water.

Luo Hua has now reached the sky above the place where Tony was imprisoned.

In this valley, everything that can be seen outside is covered with a layer of muddy yellow blocking cloth.

This makes it impossible for pilots to find this place either by radar or naked eyes.

Unless you get close and observe it with your own eyes.

After observing the situation, looking at the mercenaries who were carrying supplies and patrolling under his feet,

Luo Hua stopped his wings and fell down.

Bang~! After a sound, the startled mercenaries hurriedly looked at the location where the sound came from.

Then they were stunned


After a while, someone finally responded in surprise.

Looking at Luo Hua's white wings and appearance.

His fair skin and facial features are like sculptures, handsome and gentle! The temperament he exudes is complex and eye-catching, like a mixture of various temperaments.

Compared with the surrounding environment as a whole. Everyone present felt that the environment here was not worthy of Luo Hua at all.

Looking at the mercenaries around who were reluctant to attack.

Luo Hua gently stroked his forehead with his right hand to express helplessness.

I am an invader, can you shoot a few shots at me and then I will fight back?

The fighter planes behind are flying over.

Although it won't have any effect if I take action directly.

But when the video is uploaded to the Internet, if you are the first to take action, then won't the effect on me be even better?

What angel fell to the earth and was attacked by evil mercenaries!

What about punishing evil and promoting good? It's always better.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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