Luo Hua, who had finally retreated in a hurry, stared blankly at the four pieces of paper in his hand.

He looked at the city girls who had been left behind.

Luo Hua clenched his fist, then crunched the paper into a ball.

He flicked his finger. Whoosh.~~~After a sound, the note was bounced into the trash can with a strong sound of breaking wind.

By the way, a hole was popped out of the aluminum sheet of the trash can.

The notes were nothing more than room xxx of xxx hotel on xxx street.

These groups of girls who come to travel are also wealthy families for ordinary people.

However, at this time, the girls seem to have converted a lot of energy for him.

After getting rid of the girls,

Luo Hua still walked on the street conspicuously.

Not long after, a square shopping mall appeared in front of him.

There are commercial streets nearby.

Luo Hua walked around and passed by a place selling home appliances.

The big TV was playing the news that Tony Stark was kidnapped and disappeared.

Moreover, the US side also offered a reward of a certain amount of US gold for anyone who could provide effective information.

"Hello, do you need to buy something?"

Luo Hua just stood there and looked for a while, and the female salesperson in the store immediately came up and asked.


Maybe people had already noticed him when Luo Hua was not here.

Seeing that Luo Hua ignored her and was still looking at Stark's news, the female salesperson immediately changed the topic and said,"It has been more than two months since Tony Stark disappeared."

"During this period, the United States has been searching for a long time, but found nothing."

Nothing is right.

Tony disappeared in Afghanistan.

It is impossible for the United States to drive a radar machine to search here.

So they can only search in a daunting way.

In addition, the location is secret, no electronic equipment signals are transmitted, not to mention Obadiah is messing around.

It would be strange if they could find Tony.

""Thank you."

After taking a look at the saleswoman, Luo Hua nodded to her and left.

She was completely stunned by Luo Hua's eyes full of stars. It was not until Luo Hua walked away that the saleswoman reacted.

She walked into a deserted place.

Luo Hua began to set the angel's technological capabilities.

"In the world of the macro universe, the universe has a dark plane and is full of dark energy."

"And dark energy will record all the data around the main biological plane"

"If it is not absorbed or used, it can be stored almost indefinitely."

"The Eye of Insight can analyze dark energy through the dark plane and thus obtain all past and present information."


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Eye of Insight: Consume energy to analyze the dark energy of the dark plane to obtain all past and present information】

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angel: Luo Hua (Angel King)】

【Technology: The first generation of angel bodies, angel wings, faith energy conversion, eyes of insight]

It's done!

Looking at the successfully set technology, Luo Hua smiled and pursed his lips.

With this technology, it is extremely convenient.


A thought moved.

To outsiders, Luo Hua's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of holy white film.

But in Luo Hua's eyes.

He looked around, and he knew everything that happened here a few days ago.

For example, tourists took the wrong road.

People who were addicted to smoking came in to smoke a cigarette, etc.

At this time.

Before long,

Luo Hua, who felt that the energy he had just collected in his body was about to be squandered, quickly closed the eye of insight.

This skill consumes too much energy.

The little he just collected was almost used up.

"It consumes so much energy, it seems that it must harvest a wave of energy before leaving."

As for how to harvest, it's very simple.

The concept of angels already exists in this world.

Although it's different, as long as Luo Hua walks around in a conspicuous place, he can harvest some energy.

It may not be too much, but at least it can be kept for use.

Then he moved his mind, and wings with feather-like fluorescence appeared behind him.

Then Luo Hua flapped his wings and flew directly to the tallest and most famous tower in Dubai.

It is the center of urban tourism and the location of the Burj Khalifa.

It is more than 800 meters high and is the central building for local tourism.

After a while,

Luo Hua, who reached the top of the tower, slowly floated down like a feather.

Accompanied by the phosphorescence of snow-like feathers that he deliberately emitted with his wings.

In less than a while, the vision of the crowd here was attracted.

Even the surrounding flocks of birds began to fly over and circle around Luo Hua.

His temperament and charm are dazzling.

Coupled with the natural and friendly feeling of angels, even animals can't help but get close to him.

Let me ask.

Will anyone think that an angel is a bad guy at first sight?

Even if there are, there are probably not many people.




The noise of the crowd in the tower and underground rang out.

Along with the crisp sound of camera shutters,

Luo Hua could feel that the energy he was converting was increasing rapidly compared to before.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

(There are at least 4 chapters in the evening, the time is a bit uncertain, I'm changing my schedule recently, I woke up at 10 pm yesterday, and I haven't slept yet, I'll be able to stabilize my schedule in the future, sorry.)

Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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