Banner slowly changed from the yoga pose.

He sat on the ground, crossed his legs, and calmed down.

But his surging chest and the large arteries in his neck betrayed him.

After a while, when the heart alarm sounded,

Banner opened his eyes and watched the news broadcast on the small TV again.

From the appearance of the angel in the tallest tower in Dubai to Tony's personal admission that the angel is real.

At the same time, a group of people who believe in angels are gathering on the Internet.


Banner took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes in distress and pressed his eyebrows with his right hand.

Banner knew very little about angels.

He was a scientist and did not believe in the existence of angels.

But now an angel appeared.

Could it be that an angel really came from a myth?

Then is there a possibility that.......

Angels are just like me.

They are also created for some reason.......?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Banner was deeply excited.

That's why he had such a big reaction just now.

Banner thought he had found a kindred spirit.

"Should I go find an angel? Where are the angels?"

"How should I go? What should I say when I see him?"

"Will he help me? Is he the same as me?"As soon as this idea was born, a series of questions followed.

But Banner's desire to see Luo Hua has never diminished.

Finally seeing a little hope, Banner didn't want to give up at all.

And if it is as the myth says.

What if the angel has a way to cure himself?

Even if not, the angel was also an accident like himself.

Only angels in the world can give Banner a sense of belonging.

After all, he thinks they are"the same kind".

The more lonely he is in this state, the more Banner hopes to find a real friend.

He clenched his left fist.

But his right hand covered his left hand to try to comfort"it". He closed his eyes tightly and frowned.

I don't know how long it took. It wasn't until Banner's stomach made a hungry sound that he decided!

"Wait a little longer! Observe a little longer! Don't rush!"

Angel has revealed too little information now.

Banner also knows that he can't go to him rashly.

So he has to wait until he knows enough to go to him.

Now he must learn to control himself.......

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

In these days, Luo Hua has been resting and storing the energy converted from faith.

For the angel of creation, this energy is still too little.

In other words, a very explosive event must occur.


Luo Hua opened his eyes from the soft mattress and exhaled.

He looked at the sky outside and it was already dark.

These days, in order to plan the future development route and research and development direction of angel civilization, he has been planning carefully day and night.

Although Luo Hua is the king of angels, his current physique is only that of a first-generation angel.

He hadn't slept for several days in a row, so he took a short rest this morning.

Who knew that it was already night after sleeping.

He stood up from the bed and tidied up the exquisite clothes on his body. It seemed that it would never be contaminated by dust.

The two wings passed through the clothes and shook behind him to relax.


Along with the appearance of feather-like fluorescence, the wings behind Luo Hua also disappeared.

At the same time, he opened the door and walked out.

After working hard for so long, it is time to go out and relax.


I said I would fold my wings and go out to relax.

But now.......

It was a night with almost no wind.

Luo Hua released his wings, and then sat on a high tower with a thimble somewhere to overlook the city.

Folding his wings was not a comfortable thing for Luo Hua.

It was like a person had to keep his hands in his arms and not extend his sleeves.

So he extended his wings whenever he could.

It seemed like there was some festival today.

Luo Hua looked to the other side.

The city under his feet was now not only more colorful than before, but even the amusement park was holding some kind of event.


Blowing in the cool evening breeze, Luo Hua stretched out lazily.

"It's a pity. If there were a female angel accompanying me now, maybe I would be happier."

Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than a female angel.

It's a pity that there is none now.

Thinking of this, Luo Hua, who had been sitting for a while, felt a little bored.

Looking at the amusement park where activities were still being held.

Luo Hua thought about it, stood up, patted his body, and then sat down again.

The Angel King is not without a childlike heart.

It's just that if he is alone, he might as well not go.

If there is a chance, blond, black, or silver-haired, who can't go together?

He won't go alone.

Boom boom~~~~

Bang~ Bang Bang~~~

At this time, the sound of something flying through the air was accompanied by the sound of fireworks suddenly bursting out in the amusement park.

There was also a sound of flames spraying through the fireworks.

Judging from Luo Hua's strength, he had a full body of silver-coated armor, and he was flying around.

Is there any need to say who it was?

Just a"low-key" guy.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

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