After a test flight in the sky for a while,

Tony in the armor looked very happy.

Flying in the armor with the flesh, this can be considered as flying.

After all, people have wanted to fly since ancient times.

Humans have never stopped longing for the sky.

At this time,

Tony, who was happy in the armor, found a notification from Jarvis.

"Sir, I think I found an angel......"

His display device showed a figure sitting on a high tower in the distance.

After zooming in, judging from the white wings, it was the angel Luo Hua.

Tony's smiling lips retracted.

He flipped his palm and immediately flew in that direction.

After a while, a Tony appeared next to Luo Hua, floating in the air with his hands and feet facing downwards.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at the dimly lit amusement park in the distance,

Luo Hua said calmly without turning his head.

He is just a widower now, and it will be difficult for Tony to invite him to see him in the future, and not in this way.


As the mask of the armor opened,

Tony, with scratches and scabs on his face, looked at the angel in front of him who was staring into the distance and asked:"Are you thinking about other angels?"

"Yes." Luo Hua admitted generously.

Then he fell silent again, because there was really nothing to say.

Tony seemed to have just finished studying Mark II and was here to test it.

"Then we...Um, let's go have a burger?"

Tony asked, still floating in the air.

"No, as long as they have energy, angels don't need to eat."

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to eat with a man.

Looking at Luo Hua who was silent again.

Tony really couldn't bring up a topic, so he asked directly:"Why don't you look at me straight in the eye?"

Hearing this, Luo Hua rarely turned his head and looked at him seriously

"Maybe you are the only one with the most potential on earth, and the others are not worthy."

Then he turned back.


Now it was Tony's turn to be confused. He didn't understand this sentence at all.

After thinking for a while, Tony found another topic and said,"I'm here to test the armor. You....."

""Go ahead."

Before Tony could finish,

Luo Hua let him go as if he had given him permission.

Tony was speechless again. He really couldn't think of what to say or how to answer.

He could only close the visor with a click.

Then he flew directly into the sky to test the performance.

In the sky,

Jarvis' voice sounded.

"Sir, judging from previous data, his body is not afraid of any attack from Mark II weapons."

"And his physical strength should be much stronger than the armor."

"I know." Tony said after listening:"I just want to know more about angels. To us, angels are myths."

"Is he a real angel, or is he just called an angel?"

Faced with this question,

Jarvis couldn't answer it. He didn't have any data or information on this.

So he could only keep silent........

After the silver figure left,

Luo Hua still stared into the distance.

There was no focus in his eyes, as if he was looking at the world hazily.

The world is so big, and the universe is so vast.

But except for angels, Luo Hua will not speak sincerely to anyone.

At this time,

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who was ready to meet Luo Hua, was staring at his coordinates in a daze.

He took Hill and Coulson to the tower where Luo Hua was now.

He looked up.

Because it was too high and too dark, and because of vision problems, although he knew Luo Hua was there, he couldn't go up now.......

For the angels who have already gone out, it is better to meet them outside by"coincidence" than to call others out.

At first, Fury thought he was under the tower.....

Who knew it was up there!?

"It's good to be able to fly, but now I think it's not good for me."

Muttering something, Fury turned off the phone that displayed the satellite positioning coordinates.

Then he looked at Hill and Coulson next to him and said,"Drive a helicopter over, we'll go up to find the angel."

Since they are here to visit, there is definitely no reason for Luo Hua to come down.

So they can only go up by themselves.

Da da da da da da~~~~~~

With the sound of the helicopter blades spinning,

Fury, who had already asked Coulson to drive to Luo Hua's vicinity, leaned out of the cabin wearing noise-canceling headphones and shouted to Luo Hua:

"Can we talk? Mr. Angel Luo Hua!"

Hearing Fury's invitation,

Luo Hua turned his head and looked at the three people on the helicopter.

【Eye of Insight]

Although Luo Hua knew their general information, it was definitely not as accurate as the Eye of Insight.

"Let's go."

Luo Hua stood up and nodded gently, brushing off the non-existent dust on his body.

Then he took two steps forward. Under the gaze of Fury and the other two, Luo Hua fell down in an instant like a bird of paradise that had lost its footing. Then, while they were stunned, an angel flapping its beautiful wings flew towards the ground. Fury:


So, they came up in a helicopter just to say hello?........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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