Follow the dreamy figure.

Before Coulson and Hill parked the helicopter.

Nick Fury went after Luo Hua himself.

They came to the small island next to the Statue of Liberty.

This was once the famous immigration entrance island of the United States: New Jersey.

The Statue of Liberty is near the island.

And to the north is the center of New York: Midtown Manhattan.

Not far to the south is the 5 million square meter Liberty State Park.

It is surrounded by the sea and is in the absolute center.

It is an excellent place.

When Fury saw Luo Hua, he had already put his hands on the fence by the sea, looking at the natural forest in the distance.

It seemed that there was nothing in the world worth his serious attention.

But if Luo Hua knew what Fury was thinking.

He would say yes

"Are you the angel we know, or the angel we don't know?"

Fury asked as he walked over.

"Yes and no." Luo Hua said without turning his head.

It was hard to judge this sentence.

Fury thought for a while and asked:"Then you are here���Of the ball, or from the earth"

""I came to Earth."

Now I understood.

From now on, he knew that Luo Hua came from outside the Earth.

Fury put his hands in his pockets.

Then he walked to the coast nearby and looked into the distance like Luo Hua and asked again:

"May I ask what you are doing on Earth? What is your purpose?"

"Do you want to protect the earth?" Luo Hua said directly

"No, no, no." Fury quickly shook his head and refused:"I just want to protect this country. This is my duty. The earth does not count."

""Ha~" Luo Hua chuckled.

Then he said leisurely:"Your civilization awareness is too low. If you can't protect the earth, you can't protect your country either."

"But I can't blame you. You live at different levels and think differently."

Lu Dan pursed his lips and said,"We can't do it, we don't have the ability, and we don't have the reason."

"Yes." Luo Hua said affirmatively:"Living in a pre-nuclear civilization, all your actions are passive."

"Pre-nuclear civilization?" Fury asked in confusion,"What is post-nuclear civilization?"

Pre-nuclear civilization is easy to understand.

Nick Fury's understanding is: Isn't it just the thorough study of nuclear bombs?

But what is post-nuclear civilization?

"That is an indicator, a standard."

Luo Hua said calmly about the cruelest baptism of a civilization and said,"It represents the unity of a civilization. The entire civilization has only one will."

"At the same time, it also made this civilization realize the importance of longevity and high-quality reproduction."

"Reaching this stage often means that this civilization has been baptized by a global nuclear war before."Baptism of nuclear war, yes, that's right.

If a civilization needs to develop, then it must have only one will.

In other words, the current Earth will not develop at the level of cosmic civilization.

After global unification, people will think about how to live forever, how to learn knowledge as quickly as possible, and how to make the next generation better.

In a normal person's life, a person can't learn all the subjects he chooses in his lifetime.

This is not only a question of the length of life, but also a question of learning speed.

A powerful civilization's learning is definitely not rote memorization by reading or reading.

It is another kind of powerful learning ability.

After hearing Luo Hua's explanation,

Nick Fury slightly widened his eye without a blindfold and turned his head to look at Luo Hua blankly.

"What does pre-nuclear civilization mean?.....Is it a civilization that has never experienced a nuclear war?"

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded slightly and added:"But this is just a standard way of saying"

"There are many civilizations in the universe that have developed in a unified way without a nuclear war."

"For example, the Shi'ar Empire, the Nova Empire, and so on."

Now it was Fury's turn to be silent.

Now that he had said this, he knew a lot about alien civilizations.

What should he do?

Report it? This must be reported.


At this time,

Coulson and Hill, who had parked the plane, came over.

They looked at the silent SHIELD Director Fury and didn't know what happened.

After hearing the footsteps, Fury turned around and looked at them, then introduced to Luo Hua:"These are the agents I trust most."

"Her name is Maria Hill, and his name is Phil Coulson."

Luo Hua nodded casually to these two people, and took it as knowing.

Through the scanning of the Eye of Insight,

Luo Hua knew their life stories clearly.

After seeing that everyone was present, Fury turned around and asked Luo Hua a question he was curious about:

"What was that moment when you rolled your eyes at us just now? Of course, we are just asking"

"Just a scan."Luo Hua lazily looked at the waves on the sea:"You don't need to know too much, you can't understand it."

Dark plane, dark energy, it's good enough for the earth to"see".

Not to mention understanding and scanning.

They won't understand even if you tell them.

After knowing the general meaning, Nick Fury didn't mean to ask any more questions.

He looked back at Hill and nodded to indicate that he could ask the most important question.

After Hill saw Fury's hint, she immediately took out her mobile phone and took a look at it, then she tried her best to make a friendly gesture and prepared to ask Luo Hua the most critical question of their visit this time.

That is......

The meaning of the angel's coming........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

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