As the scene officially came to an end,

Fury explained to Luo Hua in a friendly manner:"Let me introduce myself. Our full name is the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

"The job is to investigate everything that will affect the national level."

"So this time we are here to explore the angel's intentions"

"Correspondingly, if we are friendly, we will try our best to assist you in the aspects that allow.

After hearing Fury's explanation,

Hill took a look at the questions on the phone and the online coordination organization connected to the headset.

She formally began to ask

"First question: Angels...What is the purpose of coming to the mortal world?"

This question was prepared before coming, so Luo Hua's coming is first called coming to the mortal world.

"Purpose?" Luo Hua replied without thinking:"There is no purpose, I just want my civilization to develop better."

"The Earth has what I need, and a crisis that you can hardly imagine will break out here soon."

Fury frowned.

These words came from Luo Hua's mouth.

Then the unimaginable crisis must be real.

"Alien invasion?" Fury asked tentatively.

"That's just one of the reasons."Luo Hua replied lightly.

Now the three people from SHIELD looked completely ugly.

This is a big problem.

After a while, they digested the news.

The three of them looked at each other.

Hill asked formally again:"In this case, are we friends?"


Luo Hua seemed to have heard some funny news.

He laughed helplessly.

Under their puzzled expressions,

Luo Hua turned his head and looked at them formally for the first time and said:

"What made you feel we could approach the issue on an equal footing?"

"Maybe in daily life, I can communicate with you as an ordinary angel"

"But in terms of civilization, you can't even find a representative of a planet, let alone a representative of a galaxy."

"I came to Earth for the development of civilization, and I will also protect the Earth from being destroyed."

"Did you know that any second-generation angel from the angel civilization can cause the current Earth to launch a self-destructive counterattack?"

"If a third-generation angel is deployed, he can walk sideways in the universe until he encounters a top-level strongman."


"It is not even a counting unit."

In the future, Earth will at most be considered a civilization under the angel civilization.

It will never be considered a friend.

Who can be a friend of angel civilization?

The answer is: No one.......

After saying that, Luo Hua turned his head and looked into the distance again.

Before his civilization plan officially started. In the future, SHIELD will know how precious it is to meet Luo Hua in person.

A long time passed.

After finally digesting what Luo Hua said.

Fury glanced at Hill.

He took the initiative to temporarily change the question and said:"For the third question, on behalf of the country, I would like to express my opinion that if possible, can you help the angels?...Civilized?"

"Even if it's just a small favor, I still hope that Angel can develop peacefully in the United States."

"As long as it is not an excessive problem, the decision of the upper level can be agreed at any time."

This time.

Coulson and Hill glanced at Nick Fury without leaving a trace.

This is different from what they were going to say before.

Originally, their third question was: Can the two sides exchange interests on the premise of reaching a cooperation.

Although it is an exchange of interests, both parties pay together.

But in the other party's home court, the United States still wants to take advantage.

However, these problems were not raised by Fury, but were selected by the intelligence analysis agency equivalent to S.H.I.E.L.D.

But Fury changed it directly on the spot.

Only Fury can temporarily change the problem and make decisions on behalf of others.

When Captain Marvel came to Earth.

It was Nick Fury's sudden inspiration that resolved the crisis.

So after Coulson and Hill looked at each other, they also chose to believe Fury.

Facing Fury's third question.

Luo Hua at least moved his eyes and looked at Fury.

He also clearly felt that this question was changed at the last minute and was not related to the previous one.

But Fury's cleverness was still very good.

Thinking of this.

Luo Hua turned around and spread his hands on the fence behind him.

Looking at the city in the distance across the sea.

Luo Hua looked around the island and said:"You can't use this New Jersey Island as a former immigrant entrance."

"So I hope to use this island as the base for the Angel Investment Building"

"I hope you can also handle the group's formalities together."

He didn't want to build the Angel Investment Building in the city.

Now it seems that this island is quite good.

But angels will definitely not live on the surface in the future.

Any suborbital cruising sky city is much better than this.!!!

In an instant.

Hill and Coulson's eyes widened.

They looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

This news is really great for them!........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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