Unexpectedly, their biggest idea of keeping the angel here was realized so easily!

This was a big surprise for them.

And an island and a procedure?

There are as many of these things as you want.

Compared with being able to keep the angel here, it is not even a drop in the bucket!


Fury, who couldn't suppress his joy on his face, walked forward and stretched out his hand to shake hands to express his pleasure of cooperation.

This is an old reaction.


Luo Hua glanced at him, unmoved, as if he was looking at a fool.

Fury touched his nose awkwardly.

"Well, we'll leave first. It's so late, and my agents may have things to do at home."

In order to ease the embarrassment,

Nick Fury left with his men without saying a word.

Before leaving,

Coulson jumped down from the helicopter and took an object that looked exactly like a mobile phone.

"Mr. Angel, this is our special satellite phone. If you have any questions, you can call us at any time."

"We will take care of the rest of the process, please rest assured, Mr. Angel!"

Looking at his hands folded and spread out���Coulson lowered his head slightly, holding the satellite phone in his hand.

He was extremely respectful.

This agent had done this.

Luo Hua, who originally didn't want to take it, stretched out a hand with pity and picked up the satellite phone.

Compared with his hand, the black and heavy phone was like a peerless treasure covered with dust.

The satellite phone looked abrupt and unworthy no matter how you looked at it.

After seeing Luo Hua accept the satellite phone, the three people from SHIELD were delighted in their hearts.

Because this meant that their transaction with the angels was not a one-time transaction.

Accepting the satellite phone also meant that they had established contact.

Any negotiations in the future would be much easier.

Finally, he waved and said hello.

The SHIELD helicopter flew away with a clattering sound.

When the surroundings fell into silence again,

Luo Hua stretched out his hand and looked at the satellite phone in his hand.

"It seems that we have to develop the microwormhole transport technology."

He can't carry a satellite phone around.

And it's even more impossible for him to put it in his pocket.

What's more, he will have a lot of things in the future.

It will be much more convenient to develop the microwormhole transport technology in advance.

Thinking of this, Luo Hua did what he said.

"In the understanding of angelic civilization, the interaction between the entire universe and the dark plane is paved with tiny wormholes."

"They are the bridge between the dark plane and the main biological plane, and are also the key to transporting atoms between the two planes."

"As long as you understand the atoms of the target you need to transport, you can make it travel freely between the dark plane and the main biological plane."

"This is: Microwormhole Transport Technology"


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Microwormhole transport technology: After understanding the target atom, consuming energy can allow the target to shuttle between the main biological plane and the dark plane】

【Note: The difficulty of handling has nothing to do with the size of the target, but rather with the difficulty and strength of the target atoms.】

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angel: Luo Hua (Angel King)】

【Technology: First Generation Angel Body, Angel Wings, Faith Energy Conversion, Eye of Insight, Microwormhole Transport Technology]

After setting up this technology,

Luo Hua looked at the satellite phone in his hand.

He silently used the microwormhole transport technology in his heart.

Next, the space next to the satellite phone opened up with ripples, just like ripples on the water.

The satellite phone in Luo Hua's hand disappeared.

But in the dark, Luo Hua could still feel the relative position of the satellite phone in the dark plane.

He used the microwormhole transport technology again in his heart.

A whole ripple appeared in the air again.

The satellite phone then appeared in Luo Hua's hand again.

He nodded.

After several experiments without problems,

Luo Hua threw the mobile phone directly into the dark plane, then opened his wings and flapped them.

He flew directly to where he used to live.

The next day, before dawn, a dark mass of trucks were heard near the Free State of Zhejiang West City.

At the same time, various large civil engineering machines were also heading to the same place.

Some who were too late even used dozens of helicopters to start transportation.

They have only one target.

That is New Jersey.

And today is the weekend.

Many people on holiday in New York choose to relax in Liberty State Park.

But when they saw the continuous convoy like the Great Wall along the way, for the sake of"freedom", everyone dared to be angry but not to speak out.

Didn't you see that the helicopters in the sky are transporting large and heavy equipment?

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that they are doing something big.

If they go up there to make trouble, ten lives will not be enough.

At the same time,

Tony, who was studying Mark III in the basement of the Seaview Villa, also received Jarvis' report on this discovery.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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