Nine Realms.

Asgard, also known as Fairy Palace.

This is the home of the Norse gods. Asgard is located at the top of the World Tree and is also connected to the atrium or the passage to the earth.

At this moment on this"island" covered with planetary matter.

In the center of the magnificent palace, an old man with an eye patch on his right eye, formal armor all over his body, and a long beard on his chin is sitting in his seat.

This old man is obviously Odin.

At this moment.

Odin frowned slightly, he held up the Eternal Spear, which"will hit the target once thrown" after attacking, and looked at another man with a cloak and half-kneeling on the ground below the stage.

"Thor Odinson, do you have a clear explanation for this huge loss of dark energy?"

Dark energy is a universal energy in the universe.

But something that can make Odin frown and question must be no small matter.

Facing Odin's question, everyone in the hall of Asgard, except Loki, Frigga and Heimdall, showed a puzzled expression.

Even Thor's good friends, the four warriors of Asgard, thought about it, and they seemed to have some clues.

It is said that after Thor fought in the outside world for a while, he suddenly brought back a golden and white ball of light that was almost half a meter high.

Thor thought it was some kind of amazing treasure, so he was very happy.

But they all looked at the ball of light. Not only did it have an inexplicable energy barrier, but the whole thing was also scattered. It exudes a sense of holiness.

After that,

Odin and Frigga both came to watch the ball of light and studied it for a long time.

But in the end, even Heimdall could not find the origin of the ball of light after observing it for a while.

It seemed to have life, but maybe it was sleeping at this time.

After there was really no other way, Odin waved his hand and let Thor decide where the big ball of light should go.

Thor had no choice but to leave the ball of light in the treasure room of Asgard.

You know, this treasure room has a series of top treasures such as the Ice Box, the Sphere of Agamotto, the Monument of Life, etc.

So the cause of this incident was also because of this.

"My father."Thor half-knelt on the ground, with his helmet and Thor's hammer on the ground, and replied:"This incident is indeed caused by me, but I absolutely do not, absolutely do not have any intention of harming Asgard."

Thor's powerful voice echoed in this golden hall, and even if there were thousands of people standing inside and outside, they could all hear it.

He emphasized twice that this incident was indeed caused by himself, but he had no bad intentions.

Of course, Odin, Frigga, and everyone who watched Thor grow up knew it. However, this incident was so big and had an impact on the entire Asgard that Odin had to make a public announcement.

What exactly happened?

At this time, Sif, who had a good impression of Thor, stood up to speak for Thor:"Great God King, it should not be entirely Thor's responsibility that the ball of light absorbed the entire Asgard dark energy."

"No one could do anything at the time, so Thor could only leave it in a safer treasure room......."

Sif wanted to speak up for Thor.

But Frigga, who was standing next to Odin in the distance, quickly stopped her with her eyes.

It was wrong to speak up suddenly. If she continued to push the issue, she would be severely punished.

After looking at Frigga's eyes, Hill turned her head and saw Thor, who was half-kneeling there and turned his head to signal to go back, and walked back silently. She tried her best, and that was all she could do.

At this point, the whole story had been figured out.

It turned out that it started with Thor bringing back the light ball from outside, and then leaving the light ball in the treasure room, which eventually led to the absorption of the dark energy.

At that time, the light ball exuded a sense of holiness.

No one would regard it as something dangerous, but only as a treasure.

So it was unexpected that it would develop to this point.


In this hall with thousands of people.

Odin looked at Thor, who was a little regretful, and sighed in his heart.

It was not Thor's fault for this.

Because it was not only Heimdall, the guardian, who did not find any abnormality.

Even the God King Odin and his wife Frigga did not find any problems.

But the disappearance of such a huge amount of dark energy did harm the interests of all the people in Asgard.

Odin also gave a public explanation.


Odin knocked the golden floor with the Eternal Spear

"Thor Odinson, since you are not the main cause of this incident, I, Odin, hereby declare......."

At this point, Odin paused and looked towards the location of the Asgard treasure room, where the light ball was now.

Suddenly, there was no more news. Thor, who was about to accept the punishment, looked up at Odin in confusion.

At the same time, the light ball in the Asgard treasure room suddenly became brighter and gradually became transparent.

It seemed that there was a figure looming inside.........................................

(The data on the first day of a new book is very important, so please give me some flower reviews, balls, you guys are so annoying~~~)

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