Odin moved his eyelids, put the Spear of Eternity beside him and leaned against it.

"The wings behind you remind me of a story from a long time ago."

The beginning of the Nine Realms was not actually the Nine Realms.

It was actually called the Ten Realms.

And the one that disappeared was exiled because it angered Odin.

That realm is: Heaven. However, this Heaven is very different from Luohua's angel civilization, and the two are basically unrelated.

"I know what story you want to tell."Luo Hua sat on the sofa and folded his left leg over his right leg and said easily:"We just look a little similar, but we have nothing to do with each other."

Although they are both angel wings, the difference between them is huge.

The wings of Luo Hua's angel civilization can even open wormholes at will and travel through the universe in the later stage.

Next, before Odin could speak,

Luo Hua felt that Thor and Loki had never taken their eyes off his wings since they came in.

He smiled and gently waved the white wings behind him.


Thor opened his mouth wide and almost spoke in surprise.

"it...Can it fly?"Sol asked excitedly, stuttering a little:"It's so beautiful, can it fly fast! ?"

In Sol's impression, what if such a beautiful thing breaks in a fight?

And is it practical?

This is the most important thing for a barbarian.

Facing Sol's question, Luo Hua smiled helplessly.

"Of course it can fly, otherwise what is it used for?"

After hearing that Luo Hua's wings can fly, Thor obviously became more interested and wanted to continue asking.

For example, speed or something.

But Odin didn't let them come in to be curious babies.

"What should I call you? Where are you from? What is your purpose?"

Odin narrowed his eyes a little. As long as he figured these out, he would have a basic understanding.

After hearing Odin's words, Thor came back to his senses and stood beside Odin formally.

"Luohua, from...Rather than saying where I come from, I'd rather say I'm a drifter."

Luo Hua continued, shaking his raised legs:

"As for the purpose, it is the same as yours, the God King Odin. Who doesn't want his civilization to prosper?"

If the first two sentences were just acquaintances, then the last sentence gave Odin the most information.

Odin asked directly:"Are you a civilized king?"

"Yes."Luo Hua admitted directly with a somewhat"self-deprecating" smile:"But now I am just a widower king."

The conditions for creating angels are rather harsh.

He not only needs to reshape those familiar figures in the depths of his soul.

He also needs to use endless energy to shape them.

Angels follow the elite route.

That is to say, every angel is extremely important to him.

If Luo Hua is the king of angels.

Then in his heart, the three pillars of angel civilization: the Sky Blade King, the Sky Base King, and the Apocalypse King are also extremely important.

Seeing Luo Hua admit it directly.

Odin was also thinking about some issues.

First, is Luo Hua really the king of a civilization? How to prove it?

Second, if he is really a king, how to determine the loss of dark energy?

Odin is now old, and the Nine Realms are a bit chaotic. He doesn't want to cause unnecessary disputes.

That would bring a civilization into unnecessary danger.

So Odin asked:"How do you prove that you are the king of a civilization?"

Hearing the verification in Odin's words,

Luo Hua smiled and tiptoed calmly,"You are the king of gods in Norse mythology, but in the knowledge treasure house of my civilization, I also know that you will have a dusk."


Thor and Loki frowned. What does dusk have to do with this?

Odin's eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, opened a little in an instant.

He turned his head to look at the two children next to him and said,"Thor, Loki, go find Frigga to help end today's gathering."

Although Odin's words meant for them to disperse the thousands of people who had just gathered.

But the actual meaning was to drive them away. The next part could not be listened to.

"Why! ?"

Thor, who was straightforward, asked directly.

But Loki simply grabbed Thor's wrist and dragged him away, saying,"Okay, father."

Loki pulled Thor out of the door and closed it.

Thor asked irritably,"There must be something very important to Asgard in that sentence, why don't we find out! ?"

Loki glanced at Thor with a"contemptuous" look.

Then he said,"Idiot." Then he went to find the Queen Frigga.

The more stupid Thor is, the greater his chance of becoming king.

Coupled with his decent performance just now.

So overall, Loki thinks he has performed perfectly this time.

The scene turns back to Odin.

After the two left,

Odin leaned the Eternal Spear in his hand on the sofa to express friendly confirmation and asked,"Ragnarok?"

Luo Hua nodded his head lightly:"Ragnarok"

"How did you know?"Odin immediately asked,"How much do you know?"

Ragnarok can give every king who knows about this a headache.

And the background of Asgard is reborn after a destruction.

In addition, his two sons are not worrying.

There is also the dangerous princess outside.

So now Odin is in a state of panic.........................................

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