Facing Odin, who was in a slightly hasty state of mind.

Luo Hua reached out and picked up a fruit from the fruit plate in front of him and said,"I know almost everything in the knowledge treasure house of my civilization."

After saying that, he took a bite of the fruit.

There was half truth and half falsehood in this sentence.

The knowledge treasure house of the angel civilization can indeed store super-god technology.

But he has not yet developed the knowledge treasure house. Even if he has developed it, it is empty and has not yet stored technology.

However, the knowledge about Ragnarok was brought by him as a time traveler.

This news is quite true and accurate.

Odin turned his head and looked at the direction where his two sons had just walked out.

Then he asked leisurely,"Based on your acquaintance during this period of time, what do you think of my two children?"

After saying that, he turned back and changed his words and asked again,"Or, who is more suitable to be king."

Asking such a question to someone who has just met for a few hours.

Odin may really be helpless.

Luo Hua ate the fruit in his hand elegantly.

Then he leaned on the cushion of the sofa, holding the armrest with his right hand and slowly said,"The second son has a bad temper and a straightforward personality. It can be said that he is stubborn in his mind."

"The third son is scheming, obsessed with performance, eager to show himself, and can be said to have a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he is not necessarily ill-intentioned."

After saying these words.

Odin nodded and was more convinced of the fact that Lohua was a civilized king.

Even Thor and Loki knew that they were the second and third princesses.

As for the character of his two children, Odin knew it a long time ago.

But what he cares about is not this, but who can bring Asgard back to its current state after Ragnarok.

Or is it possible to prevent Ragnarok and develop Asgard better.

This is the most important thing.

"Hela will definitely come back for revenge, and my two children are still too young."

Odin said slowly:"They need to grow up, but there is still too little time left for them now."

This is a fact.

Luo Hua nodded and said:"The more you experience, the more you will grow. Perhaps you can consider this method."

Experience = training = tempering.

Not only for some reason, Odin's first reaction was to let his two children try the feeling of being a normal person.

Or to be a more ordinary mortal, in this case, it should be enough.

Looking at the thoughtful Odin.

Luo Hua silently mourned for the two people first

"So this time the dark energy......"

After talking for a while,

Odin turned the topic directly to the fact that Luo Hua absorbed so much dark energy this time.

In order to reshape a body with unlimited potential in the future, the ball of light prepared by his system for himself almost absorbed all the dark energy of Asgard.

This is not a trivial matter in any civilization.

Odin certainly won't give it to you for free.

Think about the dark energy used to send Thor down in Avengers 1, which made Odin feel distressed.

Not to mention that it was directly drained this time.

In a short period of time, they even have to plan the frequency of activating the Rainbow Bridge.

Hearing Odin mention this, Luo Hua smiled. He almost forgot

"Since I was the one who brought up Ragnarok, let’s do this."

Luo Hua finished eating the fruit in his hand and looked at Odin and confidently proposed:"When that day comes, I will help as much as possible with the value of dark energy this time."

"If the myth reappears and Asgard is destroyed, then under the negotiation of both civilizations, I will help the next king of Asgard to rebuild it."

"This is also a way of thanking Thor for bringing me back."

Thor helped Luo Hua a lot by bringing me back.

Otherwise, he didn't know how long he would have to drift before he could find a civilization that had converted all the dark energy.

After hearing Luo Hua's explanation,

Odin thought about it and gladly accepted the answer.

Isn't this just like investing in hemp? What's the big deal?

After just a few words, Odin felt that the angel civilization was a civilization with extraordinary potential.

And the gap with the previous heaven must be huge.

Just from the knowledge treasure house that knows a lot of knowledge, Odin felt that this civilization was not simple.

It is good for a civilization to have a decent artifact.

What's more, he felt that Luo Hua only mentioned this knowledge treasure house.

Thinking of this, Odin asked:"Angel civilization......, What kind of civilization is it? What do you want to do in the future?"

It's definitely good to know more about a civilization, and this is certainly the case when Odin encounters this strange civilization.

"Angel Civilization......."

Luo Hua leaned back on the sofa and slowly repeated this sentence.

He tilted his head back slightly, looking at the golden ceiling, and his originally relaxed eyes became a little serious.

Recalling the beautiful figure flying in the universe in his mind.

Luo Hua still said firmly in the same posture:"Enjoy life and make your life meaningful......."

After saying this, Luo Hua turned around and looked at the confused Odin and said again:

"This is not an easy thing, this is the hardest thing"

"Angel civilization doesn't pursue so many things, it just does what it wants to do."

Fighting and killing is helpless.

Research and development of technology is also for itself.

If there are not so many threats and difficulties, who would be willing to work so hard?

Isn't it good to chat with the most beautiful angels in the universe and play games every day?........................................

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