From the last footage recorded by Jarvis, it seemed that Iron Monger was hit by a white light and instantly fell back.

And behind him, there was actually white smoke from the air bursting and friction when Iron Monger was hit.

Tony touched his chest with lingering fear.

"What would happen if I got hit?...."

Jarvis:"Sir, at the very least the Ark reactor will be damaged. If you're unlucky, even the heart will be destroyed." Jarvis

:"But the Iron Overlord driven by Obadiah has thick armor, so he shouldn't die immediately."


Tony was so scared that he let out a long breath.

Jarvis reminded again:"Sir, are we still going to the Angel Building?"

Tony thought for a moment and said,"No, let's go over there and see Obadiah. The chance for the Angel to take action is too precious. I want to see it with my own eyes.""......

The scene returns to Luo Hua.

Iron Monger was knocked flying and fell on the central road in the downtown area with a bang.

Luo Hua stepped on Obadiah's chest with both feet and rubbed him on the ground like a skateboard for a long time.


The sound of Iron Monger's circuit damage was heard.

Luo Hua walked down from his chest gracefully.

The wings behind him waved gently, and the exquisite clothes made him look like he was not fighting.

But traveling. On the other hand, Iron Monger's tattered armor and those hideous gaps made the people who had gathered here subconsciously think that

Iron Monger = X bad

Angel = √ good

Click, click, click, click~~~

Flashes and shutter sounds from various mobile phones rang out.

For a moment, the place became like a party.


Obadiah swung his fist and hit Luo Hua's leg fiercely.

Just one step.

Just like taking a walk.

Luo Hua, who had already noticed Iron Overlord's movements, just took a light step to avoid the attack.


Some of the stones hit his shoes.....

Looking at Iron Monger lying on the ground, it seems that the circuit of one of his legs is broken.

He just smashed the floor and is struggling to stand up.

He jumps and slowly props up the bad leg.

Obadiah manipulates Iron Monger's hands to prop himself up.

""Get up! Get up! I'm going to beat this angel!"

Hearing Obadiah's roar, the crowd that had just gathered around immediately ran away like a flock of frightened birds.

But when they felt they were at a safe distance, they stopped and took out their phones to continue filming.

"Angel! Please judge this destroyer!!"

At once, from the moment the first girl shouted this, the crowds followed suit and repeated this sentence.

"Angel! Please judge this destroyer!"

"Angel! Please judge this destroyer!".....

Listening to thousands of people repeating this sentence at the same time,

Luo Hua nodded invisibly.

At this time,

Obadiah suddenly stretched out his hand and swung it at Luo Hua when he stood up.

Luo Hua, who had foreseen it, just turned around slightly and dodged.

Then he used Obadiah's downward swung arm to help him.


Ga Chi~!

In an instant, Obadiah's originally downward swung hand accelerated to only a hand shadow.

And the next moment, Iron Overlord seemed to have broken his only good leg by swung his hand violently.


Iron Overlord, who had no good leg, knelt on the ground.

He could not move at all now.


In an instant, the crowd around burst into warm cheers.

"Judge him!"

"Judge him!"

"Judge him!".....

A unified and enthusiastic voice broke out.

The crowd was cheering for this moment.

Obadiah opened his mask with a click.

He roared to the crowd around him:"I am the second largest shareholder of Stark Group! What right do you have to judge me!?"

Just as he roared.

Tony also came to the surrounding rooftops intermittently.

At the same time, Fury, Hill, and Coulson from SHIELD also drove here.

Now everyone is here.

The atmosphere has finally reached the most exciting moment at this time!

Judge him!

Judge him!

The shouts of the crowd were deafening!

In comparison,

Obadiah's roar became silent.

""Why can I judge you?"

At this time, a normal but heart-piercing voice sounded in the crowd.

It was as if the words came directly from the mind.

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

Luo Hua's voice sounded again.

"Do angels need a reason to judge all bad people?"

It is attributed to the role of myth.

This sentence is obviously problematic in modern society, but it seems so correct in the hearts of people around.



There were shouts all around.

They seemed to be getting impatient.

The scene from the myth was reappearing before their eyes today.

The cell phones and videos were on from beginning to end.

Just to record this precious moment.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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