"you..."Luo Hua stretched out his hands to them and wanted to say something.

But after thinking about it, he finally smiled helplessly and condensed it into one sentence.

"Welcome to join the big family of angels."

He Xi and Alan looked at each other and nodded happily.

But what Luo Hua didn't expect was that he was just going to shake hands. He didn't expect the two angels to step forward and hug him.

At this moment,

Luo Hua looked at the two wings waving happily on both sides of his head.

He couldn't help but feel better.

He was finally not a widower, and he would no longer be lonely.

Feeling the heartbeats of the three angels,

Luo Hua could personally feel that He Xi and Alan's heartbeats were a little faster at this time.

After all, they were close together and had no armor.

After feeling about the same,

Luo Hua took the initiative to slowly push them away and said,"Let's go sit over there, there are still many things to talk about."

He Xi smiled when he heard this:"Yes, if we really want to talk, I don't know when it will happen~"

The three came to a pavilion.

Luo Hua waved his hand and took out a set of tea sets from the dark plane.

As a result, just as he was about to pour water for them,

Alan took the initiative to take it and pour it for himself and He Xi.

Luo Hua didn't argue about this, and simply looked at He Xi and Alan and asked:

"Your name.....And memory...."

"My name is Hexi"

"My name is Ailan."

Before Luo Hua could finish his hesitation, the two of them took the initiative to speak.

He Xi looked at Luo Hua with her blue eyes as clear as lake water and explained:

"I don't know why, but from the moment I was born, my name, consciousness, common sense, etc. all came together like a soul."

"Every action, every thought, seemed so natural and perfect."

At this point, He Xi turned his head to look at Alan who had finished pouring the tea.

The two nodded and looked at each other.

He Xi added:"I think these are all brought to us by the king."

Facing He Xi's statement.

Luo Hua looked at Alan.

Alan, who had finished pouring the tea, pushed both teacups in front of the two of them.

Then he looked into Luo Hua's eyes and nodded seriously.

In other words.

They were no different at this moment from what Luo Hua remembered.

Except that this was a brand new beginning, everything else was the same.

No wonder the three of them met for the first time.

But just now they were like angels who had lived together for countless years.

So this meeting...

This was not their first negotiation.

It was a witness to the perfect start of the journey.

"Okay." Luo Hua nodded:"Then I will get straight to the point."

"The development of angelic civilization has just begun. We are still not at the stage where we can survive without the continental plates."

"In addition, the energy source is unstable. Although these ordinary people can bring us more refined faith energy than dark energy and perseverance energy,"

"But this is only one aspect. We cannot regard it as the only energy source for survival."

"There are other technological aspects, etc.....These are all projects that need to be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

"We only have a few years, which is too little for a civilization.".....

During the time when Luo Hua was talking,

He Xi just leaned lightly on the cushion behind him and kept looking at Luo Hua with those beautiful blue eyes.

Even when she took a sip of tea, she brought the teacup up, but her eyes never left Luo Hua's face.

In the middle, He Xi also turned her head to look at Alan.

And Alan happened to turn around to confirm the other party.

Well, it's a bit"guilty".

The two smiled helplessly.

They turned back to continue admiring their creator.

How could Luo Hua, who had been explaining, not know that they had been focusing on him?

He certainly knew.

But the main thing was that He Xi stared at him like a queen next door with doting.

He didn't know how to remind her.

After thinking about it, he decided to forget it.


Luo Hua simply leaned on the cushion, crossed his legs and relaxed, and said:"So, He Xi, Alan, what do you think."


Hearing Luo Hua's reminder,

He Xi also reacted and made a nasal sound and said:

"I think a modular, centralized and fully functional sky city needs to be built immediately."

"Although building a city of angels in the nebula is still too far away, building a sky city for suborbital cruising is very simple."

"A sky city at least has a full set of intelligent production supplies, whether it is weapons, armor, daily necessities, food, etc."

"Moreover, with the Sky City, the way for Angel Civilization to establish its image is even simpler and more straightforward."

Speaking of this,

He Xi gently stepped on the floor of the roof of the Angel Building with her silver high heels and said:

"This doesn't seem like something an angelic civilization should have.".....

Suddenly, the scene was silent.

He Xi suddenly realized that the building was named...

It belongs to Luo Hua....She just caught Luo Hua and scolded him

"king~!"He Xi reacted immediately and stood up from the chair.

No matter what, her words were a bit..."

This is a great disrespect to an angel civilization that worships the king.........................................

(The remaining four chapters will be updated from 5pm)

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