He Xi stood up suddenly.

She walked quickly to Luo Hua with her jade-white legs. She took Luo Hua's left hand with one hand and held the five fingers together.

Then she knelt on one leg, put the remaining left hand on her chest and fell silent.

At this time, she didn't need to speak, and the rest was up to Luo Hua to arrange.

Alan stood up nervously and walked aside.

She didn't expect He Xi to say all this so bluntly.

At this time, looking at the tense atmosphere around.

Luo Hua shook the jade hand in his heart and said,"Forget it, you didn't mean it. Don't care about it. Get up, Alan is still watching."

After all, this building was not built by himself.

It was a gift from SHIELD for friendly negotiations.

Facing Luo Hua's gesture of shaking hands with him.

He Xi lowered his head and shook it slightly.

This should be a gesture of no, it's too light.....

Ailan watched from the side, put his hands together nervously and suggested:"He Xi...Probably want a punishment."

Luo Hua knew it without Alan saying it.

Angels are indeed very strict in this regard. No matter how big or small, He Xi wants Luo Hua to give her a formal decision.


Luo Hua helplessly looked at He Xi's flowing silver hair in front of his legs.

In the end, he could only say:"Okay, I will punish He Xi...."

For a moment, He Xi and Ai Lan focused their attention and became nervous.

"Punish He Xi for massaging my head to relax me when I am tired."


Ailan let out a sigh of relief.

He Xi raised his head and looked at Luo Hua unexpectedly.

"What are you thinking about? Get up."

Luo Hua pulled He Xi up helplessly.

Then he reminded them:"In the future, although you need to call me Wang when there are outsiders,"

"But if we are alone together, you can also call me Luo Hua. Of course, it's up to you."


He Xi and Alan nodded at the same time.

Then, as He Xi stood up,

Alan turned around and sat back in his seat.


He Xi did not go back, but walked around Luo Hua's seat and came behind him.

Then he stretched out his ten slender and flawless fingers and put them into his hair one by one to press.

Feeling the massage on both sides of his head.

Luo Hua relaxed and took a breath, and ignored it.

The chat and discussion continued.

At the same time.

On a helicopter heading to Mexico.

Ross Zhen was giving instructions on the intercom.

When it was almost time.

His assistant asked:"We are going to Mexico this time....Are we going to capture that monster?"

In the hot and humid environment,

Ross was sweating and wearing noise-canceling headphones. He said,"Yes, you also watched the video a few days ago. If we rely on direct confrontation to get the angel blood,"

"We don't have a legitimate reason in the world, and the parliament will send me to court-martial."

"But if we can use Hulk to solve this problem, the angel will definitely bleed."

"In fact, we have a backup plan, which is to use an anesthetic needle to attack"

"But I don't know if this method will work, so I'll keep it as a last resort."

After hearing Ross's analysis, his assistant nodded in agreement.

But then he asked,"Then what should we do?....Can we catch Hulk? Even if we can catch him, can we control him?"

Faced with this question,

Ross clenched his hand holding the report.

Originally, he didn't have to personally participate in the work of catching Hulk.

But because the angel came to trouble him after dealing with Obadiah, he directly brought his most elite special forces to Mexico to capture Hulk.

"Whether we can catch him or not, we have to try. Hulk is mine! It's not Banner's!"

"This is something that the U.S. military should control, and it is not something a scientist can possess!"

After that, Ross planned that if he could catch Hulk, it would be fine if he could control him.

If he couldn't control him, he would create an"accident" to let Hulk fight with the angels.

Then they would retrieve him.

In this way, he could not only get the angel's blood, but also capture the angels!

He could also avenge the loss he suffered at the door of the Angel Building several days ago.

Next, while the two helicopters flew to Mexico, in a small town in Mexico,

Banner was staring at the video on TV of Lowe judging Obadiah in the air like a god. It was the first time that the whole network saw the angels so clearly and intuitively.

And the whole world had a basic understanding of the angels' abilities.

For example, the projectile that could penetrate tens of centimeters thick steel.

How much power is needed to do this.

That is to say.....

This Angel...Could it be a creature from mythology?

Could it be that it is not a biochemical transformation?

No, it is still possible.

It is just that it may be more perfect than the one you mutated.

But who knows, maybe it is something you have never understood.

But in short.

Banner sat in the room and pondered for a long time.

During this time, he even had difficulty controlling his yoga training because of these problems.

Because as soon as he calmed down, the question of angels kept appearing in his mind.

And it was the same when he was sleeping!

Whether it was before or after going to bed, even when he was asleep, he was thinking about the question of angels!

This is not a good thing!

After closing his eyes and thinking for a long time.

Banner opened his eyes suddenly.

This time, there was an unwavering look in his eyes!

"Go to New York!".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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