No matter whether he can control it or not.

This kind of problem deeply entangled Banner like water weeds for a drowning person.

These days, he has been thinking about the angel problem with his eyes open and closed!

He can't even do his work in the factory during the day.

Why not go directly to New York to find the angel to solve this problem.

Even if he is violent at that time.

Angels should be able to control themselves and not wantonly destroy the city.

Do it as soon as you say it.

Get up from the cross-legged state.

Banner quickly packed up clothes, computers, items, money and other things.

Finally, he looked at the packages hanging on his body.

Banner threw away clothes and other useless things without hesitation.

With his top scientist connections.

As long as he arrives in New York, it is still easy to get enough money to live.

When everything is packed.

Banner stood at the door. He looked back at the house where he has lived for several years.

He fled here and lived since he mutated a few years ago.

From finding a job to finding a teacher to practice controlling his temper.

After a few years, he has achieved some success.

Otherwise, just seeing the news of the angel's appearance that day would make him excited to transform.


With a silent sigh,

Banner left with his important computer and wallet.

But just as he stepped out of the door, because Banner's house was located on a high ground,

Banner saw that there were several people in black special forces combat uniforms groping here less than a hundred meters away from him. The guns in the backpacks and the combat equipment on the whole body showed that they were special forces combat soldiers of the US government.

These were not ordinary soldiers!

Banner's face changed.

He immediately held the bag on his back and went around to the side where they came from.

Taking advantage of the terrain,

Banner had already seen their route of action.

So as long as they were not exposed, there was still a great possibility of going around from both sides.


General Ross, who was holding a telescope at the bottom of the hillside, saw the familiar figure at a glance.

This was not only because of the skin.

Ross's deep impression of Banner also made him see him in the crowd at a glance.

Ross took out the walkie-talkie

"Brunski! The target has passed you on the right!"

"He was wearing a black T-shirt and brown pants! He was carrying a large bag and a small bag!"

Bronski looked to the right, searching for the target.

After confirming the target, he gestured to his teammates to chase and surround him, and then replied:"Okay, sir, I saw him."

"But I still want to say, why do we need special forces to catch a scientist?"

Rose, sitting in the command car, said directly:"Don't ask, just catch him quickly."

Helpless, Brunsky could only put aside his doubts and chase after him.

But he still had some vigilance and curiosity.

Tracking down an ordinary scientist requires an entire special forces?

What a joke!

Could it be that they are chasing the biological version of Iron Monger on the streets of New York a few days ago?

How is it possible ?.....

At this time, in the Triskelion Building of S.H.I.E.L.D., after learning that General Ross was personally leading the troops

, Fury, Coulson, and Hill were standing in Fury's office, looking at the armed exit document approved by Ross.

"Ross just wanted to get something and then messed with the Angels!"

"By then, the entire United States will be ruined because of him, and all of us will have a lowered image in the eyes of the angels!"

Fury threw the photo of the document onto the table, then rested his forehead on the table with one hand, feeling a little tired.

Hill and Coulson also knew the news.

Coulson smiled and said,"Director Fury, maybe we don't need to worry about it."

"How to say it." Fury raised his head slightly and looked at Coulson.

Coulson explained:"As long as we line up in advance and say that Ross has nothing to do with us"

"That way, even if Ross messes with the Angels again, we won't be held responsible."

"Just say it verbally?" Hill asked from the side.

"No." Coulson added:"We can also have someone go and say it in person to show our sincerity."

"And in the future, all the information collected about General Ross can be given to Angel."

"We are similar to Ross only in terms of job title. I believe if we make it clear in advance, we won't have any problems."

"And General Ross only has less than a month to trouble the Angels again."

"I think...If he goes too far...."

"Maybe he can only live for this month."

Strictly speaking, this is a good idea.

The three of them looked at each other and all silently agreed to this method.

But the question is, who will express it?

After looking at each other, Fury and Coulson looked at Hill.

Women may be better at solving this problem.

It's not like going to the battlefield.

Hill saw the eyes of the two of them. He immediately got rid of the option and said:"It was said at the time that the joint agents between the angels and S.H.I.E.L.D. are Coulson and Natasha."

"Since it's best for women to go, and Natasha just finished her mission, I think"

"Natasha Romanov is a very good choice."

After this was said, the three of them nodded in agreement.

Whoever is not there will be unlucky..........................................

(Dads, don't worry, it's all at night, it's only what time it is now. It's a bit uncomfortable to read before it's put on the shelves, but this is for exposure)

(After it's put on the shelves, I promise to try to get our time together and update at least 3 times a day, with 3300+ words each)

(Please give me flowers and evaluation votes, please, this is very important to me.) ps: And Ross is definitely going to die, I'm killing him, I'm killing him

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