The next day.

Angel Building.

The sun was rising.

The three angels had been discussing all night.

As for the angelic body, the angels could rest for a long time without sleep, but it would be uncomfortable.

Unless they reached the level of divine body, then the whole body only needed energy.

Even the spirit could be replenished with energy.


Sleeping is a comfortable thing to enjoy in life.

So it is better not to give it up. Angels are also


Accompanied by a cute nasal sound,

He Xi stretched lazily in the exquisite clothes Luo Hua gave her.

When she stretched with her right hand supporting her left elbow,

Luo Hua even saw a hint of her snow-white tender belly.


There was no way, it was in sight, there was no way not to look.

After a fair look,

Luo Hua also felt like yawning because of He Xi.

Sure enough.

Laziness is contagious

"In addition to the Sky City, what else do we need to upgrade recently?"Alan asked.~~~

Luo Hua took a breath.

Then he leaned lazily on the cushion and said,"There are many"

"For example, Angel Wings, after having micro-wormhole space technology, can also be upgraded to pull the wormhole to allow oneself to move instantly."

"However, this kind of displacement is just like the micro-wormhole transport technology used for throwing attacks. It will put a huge load on the body and cannot be used by those who are not second-generation angel bodies.....

Hearing this,

Alan looked at her hands with some regret.

She is currently only the first generation. Although she has a body of steel, her strength is only about a few tons.

It is far inferior to the body of a second-generation angel.

The first-generation angels are just ordinary angels in the angel civilization.

Only when they reach the second generation can they be barely considered mainstream.

And the third generation is already one of the few top angels.

At this time, He Xi counseled beside him:

"Well, don't be like this anymore. When you have enough strength to fully use the second generation angel body, I believe Luo Hua will install it for you immediately."

After saying that, she turned her head and blinked at Luo Hua.

Looking at her little action, Luo Hua smiled helplessly and said:

"Yes, as long as there is an angel who can fully master the use of a certain ability, I will directly install the technology for her."It is different from the angel civilization that Luo Hua had in his mind before. The current angel civilization has very few angels.

The one he knew at least had tens of thousands of angels.

And he himself didn't know when he could develop into dozens of angels.

Why keep the technology if he didn't arrange it for his angels? It would just gather dust.

However, although it seems that the gap is so big.

But by that time, his angels will be at least the second generation.

And all of them will reach the level of connecting to Luo Hua, the"host".

By then, it will be completely different.

Hearing Luo Hua's admission,

Alan nodded heavily.

"I will definitely master it as soon as possible!"

He took it.

Seeing that the time was almost up,

Luo Hua stood up and said,"I will take you to know your resting place first."

Although the basic knowledge and information were prepared at the same time when they were created.

But it should be more formal, right?

Walking down the roof , the three of them came to the top floor.

As soon as they entered the door, a spacious and multifunctional hall came into view.

Needless to say, the huge desk in the center was Luo Hua's position.

Then on the left was a rest area, and on the right was a semi-exercise fitness area, as well as a place to drink tea and cook, etc.

Luo Hua introduced them as he walked.


After browsing the Internet on the first floor, Luo Hua took them to the second floor from the stairs on both sides.

When they came to the door of a room,

Luo Hua stretched out his hand and pushed it open.

"Soon, it will become history, and the Sky City will be our home."


As He Xi and Alan nodded, the temporary living area was considered to be settled.

The three of them came to the rest area on the first floor.

Alan walked to the functional area on the right to see what kind of tea to drink.

At this time, there were only He Xi and Luo Hua.

There were many large sofas in the rest area, and the two sat on their own sofas.

He Xi put his hand on the silver hair and looked at Luo Hua and said:"While studying the structure of the Angel City, should we upgrade the Angel Wings at the same time?"

Although Luo Hua can create the Sky City.

But that requires him to have a complete, scientific, rigorous, reasonable and other complete set of knowledge in his mind.

In other words, only when he has a thorough understanding of the Sky City in terms of technology.

Can he create it with the system.

So upgrading the wings of time and space is also

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded:"Yes, in addition to the Angel Wings, there are some small but practical technologies that can also be developed."

"Then let me develop it."

At this time, Alan, who had already brewed a pot of tea, came over and said:

"My learning ability is not that strong, only my fighting ability is acceptable."

"Since there is no battle now, I can still do some small things.

Luo Hua nodded.

"Well, we have a reasonable division of labor. Even I, as a king, need to keep improving and growing."

At this point, the three of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.

The research began......

As a king,

Luo Hua at least required himself to have enough ability to lead all the angels to the forefront and take the lead.

Whether it was civil or military.

The next day, a woman with big red wavy hair and a relatively hot figure stood under the Angel Building..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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