Early in the morning,

Luo Hua, who had just finished designing a small piece of technology with Alan, was teased by He Xi:

""There is a girl who is a beauty compared to Earth waiting for you downstairs~"

Hearing this,

Luo Hua opened his Eye of Insight.

Then he found out that Natasha was waiting downstairs.

It seemed that she was ready to enter the hall. He closed his Eye of Insight.

At this time, Luo Hua, who was sitting next to He Xi, stretched out his hand and placed it on He Xi's forehead. With a sound of

"pop~~", he flicked his forehead.

"Do you think there is anyone in this world who can compare to any angel in the angel civilization?"

Ignoring He Xi who lowered her head and covered her forehead,

Luo Hua turned his head and looked at Alan and said,"Go down and tell her if she has anything to say as soon as possible. Don't come up if there is no need. It's a good opportunity to try out our newly developed technology."

""Yeah." Alan nodded obediently.

Then she took out a half-face mask from the dark plane.

This mask would cover the entire upper half of the face, leaving only a little bit of the upturned nose and delicate red lips.

The delicate pattern made the whole mask a work of art.

Then Alan stood up and flapped her wings, and the pendant on her right ear also shook a few times.

She walked to the top of the building and flew down directly.

At this time.

Downstairs of the Angel Building.

Natasha came to the Angel with all the files about Ross that SHIELD had found.

Just to greet the Angel in advance.

"Oh my god, what happened during the time I was on this mission?"

Natasha, who had spent the whole night studying angel materials, was now watching.

But the more she understood, the more incredible it seemed to her.

What was going on in this world? Angels were coming out!?

"Angel Luo Hua, height 185cm, sometimes easy-going, sometimes indifferent, attaches great importance to the development of civilization"

"He has a handsome face and often wears a white and gold-threaded exquisite dress or daily clothes."


How handsome?

This question flashed through Natasha's mind.

But as she turned to the next page of Luo Hua's information, this question was directly solved.

"my God....~She is indeed an angel..."

Looking at a whole page of photos of Luo Hua taken at different times,

Natasha had never seen such an attractive man.

Just like a woman attracts a man.

Luo Hua certainly has the qualifications to make a woman obsessed.

Even if he is an agent.

At this time.

Weng~~~After a sound, a female angel suddenly landed in front of Natasha from the roof of the building.

She flapped her wings gently and tucked them behind her back after landing.

The delicate earring on her right ear was still dangling when she landed.

Natasha raised her head.

Alan's golden hair was so dazzling in the sun.

Because Natasha's height was barely 170.

Alan's height was 176, and this was his net height without high heels.

So this was too tall for Natasha.

Looking at Alan's mask.

In Natasha's eyes, the overall silver with gold-thread carved mask looked like no luxury on earth could compare to it!

At this time,

Alan, who had just landed, happened to see Natasha, who was obsessed with the photo of her king.

"If you want to see it, you can go home. It is disrespectful to directly look at the king's photo outside!"

In Alan's, no, in the cognition of all angels.

They all know that Luo Hua will always make many people addicted or care about him.

So the behavior of looking at photos or videos is definitely unstoppable.

But you can enjoy it at home, but not outside.

After Alan's serious reminder.

Natasha immediately reacted and closed the information.

Then she looked at the female angel in front of her, but she kept complaining in her heart.

Didn't they say there was only one angel!?

How could there be another female angel!?

Who is the king of angels!? This should be Luo Hua in the information.

But what should we do after it is disrupted like this!?

How to talk!?

What is the purpose of the SHIELD Intelligence Center!?

Although she kept complaining in her heart, Natasha still smiled at Alan and said:

"My name is Natasha Romanoff, and I am a liaison agent sent by S.H.I.E.L.D.."

After saying that, she handed Ross's information to Alan and said:

"The mission given to me is to hand him over to an angel named Luo Hua."

"It's the Angel King!" Alan immediately reminded

""The mission given to me is to hand him over to your Angel King." Natasha immediately changed her words.

After taking the information handed over by Natasha,

Alan flipped through it casually, then opened the [Eye of Insight] to scan it.

After finally finding that there was no problem, she glanced at Natasha, turned sideways, raised her right hand and placed it next to her right ear.

Natasha: ???

Although the scene was silent,

Luo Hua, who was on the roof of the Angel Building at this time, received an application for a dark energy call line.

After Luo Hua passed,

Alan's voice rang in his mind.



"King, a woman named Natasha came and said....."

After listening to Alan's report,

Luo Hua looked up and turned on the [Eye of Insight] towards the direction of the SHIELD Triskelion Building.

Then he lowered his head and studied the technology while taking the time to reply:

"Okay, bring the things up, and let her go back."


(Fifth update is over~~I will keep it like this every day from now on. Thank you for the urging, which actually gives me motivation! But I am still so sleepy now, damn.)

(Please give me flowers and evaluation votes, please, this is very important to me.)

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