Seeing Pepper walking towards him in a threatening manner,

Tony waved his hands and said,"Do you have a cold? Then you'd better stay away from me, because I don't want to catch a cold."

As he spoke, he picked up the chlorophyll"drink" on the table and wanted to hand it to Pepper.

"Would you like some drinks? My special secret recipe should be able to cure colds."

Faced with Tony's flattery,

Pepper walked up to him angrily and asked,"Why did you give all those famous paintings we bought back then to those so-called charities! ?"

"You know, those charities are basically just a formal way for the rich to avoid taxes."

"There is basically no money left when it reaches the hands of those who need it!"

Yes. Most of the so-called charities in the world are just a way for the rich to avoid taxes.

Of course, there are also rich people who are truly for charity, but they are very few.

Tony explained:"That won't happen this time. I have investigated these charities, and they will give all the money to those in need."

"???"Pepper spread her hands. She didn't understand why Tony suddenly did this.

Tony had donated before.

But it was very little and he hasn't donated recently.

As a result, such a large amount of money is donated anonymously.

Why is he doing this?

Regardless of Pepper's doubts,

Tony just took the time to pick up an oil painting of Iron Man leaning against the table and walked to a corner of the simple kitchen in the basement.

Pepper saw Tony and followed him.

But what she didn't expect was that

Tony also replaced his favorite painting before.

And then hung up his own oil painting of Iron Man.

What is this?

Is the narcissism serious! ?

Pepper decided to ignore these and started to find the key points and asked:

"Then why haven't you visited your Stark Company yet?"

"Do you know how much company affairs I have handled for you over such a long time?"

"And there are many things I cannot decide on, and I have to wait for you to approve them personally!"

"I'm so busy that I'm going crazy. Even now I'm taking time out to come see you!"

"If this continues, I will quit!.....".

"OK, then you are the CEO now."

Faced with Pepper's anger,

Tony shut her up with one sentence.

Why did Pepper complain so much?

It was because she was just a secretary.

And so much work would make Pepper feel that she was losing out.

Yes, this is how everyone feels.

So Tony gave her the position of CEO directly.

In this way, all the problems were solved.

Because the CEO is supposed to be responsible for so many things.

Besides, Tony was testing whether Pepper could take on this position these days.

But now it seems quite good.

Except for her bad temper.

"I....I...Oh my god, I, uh, what should I say?..."

In an instant, Pepper, who had risen from secretary to CEO, was a little incoherent.

It was like an ordinary angel suddenly becoming a left wing.

It was estimated that anyone with a strong body would faint.

At the same time, there were also a whole group of SHIELD executives who were as surprised as Pepper tonight.

In the Triskelion Building, in

Fury's office on the top floor,

Fury, Natasha, Hill, and Coulson sat on the sofa next to them and talked about what happened this morning.

"Natasha Romanoff, you mean...There is more than one angel now!? And you met at the Angel Building this morning?"

Fury sat on the sofa with his elbows on his knees, wondering.

He knew about the angel Luo Hua a few days ago.

Now there is more than one?

"Moreover, Angel Luo Hua is the King of Angels in their mouths.....The President?"

Hill was also puzzled. Everyone saw it together that day.

They had never found any trace of a second angel among the angels.

In the end, even the silent Coulson didn't know what to say.

SHIELD temporarily gave Natasha an urgent task, although it was done by the three of them together.

But the intelligence center spent a lot of time to find out that there is a second angel!?

Will there be a third one?

Or even a fourth, fifth, and so on in the future!?

But after thinking about it, Coulson breathed a sigh of relief and said,"At present, it seems that the angels' ability to distinguish right from wrong is still very strong."


Coulson's words were unanimously agreed by everyone.

Fortunately, angels will not vent their anger on others.

If the entire image of the United States is ruined because of Ross's wisdom, it will be over.

But even so. At least the favorability of angels in the Ministry of Martial Arts and the House of Representatives will drop very low.

Because although Ross is a general, these actions were approved by them.

But in the final analysis, as long as Ross dies and S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with it.

They are an organization that is close to being semi-independent of the country.

At this time.

Fury suddenly thought of something and asked,"What are the characteristics of the angel you saw? Although it has been confirmed that mythology has nothing to do with the current angels"

"But I think since they are all angels, there must be some similarity between them!".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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