
Natasha thought about it.

"She has long blond hair, a unique earring on her right ear, and the same wings as the angel Luo Hua in the profile."

"The height is at least 175cm, and the clothing style is the same as Angel Luo Hua"

"But I don't know what her face looks like. She wears a very exquisite mask."

"The mask only revealed the angel's chin, lips and a bit of nose, nothing else was visible."

"By the way, she has brown pupils."

After Natasha's description, the three people from S.H.I.E.L.D. at most had a certain understanding of the female angel Alan.

But it was limited to her image, and they knew nothing else.


Natasha had an idea.

She seemed to remember something.

Angel Alan seemed to turn sideways when she took the information in her hand.

Then after a period of silence, she turned back and said that the King of Angels had agreed to the information.

And Alan also conveyed the words of the King of Angels!?

How is this communication done?

Silence can communicate.

Thinking of this,

Natasha immediately told them about this matter:"There is another thing. After Angel Alan took my information, she was silent for a while and then replied to me again."

"And it seemed that there was some kind of communication, but I didn't find anything."


Now, a key piece of information finally came out.


How to analyze it?

In this relatively large office, the four top agents of SHIELD looked at each other. They were all at a loss as to what to do with this intelligence. Because they simply could not get any analysis from the [Dark Energy Communication Technology].

At most, they understood:

"There is a special ability that can make a statement without speaking."

That's all.

The most that can be analyzed is here. Wouldn't it take only one second to analyze it?

But at this time.

Hill thought about it and said:"Since angels have the ability to communicate without speaking, does that mean that they can materialize their thoughts with their minds?"

Being able to"speak" your own thoughts.

This is an extraordinary ability in itself.

And it is very useful in many places.

So when Hill's words came out.

Everyone immediately turned their attention here.


What's the difference between this and analyzing dark energy communication technology?

You don't even know the surface ability.

How can you analyze the deeper ability?

So in the end.

Hill looked at Natasha on the left who was silent.

Then he looked at Coulson and Fury on the right who were looking at the floor.


Finally she sighed

"I will sort it out tonight, and then hand it over to the intelligence center overnight, let them handle this matter."

After these words came out, everyone nodded.

We are all agents, how can such scientific problems be solved?

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

But it sounds good.

It makes it seem like mortals can solve it.

This technology is useless even if the think tank of the Nova Empire comes.

It's still a dead end.

After the discussion here at SHIELD, it was already night outside.

At this time, He Xi and Alan were on the top floor of the Angel Building, but Luo Hua was not there.

He didn't leave.

Instead, he came to the roof to relax.

Half lying on a specially planted 25-degree slope lawn,

Luo Hua put his hands behind his head.

Then he looked at the starry sky.

During this period of time, Luo Hua discovered that he loved looking at the starry sky too much.

Obviously, alien races say that looking at the starry sky for a long time will make you tired, but Luo Hua feels that he will never get tired of it.

Maybe this is the reason for the angel race.


He took a deep breath.

Luo Hua was thinking while saying

"If Kaisha and Liangbing were both here, the angels' technology would progress much faster, but it's too hasty now."

"Creating two angels with potentials of king level or even more than king level at once is another big expense."Do

Kaisha and Liang Bing or the three kings have the potentials of 4th generation divine bodies?

Of course not.

Definitely more than that.


At this time.

Accompanied by the sound of high heels, even Luo Hua, who had only lived together for two days, knew that it was He Xi's footsteps.

Her footsteps were not arrogant or impatient, but elegant and luxurious.

You can relax even if you just listen to the footsteps.

As a figure came over.

He Xi smoothed her silver hair in front of her.

Then she walked to a distance of less than a palm from Luo Hua and sat down and said:

"These two sisters, it seems that in my impression, they are enemies~"

When Luo Hua created them,

Luo Hua still set the basic understanding between angels.

In this way, everyone doesn't have to start over.

It's like we don't know each other, but we were very familiar with each other in the previous life.

It seems a bit like the male and female protagonists in the national team met each other again after reincarnation.

After He Xi's reminder,

Luo Hua also remembered the"love and hate" between Liang Bing and Kaisha.

But what he didn't know was that he was still thinking about what new sparks would collide when they met each other again this time.

It's very interesting to think about it.

But the next moment,

He Xi suddenly stretched out his left index finger and tapped Luo Hua's cheek lying on the lawn and"complained":

"How long have Alan and I been born and you're already thinking about other angels?~?".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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