Ah this.....

Under He Xi's gaze,

Luo Hua pursed his lips helplessly.

Then he sighed, turned sideways, looked at He Xi and asked helplessly,"You learned this rogue move of women on Earth so quickly?"

"That is~" He Xi turned around and circled her left wrist with her right hand towards the starry sky.

It was as if she had learned a very powerful move.

But if you have to say it, this move is really powerful. At least it left Luo Hua speechless.

Then, when Luo Hua turned around and lay down to continue looking at the starry sky.

He Xi moved down and lay down too.

She rested her left hand on the back of her head, and her elbow touched Luo Hua's right elbow.

Then she pointed to the starry sky with her right hand and said cheerfully:

"Wang, what do you think about where we will build our home in the future?"

When saying this,

He Xi also deliberately changed the tone of the word"our home".

People who didn't understand didn't know what she meant: a home for two people....

Angel's home...


"Stop it."

Luo Hua pulled out���The hand that was held by He Xi slapped away her hand that was pointing at the starry sky and said:

"With your current vision and cognition, you still don't know whether the starry sky is beautiful or not."

So what Luo Hua meant was that your suggestion to settle down there must have other intentions.

Although He Xi was slapped, she was more honest.

But she still refused to admit defeat and said:

"I didn't specify that distance. What if there is a beautiful starry sky in that direction?"

The universe is so big.

If you calculate the area from a point at 365 degrees, then even if you move forward one millimeter, the space will expand N times more than before.

So it is not true to say that in a random direction.


"If there is a beautiful starry sky~?"Luo Hua asked himself this question.

Then he turned his head slightly and looked at He Xi.

Hearing Luo Hua's words, He Xi also turned his head and looked at him.

"If there is a really beautiful starry sky, then we will listen to you and make our home there."

A king gives the choice of a civilized home to an angel under his command.

What attitude does this represent?

Although the final power belongs to the king, just saying it directly is already a great honor.

So at this moment.

The air is a little quiet.

He Xi's sky-blue eyes are imprinted with Luo Hua's charming eyes.

It seems that no one knows what to say.

As a naughty girl, she was really naughty just now.

But now she was caught by Luo Hua.

There is nothing she can do.

But just when He Xi was about to give up.


There was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.

Whose could it be? Of course it was Alan.

Before the people arrived, Alan called out from a distance.

"Wang, Hexi, I made a pot of tea, you all come and have a taste"

"cough cough~~"

The rescued He Xi immediately propped himself up with his hands, then clenched his fists and pretended to cough twice in front of his lips and said:

"Let's go, don't let Alan wait."

After saying that, she stood up immediately. Then she walked quickly towards Alan in three or two steps.

Slip, slip.

Prop herself up.

Luo Hua turned halfway and looked at He Xi who had hurried away and smiled:

"Do you think you can spoil me just because you are a queen? I will punish you if I don't punish you....."


Thinking too late, Luo Hua coughed twice and stood up.

Then he walked down the roof and came to the top floor.

In the lobby on the top floor, in order to prevent it from being too quiet, the TV on one wall of the lounge was turned on to play the latest news.

Drinking the tea that Alan had just brewed, the news suddenly broadcast information about Tony.

{Stark Group officially announced that Miss Pepper Potts will be the newest CEO}

{We interviewed Ms. Potts about the CEO position. }

Pepper Potts: For this new and challenging position, I will try my best to do what this position should do.

{Next up, Mr. Tony Stark said he would be attending the latest F1 race in Monaco in a few days.}

{Monaco is a highly touristic city......}

Seeing this,

Luo Hua easily knew that this was the birth of Whiplash.

And he would snipe Tony and kill him in this racing competition.

At this time, seeing Luo Hua looking at the news about Tony,

Alan also knew that this person was quite famous in the world.

So Alan asked:"Wang, do we need to create a situation on him?"

"No." Luo Hua decisively denied:"If it is just him, the situation created by a single unit will not bring us much faith energy."

"Unless it is a multi-party melee and rises to the level of the people, there is no need to send out any angels."

You mean Tony Stark?

Just an ordinary person who makes steel toys.

Although it is not so much, it is actually almost the same.

If it is just an incident related to Tony, Luo Hua would not care about that little energy at all.

Moreover, if the current angel civilization participates in everything, it will reduce the mystery of the entire civilization.

Therefore, they only need to appear at the most critical moment..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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