A few days later, in the morning, when Tony took Pepper and Happy to participate in the Monaco F1 race,

Alan on the top floor of the Angel Building also smiled happily and said:

"Success! The experiment of [Full System Energy Projection Technology] passed!"

As Alan's happy voice sounded.

He Xi and she were looking at a virtual control panel in front of Luo Hua's hands.

This virtual control panel is actually not controlled by hands.

It is controlled by thoughts, and the panel is just a concrete manifestation.

You can also understand it as a system control panel for angels.

With this thing, the convenience of angels at any level will increase a lot.

For example, research.

Can you believe that the three of them planned their research in their minds a few days ago?

And now they have this.

Whether it is calculation, modeling, setting, or various aspects, etc.

The convenience after having [Full System Energy Projection Technology] is unimaginable for ordinary people.

And its technical component is nothing more than using thoughts to link with energy, just like angels use physical���The energy is the same


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully~】

【Full range of energy projection technology: Use your mind to mount a full-function computer in reality, which brings great convenience to angels at any level.

Then, after operating it like a virtual computer for a while,

Luo Hua also equipped He Xi and Alan with this ability.

He Xi, who was equipped with the latest technology, waved her hand, and a silver control panel appeared in front of her.


He Xi closed her eyes.

At this time, she was rapidly transmitting the sky city technology she designed to the panel.

After a while,

He Xi opened her sky blue eyes.

Then, a huge floating city sketch model floated in front of the three people!

Different from the ancient city with city walls in everyone's impression. The sky city is really full of futuristic technology, and He Xi has also prepared sufficient greening plans for it.

In this way, the entire floating city looks like a futuristic technology inside! At the same time, the appearance is a paradise-like angel habitat!

The contrast between the two makes people unable to imagine what kind of sky city this is!

Alan at this time.

She was already mesmerized by the sketch model of the Castle in the Sky that He Xi had enlarged to about one meter.

Luo Hua, on the other hand, was holding his chin with one hand and still thinking about what to write......This is really just a rough sketch.

There is almost no technology inside.

But after all, it was only developed by He Xi in a few days.

So it is already very impressive.

This is a huge project that other civilizations cannot complete.

He Xi did it all by himself in a few days.

However, now that we have [Full System Energy Projection Technology], then in the future, multiple people can develop a technology at the same time.

In this way, there will be no duplication or mismatch problems.

"Luo Hua, I have designed the current Angel City to be ten kilometers in radius.

He Xi stretched out his finger and fiddled with the virtual model in the air, explaining,"This should be enough for us before we upgrade to the Sky City."

"It's OK." Luo Hua nodded in confirmation.

Angels' technology is very concentrated.

So for a sky city with a radius of ten kilometers, it has almost everything a civilization needs to survive.

As for the size.

This sky city will always float in the earth's suborbital.

Various cloud layers will be simulated below.

Even if satellites can see it, it doesn't matter.

We are angels, and we are not angels if we are hiding.

However, although it can be discovered by satellites, it can only reveal the outline.

So the sky city will only let others see the external structure at most, and nothing else can be seen.

"Next, we will work together to develop the internal technology of the Sky City. In addition to comprehensiveness, I also know that there is a metal on Earth that is worth mining."

"This requires us to develop a series of complete sets of facilities including collection, collection, transportation, and manufacturing of finished products."

The metal that Luo Hua was referring to was Antarctic vibranium.

It can be made into certain weapons and armor.

Although the attack power of weapons is low, the defense power of armor must be enough for the time being.

Hearing Luo Hua's words,

He Xi and Alan were a little surprised for a moment.

They didn't expect that there would be such high-grade metals on Earth!?

You know, there are not many special metals that can be specially named in the entire universe.

Think about Red Flame Metal, Dark Iron, Dark Silver, which are not well-known.

And Antarctic vibranium may be the only one in the entire universe.

Thinking of this, He Xi immediately opened another module happily and said,"Then I will study this set of facilities, and you can help me study the others.

" Alan looked at Luo Hua helplessly.

There was nothing he could do.

Who told him that he didn't have the ability? He could only pick up some scraps to study.

Luo Hua could study with He Xi.

So Luo Hua comforted the helpless Alan:"It doesn't matter.

Angels all have their own strengths.

Researchers are researchers, and combaters are combaters.

Everyone has their own uses.


"If someone comes to cause trouble in the future, you can solve him in a few seconds.

Although He Xi can do both

, Alan was still comforted and happy.

Looking at He Xi who was fascinated by the research, fortunately, these designs are modular, and as long as a part is designed, it can be assembled inside.

At this time, the connected mobile phone that Luo Hua left in the dark plane suddenly received a message.

Too lazy to take it out,

Luo Hua directly opened the Eye of Insight and took a look.

It turned out to be a message from S.H.I.E.L.D.

And it was the latest information about Ross..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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