{Hello, King of Angels, I am Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D.}

{This time I want to report to you:}

{After going to Monaco several days ago, Rose seemed to have returned in disgrace today.}

{At the same time, only one person from the private special commando team he led returned.}

{Including the helicopter pilot, only four people returned.}

{According to our investigation, the reason for Ross's trip was to capture a mutant human who was the result of an accidental experiment a few years ago.}

{He not only has a strong physique but also has strong attack power. The attachment contains Hulk's basic information.}

{If Ross bothers you again, please don't worry about anything, he has nothing to do with us.}

{Even if there are any problems internationally, SHIELD will desperately defend you.}

{The above is all the information that our SHIELD can get. }

After reading all the information at a glance.

Luo Hua smiled contemptuously.

When He Xi saw it, she cast two curious eyes at him.

Although she couldn't ask directly, it was not good.

But she could show it, right.

Just like this, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. I will just look at you like this~Do you want to say it~?

So Luo Hua shook his head helplessly and said:

"SHIELD prepared a report on all of Ross' actions for me in advance."

"If nothing unexpected happens, Alan's official debut will be soon."


Alan heard about her own affairs, she quickly raised her head from her study and looked at Luo Hua.

Seeing Alan's positive look.

Luo Hua teased her:"If someone wants to provoke and insult your king, you will....."

"Defend the King's glory to the death!"

Luo Hua hadn't finished speaking yet, and the excited Alan directly said her true thoughts.

If the target was right in front of her now.

Luo Hua estimated that she could directly draw her sword and chop him.


So this question is equivalent to asking in vain, so in the end it's just a joke.

At this time.

In front of Luo Hua, behind Alan, and on the left hand side of He Xi, the large projection news TV began to broadcast Tony's news.

Starting from when he arrived at the banquet.

Then he found an excuse to hide and lied to go to the toilet. After seeing Tony leave, his old rival Justin Hammer and the interviewing reporters began to sneer at Tony.

For example, his armor will soon be caught up.

What is Tony's style, etc.

But the scene changed.

A man wearing blue protective gear got on his F1 car.

And the director locked it on Tony after discovering it.

He Xi leaned lazily on the sofa, took the time to look at it with the Eye of Insight and said:

"The level of palladium poisoning reached 58% of the total blood volume, which is almost fatal for an ordinary person."

"Moreover."Alan then added:"He also participated in this kind of game that makes the blood boil for ordinary people."

"This will accelerate the palladium poisoning even if he does not continue to use his Ark Core."

"He could have given up using the efficient palladium element and switched to using the common element instead."

"Is this the way to save face and suffer in life? You really don't cherish your life and don't know the beauty of life."

Good guy.

We are still at home.

He Xi and Alan said Tony's biggest problem in a few words.

And Alan directly sneered at Tony's approach.

Even if it is to save his life for the iron piece in his heart, Tony can use the Ark core he developed in the cave.

The first Ark core does not have palladium.

But the price is that Tony's Mark armor can never be upgraded again.

Because of insufficient energy supply.

So for angels, this kind of behavior is what they hate the most.

Brainless bravado.

And what they said is right. If Tony was not because of the element left by his father.

Then Iron Man 2 would have died.

This is the price of bravado.


Sure enough, Ivan Vanko, who mixed in with the maintenance personnel, broke into the track directly. As soon as his energy system was activated.

The clothes on Ivan Vanko, also known as the whip, were directly burned to ashes by the high temperature.

He whipped. papa~~!! After a few sounds, the two cars in front of Tony were directly broken.

The story was the same as in the plot.

Tony relied on his Mark 5 suitcase armor to exchange injuries and directly pulled out the core of Whiplash's Ark and successfully escaped from danger.

Whiplash was also shouting:"You lose! You lose!" At the same time, he was taken away by the military personnel who rushed over.

Angel Building.

He Xi looked at it again with the Eye of Insight.

"61%. If he continues to use energy, he will say goodbye to this world in less than 12 hours."

After saying that, He Xi looked at Luo Hua with a questioning look:"If he comes to find the angel..."

"Even if he comes to me." Luo Hua leaned on the sofa and folded his legs leisurely and said:"I won't save him, although it is very simple to replace blood and organs with the angel's technology."

"But angels will not save people who do not value life. Instead of saving Tony Stark, I would rather save a person who is terminally ill but still loves life."

I went to save Tony before, not only for the opportunity to show up.

But also because he was not a person who did not love life at that time.

But now.

He counted it..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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