At the same time when Tony had this accident in Monaco.

In a certain military base.

Brunsky, wearing a black combat uniform, approached Ross and asked:

"What on earth were we trying to catch that day?!"

With a look of unyielding determination, Brunsky said again in a stern voice:

"A green monster, nearly three meters tall! I saw him throw a person away like a chicken!"

"He even lifted up a jar filled with water that weighed several tons and threw it out!"

"There was also a wall of more than ten centimeters in front of him that looked like it was made of paper!"

"General Ross, I think you need to explain this to me clearly."

After hearing Brunski's angry and extremely curious words,

Ross' eyes flickered and he said:

"Why bother? Brunsky, with your achievements, if you want to be an official, you can easily become my colleague."

"But you insisted on becoming a soldier, which is something I don't understand"

"Besides, the notebook we got from the target that day was almost deciphered. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Because I like strength and fighting."But I am old now and I am not as strong as before."

"But when I saw the green monster, I felt that I had to know that."

Hearing this, Ross looked at Brunsky with some surprise and reminded him:"You also said that it was a monster."

"It doesn't matter, sir." Bronski said excitedly when he heard what Ross had to say:

"A monster that is useful to the country is a"good monster", not that green monster."

After hearing Brunsky's realization,

Ross nodded, reached out and patted his shoulder and said,"I will tell you about the Hulk's information. At the same time, we have a little bit of that thing, so you prepare it."

After hearing Ross's words,

Brunsky immediately looked at him with surprise.

"Yes, sir!"....

Just when Brunski went to receive the transformation of his new life.

A person also drifted across the sea, taking a boat and a car to slowly rush to New York.

The reason why it was so slow was that he had to cross an entire continent.

Sitting in a farm vehicle that a kind person gave him a ride on.

Banner looked at his wallet with only bank cards and cash left on him and began to think about what to do next.


He did go berserk after being arrested by Ross.

Afterwards, he only found his wallet.

But the most important thing is.

His notebook is missing.

Although Ross could not find the dark web information on that notebook.

But on that notebook, there were also Banner's experimental materials and Mr. Lan's geographical location in an encrypted document!

It is said to be an encrypted document, but it is just a decoration in the eyes of the US military!

I believe that Mr. Lan will be arrested by Ross soon.

And I will be the one who harmed Mr. Lan.

When I thought of this.

Banner grabbed his hair with ten fingers in annoyance.

At this time, the driver who was driving the farm vehicle asked:"Where are you going? I see that you seem a little troubled, but you don't have to be like this."

"For example, if I scratched a car today, my wife would definitely scold me when I get home."

"So what's the point of being in a bad mood now? I'll still be scolded when I get home."

Although the words are rough, they do make sense.

After hearing this, Banner felt a little better and said silently:"I think I will hurt a friend of mine who helped me before."

"Then you can go and help him again." The driver said cheerfully.

"I....."Banner was speechless after hearing that.

If he went to help, it would be a"big" help. Wouldn't that mean he would have to plow all the land there?

But in the end, what they said was right, he couldn't not help but help, he couldn't just watch Mr. Lan being arrested and do nothing.

Anyway, they were going to New York together.

So, go help Mr. Lan solve the crisis first!

Then go find the angel!

After Banner made up his mind, he pointed in a direction confidently and said,"Just drop me off there."".....

At this time in the Angel Building,

Luo Hua looked at a pile of swords in silence.

He asked Alan to secretly make these swords remotely.

And they have used the best metals in the normal society in the world.

So the reason for his silence is nothing else.

It's just that the swords are too bad.

Although they look good, they are really no good.

Now the Sky City has not been built yet, their own weapons cannot be produced, and there are no materials.

So in order to prevent Alan from being really unarmed,

Luo Hua still prepared a lot of swords to be used as weapons temporarily.

Don't think that the sword is really no good, that's because it is in the judgment of the angel. If you really use the [Microwormhole Transport Technology] to throw it, even Tony's Mark armor can't withstand a few swords!

At least this pile of swords that can cut iron like mud has no problem!

At this time,

He Xi suddenly took a sword.

She shook the hilt of the sword, and patted it in her hand. Then she pinched the tip of the sword and bent it. Finally, He Xi shook her head and said,"This sword is no good. It breaks as soon as it is bent......"


Before He Xi could finish her words, she just bent the sword twice and broke it.

Luo Hua:......

Ailan: 0.0!!!

All of a sudden.

He Xi cutely shrank his head, then looked at Luo Hua pitifully and whispered:

"I...I didn't really want to break it, really.., I just wanted to try....."

After she finished speaking, her blue eyes almost brimmed with tears.

At the same time, her long eyelashes fluttered, as if they could help her master express his emotions..........................................

(Hahaha, I laughed even when writing this. It was hilarious to see He Xi breaking the sword that year.)

(Please give me flowers and votes. This is very important to me.)

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