
【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Dark Matter Computer: The full name is Dark Matter Computer. It is loaded into the genes of angels and provides great amplification for angels at any level.】


Seeing that the technology was finally set up, Luo Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

He stretched out his hands and pressed his head.

After the high-intensity calculations in the past few days, he felt that his brain was shrinking.


Luo Hua walked to the door of the study while pressing his head.

He pulled out his right hand and opened the door.

A figure with long silver hair threw himself directly into his arms.

Feeling the warm and smooth body in his arms

"He Xi?"

Based on her action, those who don't know would think she is a scammer.

At this moment, Luo Hua's hand was just on her back.

The touch was as smooth as cool silk.

Looking down, He Xi wore a backless dress today.

Her white back would unconsciously attract other people's attention.

But He Xi would only wear it at home.

With the well-behaved He Xi, he walked to the sofa and sat down.

Luo Hua took���Teacup took a sip and asked,"You didn't stay at the door for two days, did you?"

"No." Upon hearing this, He Xi directly denied it and said,"We only stayed for one day."....

One day you said it like you were very smart.

You're crazy.

It's not like you didn't come out.

Then, facing Alan's expectant eyes,

Luo Hua also remembered that he was successfully developed.

"I will load the dark matter computer for you first, and you can try it out."

While speaking,

Luo Hua drank tea with one hand and tapped in the air with the other hand.

【Angel Hexi: Second generation angel body, angel wings, eye of insight, micro wormhole transport technology, dark energy communication technology, full range of energy projection technology】

【Loadable Technology: Dark Matter Computer】

【Angel Alan: The first generation of angel body...Same as above...】

【Loadable Technology: Second Generation Angel Body, Dark Matter Computer]


Luo Hua saw this.

Alan can load the second generation angel body?

Not bad.

Looking at Alan in surprise, Luo Hua praised her:"Alan, congratulations, you have mastered the second generation angel body, this time I will help you load it together with the dark matter computer."

In an instant.

Alan's eyes widened with joy:"Thank you, King! I will definitely work harder!"

"Add technology to Angel Hexi and Angel Alan...."

【Angel He Xi, Angel Alan: Second Generation Angel Body, Angel Wings, Eye of Insight, Microwormhole Transport Technology, Dark Energy Communication Technology, Full Energy Projection Technology, Dark Matter Computer]

Following Luo Hua's order, the two women who had loaded the technology immediately closed their eyes to experience the improvement brought by the upgrade.

After a while,

He Xi opened her azure blue eyes first.

Then she regenerated her hand and clenched it a few times.

"this....The increase is too much. The Eye of Insight has been increased due to the increase in computing power."

"Microwormhole transport technology has also become more powerful and the throwing speed is faster."

"Dark energy communication technology can also communicate within the galaxy"

"Even the energy projection technology has become faster."

He Xi said as she experimented with the degree of increase brought by various abilities.

But after the whole experiment, she couldn't help but be surprised.

This is too strong.

You know, in the angel civilization that Luo Hua remembered, not every angel has a dark matter computer.

The angels who can have dark matter computers are all angels with special genes or advanced gene systems.

For example: Yan, Leng, Zhui, Zhixin, etc. As for the other angels, they can only allocate the computing power blessing of Kaisha's knowledge treasure house through data connection.

And only a little bit.

Because other large allocations were given to the third The next generation of angels, such as: in Yan's hands.

So when Kaisha fell.

The combat power of so many angels plummeted.

It was because the host was offline, and they had no computing power to bless.


Alan also opened his eyes happily.

After getting the second-generation angel body upgrade, she was full of power at this time.

She wanted to find someone who had provoked the king and punish him immediately.

At this time.

It was as if her wish had come true.

Alan suddenly turned on the Eye of Insight and turned to look in a distant direction.

Then after confirming it, he turned back with a seeking look and asked:"King, do you need to warn him?"

Luo Hua nodded, waved his hand and said:"Go, don't worry about it"

""Yes!" Alan received the order. She immediately took out a mask from the dark plane and put it on her face.

Then she flapped her wings and instantly flew from the top of the building to the top of the building and then flew towards a flying armor.


Alan was talking about the drunk Tony just now.

It seems that the party has been held, and it seems that the discovery of new elements in the past few days is not ideal.

Otherwise, he would not get drunk at the party.

But the press conference of Hammer Industries will start the day after tomorrow, and it depends on whether he can make it in time.

Tony, who was flying drunk, flew towards the Angel Building in a daze.

Although he didn't know why.

But maybe it was because of the desire to survive, he instinctively wanted to come here for help.

At this time.

An angel waving his wings suddenly appeared, pointed his sword and said sternly:

"This is the realm of angels. If you come closer, don't blame me for being rude!"

Tony, who was driving drunk, was of course unable to react.

Even if Jarvis wanted to help him brake, it was too late..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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