
Along with"clang~~!!!"

A red and yellow figure flew backwards. Alan will not hold back just because you are Tony.

If Tony had not been wearing armor with high defense, Alan would have cut him in two with one sword.~~~!

Tony, whose armor was taken over by Jarvis and suspended in the air, finally sobered up a little.

He opened his confused eyes.

The severe pain in his head reminded him that he was injured.

And from the place where the wind blew in, he could see that his visor was also hit by a big hole.

Although his body was not injured or bleeding, he definitely had a concussion.

And the next time, his head would be gone.

Jarvis:"Sir, the visor is damaged by 74%. Another attack will directly cause irreparable and fatal injuries."

"Do you need me to take over the Warframe's combat system to fight back?"

"No no no no no~~~!!!!"

Tony reacted immediately and shouted,"Stop Jarvis!"

As he spoke, he raised his hands above his head to show Alan.

""Dear angel! I was drunk just now! I mean no harm!"

Tony turned off the reactor of the palm cannon in his hand and showed it to Alan.

Seeing Tony finally behaved,

Alan raised his head slightly and looked at Tony questioningly:"The sea area with the building as the center radius is the territory of angels! You have just entered"

"No, no, no, I went the wrong way by accident!" Tony waved his hand quickly to change his statement,"I was drunk and my mind was not clear, so I went the wrong way. Really, please believe me."

Faced with Tony's panicked words.

Alan first put down his finger pointing at his sword.

But he still held the sword in his hand and placed it beside his leg and said coldly:"In this case, leave here, the second time it is the sword in my hand that"speaks"."

If Tony really wants to break into the building, Alan would think it would be more interesting. Anyway, it is impossible for him to break in.

And he didn't swing his sword enough.

It's better to practice with a battle armor.

"I...I...."Hearing Alan's stern warning, Tony was trembling and wanted to say something but he didn't know what to do.

1. He was really going to die. If he used the armor for more than 3 hours, he would die.

But he still couldn't find the new element and he was almost desperate.

2. The angels might be able to save him, but in that case.

Tony didn't allow himself to do that. He thought he was a genius and couldn't ask others for help like this.

But he was really going to die, and the desire to survive urged him to find the angels.

What should he do? On one hand, there was face, and on the other hand, there was life.

At this time.

Just when Tony made up his mind to seek help from the angels.

He hadn't opened his mouth yet.

Alan's cold and distant voice came out in advance:

"Don't think about it, the king will not save you, and the angels will not save those who don't cherish their own lives."

"You are not worth the angels spending even a little bit of resources to save you"

"Only creatures that love their own lives are worth the angels' resources to save."

"And you"

""It doesn't count."

After saying that, Alan didn't even look at him.

He turned around and flapped his wings slowly back to the building.

But before leaving

"I can tell you in advance that if you use this armor for another three hours, you will die in agony."

After Alan had disappeared for a long time,

Tony was still floating in the air in a daze.

Jarvis hesitated and asked,"Sir?"

After another pause.

Tony silently controlled the armor to slowly turn around.

Then he slowly flew towards his Stark Tower at a speed relatively fast as if traveling.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart.


Why should the angels save him?

He himself did not cherish his life, so why should the angels spend resources to save him?

In the final analysis, he did everything by himself from beginning to end.

From the loose conditions for selling weapons to the laziness and indifference.

All of this was caused by his own hands.

And the angels.

What they said is absolutely right.

Only creatures that cherish their own lives are worthy of living.

If you don't cherish yourself, how can you expect others to cherish you?

Except for the licking dogs who lick you to death, nothing else is possible.

Of course, love is excluded.


Thinking of this, Tony remembered the little pepper he had cultivated.

From a confused girl after graduation to a secretary and then to the position of CEO.

Pepper has gone through a path that most ordinary people have never experienced in their lives.

But Pepper is very good to him.

Thinking of this, Tony, who was flying to Stark Tower, wanted to take a look at Pepper who was still working overtime at this time.......

An hour later,

Luo Hua stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the Angel Building and looked at a Warframe carrying several templates home. He smiled helplessly.

That's all right.

He really carried his new elements home.

At this time, he felt someone was playing with his wings. Luo Hua turned around and saw He Xi standing behind him, stroking his wings.

Then she would click from time to time.

{Fold the wings. As the thought came down, the wings in He Xi's hand turned into feather-like starlight and disappeared.


This time, her cheeks were puffed up with anger.

Ignoring this indirect neurotic fairy,

Luo Hua returned to the sofa and leaned back, ready to plan the next thing........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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