Along with Tony's cheers, there was also a roar of thrusters outside the exhibition site.


Tony looked up.

More than 30 air force steel soldiers were flying towards him.

Although the place he was in was an open space, it was surrounded by buildings and shops.

There were also many people hiding in the high-rise buildings taking out their phones to film him.

If he fought here, many people would be injured by mistake.

Boom boom~~~

As the Iron Soldiers got closer and closer,

Tony shouted in the armor:"Jarvis, find me an empty space......." call out~~~~~

Boom boom boom!!!!

Tony hadn't finished speaking yet.

A beam of white light flashed across at a speed as fast as a meteor.

The Iron Soldiers who came from a distance directly blew up four air force armors in the air.

The people who were filming in the high-rise building saw this and screamed.

Oh oh oh Wuhu~~~~!!!!!


No need to look specially.

Who else could that figure in the distance holding a sword and waving wings be but an angel! ?

Only this angel, no other!


Alan, who had just entered the battlefield, looked around to confirm the situation.

Before coming, she had dealt with all the iron soldiers that could be dealt with.

But the two teams of iron soldiers in the plan were gone.

Logically speaking.

Shouldn't the six iron soldiers come to find Tony?

At this time.

Alan found something wrong.

After she opened the Eye of Insight and looked around.

She found that the six iron soldiers did not come to find Tony.

They went directly to find Pepper!

Alan pointed his sword at Tony and said coldly:"You can go, I won't fight with creatures who don't cherish their own lives."

"You are not worthy to fight with me."

Maybe what he said was hurtful.

But it was absolutely true.

Who said Tony would not make things worse here, but he really couldn't help Alan.

Because it was only a matter of time for Alan to solve these goals.

So why would Tony, who was ignored by the angels, come to help with this unnecessary help?

At this time, before Tony could reply,

Jarvis reminded him in the armor:"Sir, I must tell you in advance that six air force armors have gone to see Miss Pepper."

""What!?" Tony couldn't help shouting out.

He looked at the angel Alan and felt relieved.

Tony shouted at Alan again as if swearing,"After this is over! I will kneel down at the door of the Angel Building!"

After that, he turned around abruptly and flew towards Pepper in the opposite direction.

He couldn't let Pepper be in danger.

Therefore, Pepper has the highest priority at the moment.

The scene returns to Alan.

He looked at Tony flying away with a look as if he was looking at a lunatic.

Alan couldn't figure out how this man's brain circuit was formed.

At this time.

Bang! Bang!


Because Alan was floating in the air, two of the Iron Soldiers carrying the main guns on their backs fired two shots at Alan.

But Alan, who had activated the Eye of Insight, first chopped off a cannonball with a sword.

Then she dodged and kicked off another cannonball with her high heels.

The cannonball spinning in the air flew all the way to the side of the Iron Soldiers before exploding.

This caused the Iron Soldiers to blow up two of their own men.

"Heh~" Alan was successfully amused by this group of steel soldiers:"So stupid."

It's not that angels don't use artificial intelligence.

But angels never use artificial intelligence in combat.

And they don't use artificial intelligence in research.

Angels will only use artificial intelligence in service or production.

So when facing this kind of steel soldiers.

This is exactly the existence that angels hate the most.

Even if they are not artificial intelligence now.

Too lazy to continue to waste time.

Alan picked up the sword and held it in front of him, pointing at this group of steel soldiers.

Then he moved his wings.

Brilliant sparks immediately appeared in the sky.


The night sky over New York today is particularly beautiful.

Citizens hiding in high-rise buildings cheered as they watched the fireworks explode every once in a while in the sky.

They knew that was a sign that the bad guys were being annihilated.

And the white and flexible meteor in the sky was like a snail playing with itself, constantly shuttling among the steel soldiers.

The bullets fired by the steel soldiers in the counterattack instead sparkled like firework tubes.

Why do I say that?

Because apart from being like sparks, they are really useless.

They can only shine and can't hit Alan at all.

Boom~! Boom~~!!

Boom boom boom~~~!!!

Fireworks rose in the sky with explosions.

Every time a firework exploded, the crowd would~~~!"cheered.

The accompanying rhythm seemed like a grand concert.

But unfortunately, there were only 30 or so Iron Soldiers.

In other words, the citizens of New York had not cheered more than 20 times.....Alan easily won the show.

Now, all that was left was Whiplash.

At this moment,

Whiplash, who had handed over the Iron Soldiers to the intelligent hosting, was about to fly to Alan.

Since so many Iron Soldiers were constantly being destroyed,

Tony must be here.

And he would not run away anywhere.

Looking at the sky without any Iron Soldiers around,

Alan was like a female warrior, waving her wings and holding a sword and floating in the air.

Under her feet were the remains of more than 30 Iron Soldiers that were still burning with flames.

"Angel! ?"

At this time, Whiplash, who was far away in the sky, saw Alan and immediately stopped and approached and asked loudly:"Where is Tony! ? We have no hatred!".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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