"We really have no hatred."

Alan said coldly, and then pointed his sword at the whip rope.

"But the angels have"

"What?" Whipsoe was completely confused. What do you mean we don't have it but the angels do?

But it was true that his thinking was very low-level and he couldn't even think of the civilized level. He couldn't figure it out.

Whipsoe simply shouted,"Then what on earth do you want to do! ? My only target is Tony Stark!"

"I have only one goal."Alan's golden hair was blown slowly by the wind:"That is to complete the king's mission!"

What kind of mission is this!?

Whipsoe cursed madly in his heart.

He couldn't delay any longer.

Whipsoe looked left and right to find a place to fight.

He couldn't fight the angel in the air.

Judging from the situation in the past few hours.

The sky is as free and flexible as the angel's home.

So fighting in the sky is definitely courting death.

But falling to the land will make the angels a salted fish at the mercy of others.

This won't work either.

At this time.

Whipsoe turned his head and saw that the ground-to-ground windows in the building next to him were crowded with people.

They were taking pictures and recording videos with their mobile phones.


Whipsoe smiled slightly disgustedly.

He glanced at Alan.

Without saying a word, he flew into the building.

I can't beat them in the sky, and I'm beaten underground, so I'll go to the building to fight.

This will not only benefit my whip, but also limit the angel's ability to move.

Boom boom~~~

Seeing the Whiplash Armor propellant flying in with thick smoke, the people in the building finally realized that something was wrong.


In a moment, people were crying and shouting and running around like headless flies.

But what's the use?

Whipso whipped with the charged whip.

After a loud bang, all the mirrors in front of him were shattered.

Whipso flew in and stood still. He turned around and thought he would see the panicked angel.

But what he didn't expect was that

Alan stood there far away and didn't do anything.

It's not that Alan didn't save him.

But she thought that Whipso's self-righteous thoughts were absolutely interesting.

Before knowing the other party's strength, your self-righteousness will make the other party laugh.

You think it's very pretentious.

But in fact......It's so funny that it can't be any more funny

"Do you think, angel, I am strong because of a certain specialty?"

Alan's red lips under the mask slowly curled up.

She flew slowly and calmly into the building occupied by Whip.

In the eyes of others, she is an elf flying into the fire.

But in the eyes of those who know, this is an elegant act of playing with prey.

Wait until she flew into the building leisurely.

When Alan's high heels stepped on the floor with a click, her wings were also folded behind her.

Note, not folded directly, but folded behind the back.

With a click,

Whip opened the visor.

He looked at the angel jokingly and laughed,"It turns out that angels are such arrogant creatures. Today, your arrogance will bring you death!"

""Heh~" Alan seemed to have heard something funny.

She looked at the crowd around her who had shrunk into the corner. Some of them were so timid that they only dared to look at the floor.

Some had the courage to look over and cheer herself up.

Some wanted to take the opportunity to slip away quickly.

But this didn't matter to Alan, she just needed to let the world know what an angel is.


Facing the mocking look of Whipsoe.

Alan didn't get angry but laughed.

She pinched the hilt of the sword with her index finger and thumb and lifted it aside.

Then, under the gaze of everyone.

Alan loosened her two fingers, and the long sword was directly transported to the dark plane by the micro-wormhole transportation technology.

Whipsoe glared, knowing that Alan was laughing at him.

He shouted angrily:"Today I'm going to let everyone know! What the internal organs of an angel look like!"

At the same time, he swung his hands and rushed towards Alan with two whips full of energy.

But looking at Alan here.

She rubbed her left wrist with her right hand to exercise it without being impatient.

"Let me tell you why angels are the most perfect beings in the universe.~~~

As soon as the words fell, a whip full of blue energy came towards Alan.

But Alan's expression under the mask did not change.

Instead, she took a step lightly like Luo Hua.


The energy whip with blue light hit Alan's feet.

Lift your foot and step on it.

As if the whip was a spicy strip, Alan just raised her left foot and stepped on it directly.

The whipper with the mask on changed his expression.

Why is such high energy useless! ?

"What kind of technology is your high heels!?"

What kind of technology? It just failed to cause damage to the enemy.

But Whiplash immediately closed his visor.

He pulled the whip in his right hand hard.

But he found that the whip stepped on by Alan's left foot could not be pulled out at all!

How much power does this require!?

Without thinking too much,

Whiplash immediately used his right hand to whip out again!

Brush~~~The whip directly made the air break with a sound.

But then


Bian Suo was shocked. Alan didn't even try to dodge! She grabbed the whip! She grabbed the whip with her right hand like she was stepping on spicy noodles with her left foot!

Without waiting for any reaction from Yan Suo,

Alan shook the whip in her hand.

Yan Suo was suddenly pulled forward by an irresistible force!

Then Alan raised her right leg.

"Punch!" After a sound, the whole building was filled with smoke.

The floor of the building actually cracked directly.

And Yan Suo.

He was stepped on the back of his head by Alan and stepped directly into the concrete floor!

On the thick floor of this building, Yan

Suo's head was buried directly!


In an instant, the crowd huddled in the corner burst into cheers..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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