For a moment, the only sounds in the building were the cheers of the citizens.

And Whip?

His head was trampled on the concrete floor by Alan, and he couldn't lift it up. Just relying on the strength of his armor?

How could it be possible?

Alan is a second-generation angel!

Moreover, Ivan Vanko's head was probably almost dizzy from being trampled, and he couldn't even use any strength.

The cheers continued.

But when one of them shouted"Judgment", the whole crowd began to shout in unison: Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!

The uniform sound of judgment echoed in the room.

Whip, who was somewhat sobered by the voice, slowly came back to his senses.

He began to struggle to get up.

But it was useless.

Alan's slender right leg was like a mountain on his head.

No matter how hard Whip tried, he couldn't get out.

This was absolute power suppression.

At the same time, this also verified the saying.

In Alan's eyes, his suggestions and tricks were something that he could tell his sisters in the future and laugh together.

Listening to the judgment sounds around him.

Alan felt that the Whiplash under his feet had woken up.

The reason for waiting for him to wake up was to let the target be judged in a sober state.

Alan's right hand opened in the air.

A wormhole opened, and a long sword was moved out.

She turned her wrist, and the long sword that was originally pointed up now pointed down.

Alan slowly moved the long sword to above the heart behind the Whiplash.

At the same time, the palm of his left hand covered the hilt.

Feeling that death was approaching, the Whiplash struggled even harder.

But it was of no use except making him look more like a turtle.

Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!

Accompanied by warm cheers all around.

At this time, Alan finally said in a stern and solemn voice:"You have done so much evil and provoked the angels, your crime is unforgivable!"

"Today, I carry the king's mission and end your life on behalf of my king!"

Accompanied by a voice that shook all directions,

Alan pressed down with both hands.

The whip's struggling body suddenly stopped with a"pop!" sound.

Luo Hua can start judging on the forehead of the evil target.

Then Alan will judge on the target's heart while suppressing it.

This is the distinction between primary and secondary. At the same time, it represents different rights.


The moment Whipsaw stopped struggling, all the citizens present jumped out from the corners and cheered!

Some of them hugged each other excitedly.

"Angel~! Angel~! Angel~!"There was an endless stream of shouts.

Put away the long sword.

Alan lifted up the high heels that were stepping on the top of the whip armor, and then walked slowly to the broken French window.

She opened her wings, and under the gaze of the crowd, she waved her wings and disappeared.

Angels don't need to pay special attention to these normal people.

Because it is this sense of distance and gap that will make them have faith in their hearts. Only in this way will they always worship angels in their hearts.

At the same time.

In the Angel Building.

Luo Hua drank the tea brewed by He Xi while feeling the surging energy of faith in his body.

At the same time, he observed that Alan was back.


At this time, Luo Hua snorted in confusion.

He Xi immediately cast a curious look at him from the side.

"Alan suddenly stopped on a high tower halfway through her flight."

On the high tower at this time.

There was a reason why Alan suddenly stopped at high speed.

She raised her right hand, then pinched her right sleeve with her left hand and was a little dazed.

She just...She found a burn mark on her right sleeve, about the size of a thumb.

Thinking back, wasn't it the burn mark when she grabbed the whip?

Although Alan's body is that of a second-generation angel, the quality of this dress is.....It is also very good, and it will not be stained with dust.

But if it touches the high-energy whip, it will definitely be burned.

And the most important problem is......

"This is the clothes that the king gave me personally!"

Ailan pinched the burn mark and wanted to cry but had no tears.

"How come I forgot to change into other daily clothes, why did I come out wearing this one!"

Although all the clothes are exactly the same.

But only the one she is wearing was given to Alan by Luo Hua himself.

There is no second one.

At this moment, Alan's mood fluctuations are much more violent than the long battle just now.

She can even feel her heart beating violently.

That is the manifestation of emotional fluctuations when she is heartbroken.

Alan clenched her fists.

She suddenly wanted to turn around and fly back to the whip rope.

Don't ask why, because the result may be very unladylike.

But her steps still paused when she turned around, and her wings did not flap


Alan took a deep breath.

She stroked her chest with her hand to calm her beating heart.

Then she drooped her shoulders listlessly and flapped her wings to head for the Angel Building.

She was so happy to have completed the King's mission.

Luo Hua would definitely praise her when she returned.

But after this incident, Alan suddenly felt that the loss was too great.

It was too great to accept.

Because verbal praise can be received again in the future.

But not many angels will be able to have the physical objects sent by hand, even in the future!


When Alan thought of this, he sighed again, and then flew back in a trance..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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