At this time, Luo Hua in the Angel Building had also seen Alan's situation.

To be honest, not knowing whether to laugh or cry can describe Luo Hua's current mood.

But he didn't need to show it on the surface.

Then Luo Hua smiled at He Xi's curious eyes and said,"You will know later." For a moment, He Xi became even more curious.

After a while,

Alan, who had concealed himself but could still be seen in his mental state, walked down from the top of the building.

And it can be seen that the angel's walking posture is actually very confident.

But now Alan put her right hand slightly behind her back.

Because she was afraid that Luo Hua would blame her for not cherishing it after seeing the scorch mark.

Then she would really have no way to defend herself.

At this time, He Xi also saw that Alan was different.

"Alan, what happened to you? Are you injured?"

After noticing the situation, He Xi stood up and walked towards Alan.

If Alan went forward, this should be a perfectly completed task.

But why was Alan so frustrated?

Alan walked in front of Luo Hua, lowering his head slightly.

At this time, He Xi also knew that it was not a problem of injury.

There must be something wrong.

So she stroked Alan's shoulder, walked to the sofa next to her and sat down, waiting for Alan to take the initiative to speak.

After hesitating for a long time.

Alan decided to take the initiative to speak.

But when she looked up and met Luo Hua's playful and teasing smile.

She instantly knew that the king knew about her affairs.


Alan was like a child seeing his parents and said a little aggrieved:"King, my clothes are torn~~"

As she spoke, she raised her right hand.

Then she used her left hand to pinch the burn mark and showed it to Luo Hua. It was like when you fell and got hurt as a child, and you anxiously showed it to your father in the hope of getting comfort.


Seeing Luo Hua's playful eyes, and then Alan's aggrieved tone,

He Xi finally couldn't help laughing.

So that's what happened.

She had been worried for so long.

""Go to hell, you scared me to death." He Xi picked up an apple from the table and threw it at Alan.

Alan caught it and put it on the table.

"But it's really broken. It's as big as a thumb......"

Let's not talk about the thumb size.

Alan couldn't stand even a little burn mark.

She was busy experiencing the performance of the second-generation angel body and the dark matter computer.

So she forgot that she was still wearing the clothes Luo Hua gave her.

Luo Hua stroked his forehead with one hand.

"Okay, okay, since you completed the task so well this time, I will give you another set."

"Really! ?"Alan, who was just complaining to He Xi, suddenly turned her head and became happy.

She looked at Luo Hua as if she was favored and immediately agreed:"Thank you, King!"

Luo Hua waved his hand and took out the clothes that angels usually wear from the dark plane.

Then he took it in one hand and asked Alan to take it.

Alan immediately walked up in three or two steps and took it seriously with both hands.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed with joy.

Luo Hua has a lot of such clothes in the dark plane.

They are all created by the system.

In the future, he will definitely prepare clothes for each angel born.

But he didn't expect that every angel would treat this first piece of clothing as a treasure.

When Alan was almost happy

"Alan, how is your experience with the second generation angel body equipped with a dark matter computer?"

After hearing Luo Hua's question,

Alan immediately put the clothes in his hand into the dark plane and stood up to report to Luo Hua seriously:

"Very powerful. When I used the microwormhole transport technology, the transport process was not awkward at all."

"When I used the Eye of Insight to collect information during the battle, the data processing speed was hundreds of times faster than before."

Luo Hua nodded and said,"I will send all the data of the battle process to He Xi as a backup for future reference."

"Yes." Alan nodded, and still stood there.

Luo Hua waved his hand:"It's okay, go and enjoy your new clothes."

"Yes!"It was obvious that the tone was happier than before.

Alan saluted Luo Hua happily and trotted to the side to look at her new clothes.


Not long after Alan set out.

Luo Hua could feel that the energy of faith was growing.

And then it became more and more fierce.

Until now, Luo Hua could deeply feel that the energy of faith, which was far greater than the last Iron Overlord incident, was surging.

So now there is a problem in front of Luo Hua.

That is, the full set of technological research and development of Sky City has not been completed.

And even if the research and development is completed, the energy of faith generated by this incident is not enough.

To create the remaining two angel kings?

This choice echoed in Luo Hua's mind.

If Liang Bing and Kaisha were created.

There is no doubt that the research and development of Sky City will develop rapidly.

But the next problem is that there is no energy of faith to create Sky City.

Choose 1, the technology is not well developed, and the energy is not enough after the research and development.

Choose 2, the technology will be developed soon, but the remaining energy is not enough.

Thinking of this.

Luo Hua's mind suddenly came up with an idea.

There was no time to ask He Xi.

He directly opened He Xi's database to check.

Project: Sky City

Basic module (completed)

Power module (completed)

Production module (50 percent)

Attack module (not started)

Defense module (not started).....

In addition to the basic module and the power module, only the production module has just started.

But this does not mean that He Xi is too slow, but He Xi is already very fast.

However, seeing that the two most important modules have been completed,

Luo Hua knows that his idea can be realized.

That is, to create the sky city in advance!.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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