The idea of creating the Sky City in advance is not a fantasy.

So how to create it in advance?

The answer is modules.

As mentioned before, in order to allow multiple angels to study a project together, the angels' research and development division of labor is very independent.

But for this reason, Luo Hua suddenly thought.

The Sky City should not be completed in one step.

And the basics should be created first.

Then slowly develop and supplement it, right?

Of course you can.

It's just that the functions of the Sky City created in advance are not very comprehensive.

But isn't that how the dark matter computer came about?

"He Xi, now that the basic modules of our Sky City have been built"

"So now I have decided to build a sky city in advance that is not fully functional but has a complete foundation."

Upon hearing this, He Xi raised his head from his research.

"It is indeed possible."

He Xi nodded. If it is just a basic need, then it is completely fine. Anyway, the rest can be built slowly. In this case, Luo Hua decided to create the Sky City in advance. The time is set for three days later! By then, the huge amount of faith energy that has fermented from today's incident will be enough to create the Sky City.



Two days later in an abandoned factory.

Tony sat in front of a double table with a good complexion, turning the pen on the table.

There were two reports on the table.

One was about the Avengers.

The other was about himself.

Obviously, Tony was more interested in the Avengers report because he thought his report must be very good.

So he picked up the superhero report and was about to open it.

His rough black hand covered the report.

"You can't read this report yet, I think you need to read this first."

The person who spoke at this time was Fury.

Tony looked at a copy of his own report.

After he opened it, the content inside was basically the same as the original plot.

Tony glanced at the superhero's report.

"So, you won't let me see the report unless I agree to join you?"

"Yes." Fury nodded.

Tony raised his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked,"Is the angel in there?"


Hearing this, Fury looked at Tony with a retard's eyes.

If the angel can join the superhero team, I want you! ?

An angel can beat 10, no, a hundred of you!

How could S.H.I.E.L.D. invite an angel with its strength?

They rarely have the chance to meet each other.

"Well, I know you can't invite an angel."

Seeing Fury's eyes, Tony knew there was no angel.

Although he had guessed there was no angel.

Then Tony thought about it.

"I'll join your superhero team if you let Senator Stern give me a badge"

"Of course."Faced with this problem,

Fury can certainly help him solve it at a price.

Senator Stern is the one who wants Tony to hand over the armor.

He is also a member of Hydra.

After the two shook hands,

Fury seemed to suddenly remember something and looked at Tony curiously and asked:

"Did you have any conversation with the angel after the meeting that day? Did you collect any usable information?"

"No." Tony said bluntly:"To be honest, the angels don't care about me at all. I have no value in their eyes."

"So we didn't have much conversation that day,....."

It's over.

At this point, Tony seemed to remember something.

He paused, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

Fury looked at Tony, who suddenly had a puzzled expression:"What's wrong with you?"


Tony suddenly regretted it.

He quickly ran out of the abandoned warehouse.

Then he quickly took a sports car home.

Fury looked at the suddenly excited Tony, and immediately used the headset to notify the agent to follow him.

Lu Dan thought that Tony suddenly thought of something important.

But what Lu Dan said was true.

This was an extremely important thing for Tony.

An hour later.

A red and yellow armor rushed all the way to the Angel Building.

Jarvis:"Sir, I thought what you said that day was just a joke."

"What do you mean by"just a joke!" Tony immediately retorted,"Am I, Tony Stark, that kind of person!"

This time, because he was scared by Alan's chop last time,

Tony stopped far away at the only road entrance of the Angel Building.

Not only that, he also tied a wooden stick with a rope behind his back.

Walking on this long road,

Tony slowly approached the towering building in front of him. When he came to the lobby of the building,

Tony looked at the empty space around him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no one, and the embarrassment was only thrown to the angel.

It was not a big problem.

Then he took the wooden stick out from his back and put it on the ground.

Then he knelt on the ground without saying a word.

He knew that the angel had discovered him a long time ago, so he just took action and waited for instructions.

He led the enemy to the angel twice.

He would curse himself for this method of diverting trouble.

Not to mention the angel.

Although this is what they wanted to do, active and passive are two different things.

So, at this moment, Tony was waiting for the angel to order him to be punished..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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