"Look, Mr. Saul, I will provide you with a hotel in New York and deliver food to you every day."

"But if you want to see an angel, you'll have to rely on yourself."

A helicopter that just flew to New York.

Coulson said some precautions in Gensol

"I understand. Angel knows me, and he will definitely help me."

Thor answered affirmatively.

Angel knew him, and he would recognize him as long as they met.

Coulson looked at Thor's foolish appearance and reminded him worriedly:"I suggest you don't use extreme methods to meet Angel, otherwise my agents will stop you in advance."

"And I will use electric batons to shock you until you twitch and drool on the ground."

Thor looked at Coulson and said,"No."

What Thor didn't know at this time was that his arrival would also bring a terrifying armor to New York.

It was the Destroyer Armor.

It was about to be released by Loki in the heart of New York!.....

At this time, above the Angel Building, in the Sky City,

Luo Hua controlled the microwormhole transportation technology to make these newly made weapons float up and observe. Yes.

After two days of forging, the Antarctic Vibranium with no technical content has been made into weapons and armor......

In addition to its extremely high defense, it also has the property of decomposing local metals.

And in the process of making it,

Luo Hua had an idea and added its energy absorption property.

However, this property is different from Wakanda Vibranium.

The latter absorbs energy and counterattacks.

Antarctic Vibranium absorbs energy and then dilutes and spreads it throughout the body to offset the attack power.

In other words, sharp weapons are useless in front of this set of armor.

Because the energy will be absorbed and diluted throughout the body.

In this way, the defense power will be increased countless times!

"Alan, try to carry it on your body and see how it works." Luo Hua said


Alan nodded.

He took the armor and weapons.

After the analysis, he could carry them to himself.

【Microwormhole transport technology]

With Alan's control, the body-shaping armor was put on her body.

It was no different from the original angel civilization armor.

This armor only focused on protecting the chest, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees and feet.

The other parts were more like decorations.

But this was not fancy.

Because as long as you wear this Antarctic Vibranium armor, even if you stab the softest abdomen with a sword, it will be the same as the strongest shoulder.

Because the energy is diffused and diluted


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Vibranium Armor: A special armor that uses only 5 parts for energy connection. In addition to its extremely high defense, it can also use output energy to stimulate the decomposition of surrounding metals.】

【Note: Due to special technology, this armor has no effect no matter where it is attacked from.】

"Yes, this is enough until we get more advanced metals."

Luo Hua had just finished speaking when he saw He Xi take out another weapon from the dark plane.

"Wang, this is made for you. Your wormhole has the most terrifying computing power, so it can already control long-range weapons."

Strictly speaking, this should not be considered a weapon.

Because it is a pair of wings as a whole.

Yes, metal wings.

Using wormhole technology to take over He Xi's double-wing weapon.

Luo Hua felt a little amused.

"Although I can use them, using wings consumes too much energy compared to melee weapons."

"But it's already been made, I'll use this in the future."

Just use it.

It just consumes a lot. How can

I, the Angel King, not afford to use weapons?

At this time.

Outside a private laboratory at a university in New York

"Sniper position number one is in place"

"Sniper No. 2 is in position"

"Number Three....."

Ross was sitting in the command vehicle and giving orders through a headset.

"Remember that this is a anesthetic bullet, but it is very powerful. Do not attack vital parts. The target still has other research value!"


Since Mr. Lan can research to this extent, why not tie him up and make him your own researcher?

Brunski stood at the bottom of the private laboratory.

He was sweating all over and was very excited.

And the headset also transmitted Mr. Lan's confirmed location:

"On the second floor, in the second room in the southeast."

The moment he determined the location,

Brunsky immediately put down his gun and ran up.

When Ross's assistant saw it, he immediately shouted:"Brunsky's soldiers acted on their own!"

Ross also shouted:"Brunsky! That's an important target! Come back quickly!"


Brunsky had already reached the second floor and smashed the door of Mr. Lan's private laboratory with a shoulder collision.

He rushed in, grabbed Mr. Lan's collar and lifted him up

"Quick! Inject me with all the Hulk stuff!"

"You have studied him for so long! I don't believe you have no results!"

Faced with Brunsky's hideous roar,

Mr. Blue pointed his finger at a refrigerator next to him with a trembling hand, a little suffocated.

There, was the place to store the potion, which he had just studied not long ago.

Seeing the potion,

Brunsky's eyes glowed green and he threw Mr. Blue.

With a loud bang,

Mr. Blue was thrown out of the window!

Brunsky looked at the colorful pile of potions in the refrigerator.

He didn't care about anything and picked them all up and stabbed them into his heart!

This is the potion for Hulk!

And there are other miscellaneous dangerous potions!

If all of these are injected!

Then now the abomination will become countless times stronger than before!


With the injection of the potion,

Brunsky's roar instantly resounded throughout the streets of Harlem

"I! I want to become the strongest creature in the world!!!"


At this time,

Banner, who arrived late, saw Mr. Lan being thrown out.


In an instant, the furious Banner turned into a 3-meter-tall green Hulk!

He rushed forward and tried to catch Mr. Lan.

At the same time, in the Sky City,

Alan stood in front of Luo Hua and reported

"Wang, two monsters appeared on the streets of Harlem, one of them has lost his mind, do you need me to suppress it?"

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