
I won't get into trouble." He Xi felt as if her whole body was warm after listening to Luo Hua's warm and loving words.

"If there is any trouble, it will be Liang Bing who will do it. She is the wildest among us."


That's right.

But you are the most naughty.

This is what Luo Hua didn't say.

After organizing the voice,

He Xi stood up.

Then she slowly walked to Luo Hua and sat down almost next to him.

She looked at Luo Hua's beautiful hand on the table and said in a sullen tone:

"Wang, if Kaisha and Liang Bing are both out, can I still see you casually in the future?"

What kind of weird question is this?

"Of course I can."Luo Hua was dealing with things on the table while talking to He Xi.

With his current workload, multitasking is no problem.

"That....."He Xi thought about it and didn't know what to say.

"Are we all the same?"

What a strange question. Luo Hua answered without thinking:"Of course we are the same."....

I don't know if it was an illusion.

Luo Hua seemed to hear He Xi sighing.

He turned his head and immediately saw He Xi looking at him with resentful eyes.

What's wrong?

Are you still afraid that the three kings will steal your food ?.....


At this moment.

Luo Hua seemed to have figured it out.

He Xi seemed to be worried.....It was my concern for her that was divided into three parts....

Now he would directly instruct He Xi about everything.

And whether it was research, discussion, chatting, or joking, he would either go to Alan or He Xi.

But he would go to He Xi the most.

So when the three kings came out, would Luo Hua still keep looking for him?

Not necessarily.

Because Luo Hua treated all angels the same, he would definitely not be partial to angels with high potential like the three kings.

Although this was true.


He Xi's cake was indeed divided into three pieces, one for Kaisha and one for Liang Bing.

This was what made He Xi feel the most uncomfortable.

She had done nothing wrong, everything was right, and everything should be like this.


The cake was divided into three pieces.

Although the cake was not strictly speaking He Xi's, at least she had owned it.

This was obviously the most normal thing.

He Xi felt uncomfortable.

Besides, no matter who it happened to, everyone would feel uncomfortable.

Finally, he understood the cause and effect.

Luo Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can I say hello to you?"

Luo Hua looked at He Xi who turned her head slightly.

At this moment, she was not shy or arrogant, but just expressing a little dissatisfaction.

She looked to the distance beside her without blinking.

"Okay, I promise you, even after Kaisha and Liang Bing come out, it will remain the same as it is now."

After hearing Luo Hua's words,

He Xi turned back slightly.

Then he pretended to think about it.

But suddenly he stretched out his right hand and put out his little finger.


Luo Hua:......

"How old are you still making a pinky promise?..."Luo Hua reluctantly stretched out his hand, and hooked his little finger with He Xi's.

"It's a deal then." He Xi looked at Luo Hua and blinked, then said seriously,"This agreement cannot be changed even in eternity."

""Okay, okay." Luo Hua nodded.

He and He Xi completed the final action of the pinky promise.

After retracting their hands, the scene gradually quieted down.

He Xi, who was in a very good mood, also happily adjusted the weapons and armor and began to modify the final pattern.

Luo Hua also continued to develop the third-generation angel body.

But after a while,

Luo Hua was suddenly hit on the shoulder.

Turning his head,

He Xi closed her eyes at this time, and her long eyelashes seemed to cover her eyes.

And her pink lips, coupled with her baby-like smooth skin, were no different from cherries.

Who doesn't sleep here?


Luo Hua sighed in his heart, waved his hand, took out a blanket from the dark plane and covered He Xi.

Although this was not because he was afraid that she would get sick.

But at this time, it would be more comfortable to cover her with a blanket, and she would sleep more soundly and it would also increase her sense of security.


He Xi, who had just been covered with the blanket, rubbed Luo Hua's shoulder with her cheek.......

Two days later in the morning,

Alan had successfully collected Antarctic Vibranium.

Fortunately, he had the dark matter computer and microwormhole transportation technology.

Otherwise, Alan didn't know how many times he would have to run to move all the metal.

The Sky City had already started to build armor and weapons when it received the Vibranium.

At the same time, a ragged man with messy hair finally arrived in New York.

After a long journey, he had traveled an unknown distance to get here.

"Oh, my God, I hope I can make it in time."

Banner sighed as he looked at the angel flags all over the city.

If the angels were so famous, he would be on the edge of danger.

Banner knew that if it was him, the angels would not judge him.

But if it was Hulk who came out to cause trouble,

Hulk might be gone.

And if Hulk was gone, he would be gone too.

Banner looked at the surrounding buildings and immediately went to the address given by Mr. Lan.

Inside a military base.

"Quick, quick, quick!!!"

Ross took the walkie-talkie and quickly directed the soldiers to act quickly.

""Sir, I hope that after we find Mr. Lan, I can go ahead and deal with him, because I am more durable."

Brunski said to Ross who was in emergency contact.

Just now, the researchers told Ross that Mr. Lan had been found, and he was in a private laboratory at a university.

So Ross immediately mobilized special forces soldiers to make an emergency attack. Ross was determined to get the research on Mr. Lan!


(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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