"Director Nick Fury! I found new information about the angel civilization!"

"What! Tell me now!" Fury was delighted.

This is really a pillow for those who are sleepy.

"Yesterday I accidentally found a man who knew the news of angel civilization"

"Then after communication, he knew these......"


Coulson told Fury everything from the time he found Thor to the time Thor told him everything he could.

From the conversation with Odin, to the angel civilization when the king was still the widow, and finally the thoughts of the angel civilization, etc.

Although this is only an introduction to the angel civilization, and it is an incomplete introduction, it is very useful for Fury or mortals!

At least they know where to lick....Ahem.

No, at least I know what to do and what people are thinking.

After figuring it out a little,

Fury hung up the phone.

"In other words, the establishment of this city marks the beginning of the rapid development of the Angels?"

Fury folded his arms.

The only thing they could see of the Angel City from the satellite was the outer outline.

They could only see a vague concept of the entire Angel City. They couldn't even see the details.

"Not necessarily. Agent Coulson also said that the appearance of the second angel is the beginning of development.

Hill also listened to the whole content and added:

"If we follow this line of reasoning, then Thor said that the angel civilization is an elite civilization."

"The more angels there are, the stronger the civilization is."

"This is different from ordinary people in our society. Every unit of theirs is an elite."

Fury nodded profoundly.

"Yes, I guess each one of them was trained at great expense."

Hill looked at Fury and said,"Then what about this city?......"

Fury folded one hand and held his chin with the other hand, thinking for a while.

"Create a profile and call it City of Angels"

"We have no way of knowing it. You can't send helicopters or fighter jets to patrol it."

"So let's just leave it here, there's nothing we can do"

"Anyway, they won't do bad things."

Hill nodded.

After pressing the headset, he went to the intelligence center to make arrangements.

The next day.

Sky City.

This morning, Alan came to ask for instructions on the punishment of vibranium mining in Antarctica.

For angels with the Eye of Insight, as long as dark energy, the Eye of Insight and micro-wormhole transportation technology are combined, it would be extremely easy to search for vibranium in Antarctica.

"Wang, I'll go first."

Luo Hua nodded:"Go ahead, the sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back."

""Yes!" Alan stood at the gate of the courtyard.

Then he put one hand on his heart towards Luo Hua, bowed and walked away. After

Alan left,

Luo Hua picked up the tea on the table in the pavilion and took a sip.

Then he prepared to perfect the technology of the third-generation angel body.

If this technology is achieved, there will be no threat at least when facing those artifacts.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came.

Luo Hua just raised his head a little.

He saw a pair of long and white legs standing outside the yard.

Who else could it be but He Xi.

But he hasn't notified He Xi to come, why did she come by herself?

"come in"

"Yes." He Xi felt Luo Hua's eyes lingering on his legs for a moment longer and felt secretly delighted.

What does this mean?

This means that he still has special skills.

This also means that he has something to attract Luo Hua. He walked to Luo Hua with his slender legs and sat down.

He Xi consciously picked up the teapot on the table and filled Luo Hua's cup with tea.

Then he poured his own cup.

"How did you sleep last night?"Looking at He Xi Daocha, Luo Hua asked with concern.

"Me?" He Xi put down the teapot:"I didn't sleep yesterday."

"Hmm?" Luo Hua picked up the cup that He Xi had poured and said,"Now that we're at our new home, why don't we take a rest?""

"Um....I can't sleep." He Xi held the teacup in both hands:"I'm just thinking about how to distribute the angels when they come out in the future."

"Then how to set the style of armor, how to set the weapon, etc."

When saying this, He Xi didn't seem to be troubled by these things.

Instead, she said these things very easily.

"Really? You've worked hard." Luo Hua took a sip of tea and put down the teacup and said,"Show me what difficulties you encountered in your design, and I'll help you."


He Xi's eyes moved.

She awkwardly exported the design model using energy projection.

Then she placed it in front of Luo Hua to look at.


Luo Hua took the armor and weapon energy model that was obviously almost complete and began to think.....Isn't this almost done?

Holding the energy model light ball in his hand,

Luo Hua looked it over and over. It was all right.

Turning his head, he glanced at He Xi who was peeking at him.

When she saw Luo Hua looking at her, she quickly turned her blue eyes back to look at the pond.

So that's it.

Is it something on your mind?

Luo Hua put down the energy model in his hand.

Then he sighed softly and said:

"Tell me what's on your mind. Since I'm your king, I'm also your family, your parents."

"So you don't need to worry about anything in front of me. Even if you get into trouble in the universe in the future, I will still choose to protect you.".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

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