Although this place looks exquisite and perfect.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that things here are very simple.

There are not many future technologies.

There are not many miscellaneous things.

Everything here is useful and simple.

If you have to describe it.

It is like luxury with simplicity.

Obviously, these are two words with very different meanings, but now they can be used to describe this place.

After looking around.

Luo Hua came to the pavilion in the courtyard and sat down.

He took out a set of tea sets from the dark plane.

Then he poured the tea and took a sip.

You don't say.

It turns out that when He Xi and Alan are around, it can be a feast for the eyes.

But now they are both gone suddenly. I am still a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this is just a feeling.

What should be done now is to start studying the body of the third generation angel.....

At this time, in a certain military base,

Ross was having dinner with his newest and most powerful soldier, Brunsky.

Of course, Brunsky could have dinner with him because they were wearing the same pants.

After all, Brunsky had already been injected with the drug.

"Brunsky, how do you feel after so many days?"

After finishing his meal, Ross wiped his mouth and asked Brunsky who was still eating.

Brunsky replied while eating and drinking:

""Sir, I feel very good. Not only has my strength become stronger, but I also feel that my recovery ability is particularly strong!"

Ross nodded with satisfaction.


Brunsky then spoke in a dissatisfied and jealous tone.

"Sir, why didn't I turn into the Hulk?"

"He must be much stronger than I am now. I have tried, but I can't lift something that heavy."

"And after all the tests, I found that the gap between me and it is too far.

Ross paused while wiping his mouth.

He looked at Brunsky meaningfully.

"Hulk was an accident, but if you do well in the follow-up, you will mass produce it."!!!

Brunsky was stunned for a moment.

"I....Just a mass product?"

It turns out that I am at least a mass product.

No wonder I don't have the strength and power of Hulk.

At this time, before the two of them could say anything else, a researcher in a white robe came running over with a notebook.

He showed the notebook to Ross.

"Checkmate! We discovered that Hulk's notebook was in frequent communication with a man called Mr. Blue for a long time!"

"The diary also records that they mailed things to each other, and Hulk even sent his own blood to Mr. Blue to make potions!"

"And it has been several years! It is very likely that Mr. Lan has researched something!"

"What!?" Ross stood up in surprise.

He immediately grabbed the researcher and asked,"Who is Mr. Lan? Where is he?"

"I...We don't know yet."

The researcher explained tremblingly:"It will take at most three days for us to find Mr. Lan's location."

"Then hurry up!"

After the researcher ran away,

Ross sat down again and looked at Brunsky and said,"Let's wait until we see Mr. Lan's research results, and then decide when to capture Hulk." Brunsky nodded,"Yes, sir."

Although he agreed verbally,

Brunsky was still thinking about what Mr. Lan's potion was......

Is it a potion to become stronger?


Since it was the blood sent to him by Hulk, then he must have the Hulk potion!

If he can use the Hulk potion, then he will definitely become stronger!

Bronski glanced at Ross inadvertently.

He couldn't express this yet.

He could only find Mr. Lan when he was on a mission, get the potion immediately and then inject it into his body.

This was the only way.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D., who couldn't sleep tonight like Ross, was also working overtime in the middle of the night , and the lights were brightly on.

""Watfuck!? When was this built?!"

At this time, Lu Dan put his hands on his head in frustration. He was originally happy today.

But the intelligence center of SHIELD told him

{Satellite reconnaissance reports show that there is a city floating above the Angel Building in New York.

This made Lu Dan dumbfounded.


Floating above the Angel Building!?

He hurried back to SHIELD to take a look.

Wow, this style is obviously an angel's city.

But where did this city come from!?

There was no city just now? And now there is a city area of dozens of kilometers?

And although this is an angel's city, why did he accept the building built by SHIELD before?

"Chief Fury, this city appeared out of thin air at noon."

"And according to the investigation, at that time, within the radius of the Angel Tower, citizens of several states including New York discovered that there was a strange attraction there."

"This caused at least tens of millions of citizens to look up at the sky above the Angel Building at the same time.....

Fury scratched his hairless scalp.

How to explain this?

Same as last time? Just record it and be done with it?

But last time it was an unknown technology! So it didn't matter.

Now it's an unknown city! Just ignore it!?

At this time,

Coulson called with an urgent notice..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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