"Let's go, this will be our new home from now on."

When Luo Hua said this,

He Xi and Ai Lan looked at him at the same time.

Perhaps they were too touched.

They nodded heavily:"Yes."

The two girls followed Luo Hua's left and right sides and flew into the sky city.

Looking at the square and buildings under their feet, even Luo Hua himself had some indescribable feelings.

Finally, we have come to this step.

From now on, the rapid development of angels has officially set sail!

From now on , whether it is technology or equipment!

Whether it is food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment and exercise!

It's all here!

This place has basically met all the necessary conditions for the survival of a civilization!

At the same time, angels born from this moment on will have a home here.


Taking a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood in his heart,

Luo Hua brought He Xi and Alan to the center of the entire Sky City.

It was also where Luo Hua would live in the future!

And in the center of the entire Sky City, there was only one most important place.

That was: the King's Palace.

It meant that the king was in the place.

When they arrived in front of the several-meter-high gate of the King's Palace,

He Xi and Alan took the initiative to push it open and then stood on both sides of the door.

As for why they didn't use the automatic one?

Because sometimes the most primitive ones can best experience the heritage and rules of a civilization.

When He Xi and Alan pushed the door open, a large hall appeared in front of Luo Hua.

It led directly to the red carpet under his feet.

From here, the farthest and highest point was a throne with huge wings.

And this throne was the authority of an angel.

And there was no staircase or passage to get to the throne.

This meant that the king was the only one.

And under the throne, if you thought there were different positions and seats, you were wrong.

Under the throne, all positions were the same.

Except for the different front and back positions, they were all the same, with no difference in height.

This also means that everyone is an angel, there is no noble or lowly.

Everyone is the most perfect creature.

So the only difference is the position, not the creature.

Coming to the throne.

Luo Hua gently waved his wings.

Then he came to this position.

Looking back at the two women.

He Xi and Ai Lan stood respectfully on both sides of the throne.

Quietly waiting for Luo Hua to sit down.


This is my seat.

Turn around.

Sit down.

Lie back.

As if everything is deserved.

Luo Hua did not feel awkward at all.

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angels: Luo Hua (Angel King), He Xi, Ailan】

【Technology: First Generation Angel Body, Second Generation Angel Body, Angel Wings, Faith Energy Conversion, Eye of Insight, Microwormhole Transport Technology, Dark Energy Communication Technology, Full Energy Projection Technology, Dark Matter Computer, Sky City】

Looking at the technology from two or three to the current 10.

It has only been a short period of time.


The plan in his mind can finally be realized.

"Alan, remember the Antarctic Vibranium I mentioned? Now that we have the equipment, this task is now handed over to you.


"He Xi, I want you to develop weapons and armor to cooperate with Alan to mine Antarctic vibranium, and then I will give you some data for reference."

"At the same time, I also need some handy weapons, but I need to design them myself, and I will pass the data to you when the time comes."

He Xi:"Yes!"

After arranging the two women.

Luo Hua looked at them and said slowly:"After that, I will be responsible for the research and development of the third generation of angel bodies."

"At the same time, we will need more angels to join us soon."

"That means you are going to have new sisters." Alan was immediately delighted when she heard that new sisters were coming. She certainly hoped that there would be as many angels as possible. However,


He Xi seemed to have something wrong.

It wasn't that she didn't like the new angel. Anyway, it seemed that something was slightly wrong.

But now was not the time to talk about this.

After arranging these things,

Luo Hua stood up from the throne.

"Well, there are many exquisite and luxurious attic courtyards around this palace. Whichever one you like, just make it your home."

"If there is any need, I will inform you through communication. I will also go to my residence for a visit."

When they heard the dismissal,

Alan and Hexi's bodies seemed to stiffen.

After living in the same room for so many days, they were already familiar with the life of being able to watch the king all the time beside him.

You see, last time,

Luo Hua stayed in the study for two days.

As a result, He Xi couldn't bear it for one day and stood at Luo Hua's door waiting for a whole day.

If they only waited for Luo Hua's notification or went to see Luo Hua when they had something to do, how long would it take for them to meet?

A week?

A month?

Thinking of this, they felt a little uncomfortable.

But this was Luo Hua's order.

They could only choose a home for the time being.

After they left,

Luo Hua gently flapped his wings.

Then they came to the back of the throne.

There was a passage leading directly to the back.

Walking through the passage, you will come to a very beautiful courtyard with a big move.

And it is not ordinary big.

There are flowers, grass, trees, streams, pavilions, places to rest, drink tea, chat, and even temporary sleeping places.

And if you continue to look forward, you will see a magnificent building with two floors.

This is Luo Hua's private home..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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