"Your hammer?"

Coulson asked in confusion.

"Come with me."

He took Thor to the temporary laboratory where the hammer was being studied.

As soon as Thor saw the hammer, he ran over.

The agents around him wanted to stop him, but Coulson signaled them not to care.

What happened next was the same as in the plot.

Thor did not pick up the hammer.

He knelt on the ground in despair.

Thor's hammer no longer recognized him.

In other words, he was no different from being abandoned.

Coulson came over and patted Thor on the shoulder.

"Keep telling me more about angels. I'll send you to New York in a few days, and then it's up to you."

After hearing the word angel,

Thor suddenly felt hopeful again.

He quickly got up and followed Coulson......

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of the Angel Building, it was already the third day.

Tony finally chopped up the armor and went home at midnight yesterday.

Although he didn't know why, he was still jumping for joy when he went home.

"There are already many people who believe in angels."

He Xi said, looking at New York City in the distance.

In New York City now, you can basically see flags with angels hanging not far away.

These are hung voluntarily by citizens.

It seems that they hope that hanging the angel flags can protect their safety.

Then those bad guys can take a detour when they see it.

Alan looked at the buildings under his feet.

"When the Sky City is built, what should we do with this building?"

Keep it?

Do we have to leave an empty building?

If not, what should we do with this building?

But in fact, Luo Hua had already thought of it.

"I will clear it and turn it into an angel's prayer ground"

"This will also give those who believe in angels a place to gather their faith."

"This can be considered as a base for humans to believe in angels."

When this method was mentioned,

He Xi and Alan nodded in agreement at the same time.

In the previous angel civilization, there were indeed places related to faith built in the mortal world.

These buildings can significantly enhance cohesion.

And angels also listen to the beliefs of these people. Through the communication prayer column, they can listen to those who exude sincere faith in their hearts.

Feeling the energy in the body is just right.

Luo Hua also felt that it was about right

"I'm going to start creating."

He Xi and Ai Lan looked at each other, and at the same time stepped back a few steps and waited.

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angels: Luo Hua (Angel King), He Xi, Ailan】

【Technology: Second generation angel body, angel wings, insight eyes......】

"Among the milestones of angel civilization, the Sky City is a key step."

"It is located on a planet in the Angel Nebula and is the home of every angel."

"It was the first angel civilization to take the step of ignoring natural disasters."

"It is also an important step for angels to settle down in the nebula in the future."

After the concept was set up,

Luo Hua continued to input all the technological settings he had studied during this period into the setting.

Gradually, the impression of a sky city gradually solidified in his mind.

Basic module...

Power module.......

As technology gradually improved, the Sky City became completely real in Luo Hua's mind.

Next, the most important step came.

"Inject the energy of faith."

After Luo Hua gave the order, the entire Sky City instantly sublimated under Luo Hua's command.

It radiated brilliant light!

At the same time, the sky above the Angel Building tens of thousands of meters high was gradually covered with white clouds.

It was obviously light and windy.

But the citizens of New York and several nearby axes all put down their work and looked up at the sky.

They all felt that something seemed to be happening there.

Suddenly, with a ray of light like diamond refraction, a corner of the Sky City was revealed in reality.

""What is that!?"

People in the city were surprised all of a sudden.

They pointed at the bright spot in the sky.

On Luo Hua's side, as the huge energy continued to be injected, the Sky City has gradually emerged from the bottom corner.

But at the same time, the white clouds in the sky also began to slowly spread out from the bottom of that corner.

This is a basic way of covering up.

We can't let the Sky City be exposed to people's sight all the time.

Watching the Sky City slowly disappear, the citizens of New York only saw a corner and it was gone.

But on Luo Hua's side, the Sky City has gradually sublimated half of the city body.

And the links such as energy no longer require Luo Hua to concentrate on it.

Looking back at the two women,

Luo Hua gestured:"Go up and see how our new home is."

He Xi and Alan nodded.

With a flap of their wings, the three of them arrived in front of the Sky City, which was like paint in crystal.

At this time, the Sky City was still gradually condensing.

After all, it was too big.

Then after a while, the entire Sky City finally appeared above the entire New York.

From below, its white jade-like theme style made it look majestic.

But at the same time, if you continue to look down, it also has a sense of peace and holiness in it.

But if you look from above, the entire Sky City instantly becomes magnificent.

Its continuous buildings and planning make it look like a masterpiece that even the century unit cannot complete.

"It is so beautiful."

From beginning to end, Alan's eyes never left the Sky City.

Because it is so dazzling..........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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