
Jane and his companions were immediately frightened when they saw Sol like this.

They thought Sol was going to hit someone, so they hurried forward to pull Sol away.

"You don't understand what I'm saying! Let me go!"

Sol struggled to get rid of them all.

But then Jane said something that made Sol calm down completely.

"We are willing to listen to you. Let's find a quiet place to talk, and then I will tell you everything about angels."

Thor calmed down when he heard this.

He looked at Jane and the other two and nodded.

They left the restaurant.

The four of them came to Jane's studio.

After everyone was seated,

Thor began to say,"He is the king of angels. He discussed state affairs with my father. My father is Odin, but he demoted me here."

Hearing Thor's words, Jane's assistant looked at Jane and pointed at his head.

Meaning: Is there anything wrong with his brain?

Thor continued,"As long as I find an angel, he will be able to help me send him back to Asgard, and then I will return the resources to him."

"My father must have misunderstood me. I want to help Asgard. I want Asgard to be in a safer position!"

Looking at the excited words in Thor's tone, they felt that Thor had a problem with his brain.

After Thor finished speaking, he looked at a group of people who didn't listen carefully, suppressed his anger and asked:"Can you tell me the news of the angels now? I want to go find the angels. Time is urgent."

"Of course!" Speaking of Angel Jane's assistant, she became excited.

She waved her hand and explained to Thor:"The angel first appeared on the tallest tower in Dubai......."

"Then, on the main street in Manehattan, New York, he judged Iron Monger in front of the admiring gaze of thousands of people!"

"Next, it was like another female angel, she was also very powerful, she kept talking about the king's mission, the king's instructions, and what the king said."

"When she took action, she single-handedly solved all the evil steel soldiers at that time! And she tried the culprit on the spot!"

Thor listened and nodded.

Then he suddenly raised his head:"Wait, you mean the second angel! ?"

""Yeah." The female assistant nodded.

"The Angel King said to my father that angels are an elite civilization, which means that every angel is an extremely important unit."

Sol continued to add:"If there are more angels now, it means that the angels are developing rapidly!"

"Really!?"This time, Jane and the other two asked directly in surprise.

The angel had never said this before, and no one knew it.

And Thor's two words sounded quite reliable.

At this time, before Thor could answer, a curious standard male voice came over:"Are you serious?"

As the four people turned their heads, a bald man in a black suit stood at the door.

And after a while, several jeeps and the same group of black-clad agents came behind him.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Coulson, and I am an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

After saying that, Coulson waved his hand without looking back and said,"Move it."

All of a sudden, the agents who received the order immediately began to move everything they could see here.

At the same time, Coulson also wrote a check and handed it to Jane.

"Enough to buy everything here."

Jane stared blankly at a group of agents coming in and moving things.

She reacted and shouted loudly:"Hey! How can you do this! ? This is all my....."

"Jane!" At this time, the old man next to Jane immediately opened fire on Jane.

Don't look at SHIELD flattering the angels.

But in normal society, SHIELD basically does whatever it wants.

Isn't it normal to force buying and selling?

Even if you are a doctor, so what? If

I say you sell, you have to sell.

But SHIELD still makes sense.

For example, the check given completely exceeds the total value of these things.

After the arrangements are over.

Coulson looked at Thor, who was blinded by the chair

"Can you tell me what you know about angels?"

"If we get useful information, we can help you as much as possible."

Thor's eyes widened.

He looked at the agile and orderly agent and then at Coulson.

This SHIELD man was more reliable than the three just now.

So Thor nodded.

Coulson happened to take him to the research institute near Thor's hammer.

In the house

"My father sent me here, but he didn't tell me when I could go back."

"My powers are gone, my hammer is gone, now I have no special qualities except a little strength"

"But as long as we can find the angel, we can definitely solve the problem!"

Facing Thor's words, Coulson suddenly asked:"Hammer!?"

Coulson gestured with his hands

"It's so big, so long, and there's a bracelet on the handle?"

Thor's eyes widened.

He quickly stood up and asked,"That's my hammer! Where is my hammer! ?".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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