
I watched the hatred and the little girl getting closer and closer


A roar that was about to rip his throat resounded throughout New York.

Hulk punched the ground with a bang!

He looked up at the sky and shouted angrily


At this moment, Hulk's body seemed to have grown a whole circle.

His muscles all exploded, like pieces of tires.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Abomination turned his head and saw

Hulk rushing towards him like a triple jump. As a result, just as he was about to punch him,

Hulk changed to a sideways kick in the air! Bang! Boom! Boom! This time, it was the five-meter-tall Abomination that flew out! Boom! Boom! Boom!


The Abomination rolled all the way and knocked down several buildings one after another before it stopped.

Hulk got up from the ground.

He waved to the little girl.

The little girl was stunned when she saw the equally scary Hulk. She immediately turned around and ran away.

Seeing this.

Hulk sighed awkwardly.

As long as he could get away from this battlefield, it would be fine.


I may not be able to beat the 5-meter-tall Abomination.

What should I do?

Hulk is not stupid. Although he is reckless, he is rational.

For example, in Thor 3, Thor asked him to come back. Hulk came back even in a rage.

At this time.


A huge rock suddenly hit Hulk.


Hulk, who was still in a daze just now, was hit and flew away before he could react.

Sitting in the ruins.

Hulk shook his head which was hit and made him dizzy.

The hit just now was not light.

He almost died.


At this time, hatred laughed in a low voice

"You want to defeat me with this little power? You are really too weak."

While speaking,

Abomination shook his head and said with regret that Hulk was no match for him.

As he spoke, he passed by a large billboard.

The 5-meter-tall Abomination was almost as tall as the billboard.

Then, he pulled out the steel pipe billboard in one go!


Hulk then pounced on him.

Abomination swung his arm violently.


Hulk, who had just pounced on him, was immediately blown away by Abomination's billboard.

But at the same time, the billboard was also broken.

At this point,

Abomination seemed to be tired of playing.

He stretched out his hand to smooth the long spikes on his elbow and said:

"You are too boring. I am tired of playing with you. Next, let me kill you and then go find the angel."

As he said that, he walked step by step behind the Hulk lying on the ground.

Then with a bang, he stepped on the back of the Hulk lying on the ground.

The force of this kick made the Hulk's whole body bounce.

At the same time, the Abomination also pointed the long spike on his elbow at the Hulk.


Da da da da da da~~~~

A helicopter slowly flew over and landed above the Abomination, shining a searchlight on it.

This was the helicopter General Ross had just dispatched.

He was holding a megaphone and shouting at Brunsky, the Abomination.

"Bronsky! Don't kill Hulk! We still have a use for him! Stop it now!"

Facing Ross's shout

"Shut up!"

The Abomination picked up a large rock with a diameter of 20 to 30 centimeters and threw it at the helicopter several hundred meters high. When the pilot saw this, he immediately tried to control the helicopter to dodge.

But it was too late.

Boom~~!!! After a sound, the propeller of the helicopter was smashed by the Abomination's stone.

Originally, he aimed at the fuselage, but the dodge in the driver's seat made him hit the propeller.

But the most important thing is that there was no parachute on the helicopter.

At the same time, Ross fell directly because of the violent shaking of the helicopter!


The Abomination grabbed Ross who fell.

But because it was too high, even if the Abomination grabbed Ross,

Ross still had a lot of bleeding from his mouth and nose!

His internal organs were rotten, and his brain was almost a mess.


Ross stared at the Abomination, wanting to say something.

But the Abomination was furious at the moment.

He clenched his fist.

Boogie~~!!! After a sound, it was like squeezing a tomato.

In addition to the bright red muscles, bones and some other tissues like tomato flesh stuck to the Abomination's hand,

Ross's blood and brains spurted out like juice.


It was like toothpaste being stepped on.

Anyway, there was no difference.



Abomination shook off the sticky stuff on his hands.

Then he continued to look at Hulk under his feet.

He was ready to finish it immediately and then go find the angel.

But at this moment,

Hulk, who had rested well, suddenly turned over and hit Abomination's foot with his elbow.

The tall Abomination was knocked to the ground in an instant.

Hulk saw an opportunity.

He immediately turned over and wrestled with Abomination on the ground.


Bang! The whole place was filled with smoke.

The buildings everywhere collapsed wherever they hit.

Everywhere they passed was like a ruin.

At this time, with the help of moonlight,

Alan was waving his wings and floating under the moon with a vibranium sword.

Hulk and Abomination fought from afternoon to night.

Alan also had enough time to collect, gather and analyze all the data.

She communicated with Luo Hua through dark energy:"Wang, can I start? If we keep fighting, we might run into the area near the Angel Building."

"I'm afraid their stupidity will affect the Angel Tower."

Luo Hua, who was in the sky city above New York, smiled after hearing this.

"It's ok, just play it yourself."


Even if it is the current Abomination, he can't beat Alan at all.

Can the Abomination crack the ground with one foot now?

Of course it can't.

But Alan can.

If she adds the new vibranium sword in her hand, her fighting power is simply unimaginable.

Roar~~~ boom~~~

Looking at the two monsters, one big and one small, rolling on the ground.

Alan said coldly with disgust:"What barbarians." Are you still fighting with fists and feet?

Can you break Thor's axe with one punch or smash the silver wings with one slap?

Or unless you can break the universe with one punch.

Otherwise, not only is the attack power of using fists pitiful, but even your attack range is very short.

At this time.

The abominations who were twisting and fighting heard a cold girl and turned their heads to look up at Alan above their heads.

At this time, Alan was wearing a vibranium armor decorated with all silver and gold threads, and the overall look was almost the same as before.

Her long golden hair fluttered in the wind, and the mask on her face looked mysterious.

Even the current S.H.I.E.L.D. can only recognize who Alan is by her earrings.

Holding a long sword.

Alan was too lazy to point.

He just flew over the angels and watched them fight as if he was watching a show in a zoo.

"Why don't you fight? I haven't had enough of this animal party yet."

Looking at Abomination and Hulk who stopped fighting,

Alan seemed to be very"interested" in mocking.

And Abomination and Hulk were also called an animal party by her.

During the time when Abomination was observing Alan,

Hulk seized the opportunity to raise his head and collide with Abomination's forehead.

Boom~! After a sound,

Hulk fell back a few steps limply.

And Abomination also retreated with his head covered.

Alan couldn't hold it back at this time.

She stretched out her bare hand to cover her red lips and smiled sideways.

In Alan's eyes, the fight between Abomination and Hulk was very fun.

Because you punch and I kick.

This fight without any skills in the angel civilization looks like a fight between children.

No, it's a fight between babies.

Because the angels of the angel civilization have extremely high combat skills and talents even when they are just born.

So these two monsters look like two little monsters fighting in Alan's eyes.

And it's just that one is particularly ugly.

The other is just average but a little ugly.

At this time, the dizzy Hulk shook his head.

He looked at the angel behind him, struggling to get up but he had no strength.

However, even so, Hulk still looked at Alan, then knelt there exhaustedly and hit his heart on the left chest with his right fist towards Alan.

This is


The action when Alan saluted Luo Hua.

Alan frowned, she was a little confused about how Hulk knew this action.

You know, this action has not been performed by Angel outside.

At this time.


The Abomination, who had recovered from his shock, directly abandoned Hulk and rushed towards Alan.

In his current understanding.

Then Hulk can't be beaten casually?

Since the angel is in front of him, of course he will deal with the angel first and then deal with Hulk.


Looking at the Abomination rushing up.

Alan glanced at Hulk, and then in a cold voice, he pointed his long sword at Hulk:"Lie down next to you, I will ask you later."

After that.

Alan slashed his long sword in front of him.

With the movement of his wings, only the afterimage was left.

Then there was a sound of puff~!

The running Abomination slowly stopped when he couldn't find Alan.

He looked around.

As a result, he felt a pain in his left hand just when he was about to raise his hand.

After a sound of puff~!, the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground was heard.

The Abomination lowered his head and raised his hand.

Whose hand could the twitching hand on the ground belong to if not his?

And his broken arm was still bleeding like oil?

Alan was floating above his head and shook her head gently after seeing this.

At the same time, she closed her Eye of Insight.

"Sure enough, the gene collapsed."

The black blood seemed to match his appearance to outsiders.

But remember.

The black"blood" of the Abomination at this time was not sprayed.

Instead, it flowed out like syrup, extremely viscous.

So this is not blood at all.

Instead, it is the tissues in his body that began to decompose from the smallest level after the gene collapsed.

So when the"blood" in the Abomination's body is completely solidified, that is, when his life ends.

Then he will turn into black dust, that is, atoms, and dissipate in this universe.

It's as if he has never been here.

While the Abomination was stunned,

Hulk really did as Alan said.

He actually found a slightly cleaner place, that is, a store selling cotton plush dolls, and crawled in.

Then he huddled there. He hugged his knees with his hands and buried his face in a pile of plush dolls.

If it weren't for his wounds still slowly flowing with green blood, people who didn't know would think he was a 3-meter-tall green doll.

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