At this time in the Sky City,

He Xi was also watching the battlefield, no, the training ground, as bored as Luo Hua.

"Sure enough, if there is no potential or energy to repair"

"A creature will overdraw its life when faced with an evolution it cannot bear."

"Just like this abomination, he won't live for half an hour."

Based on the degree of atomic collapse in the abomination's"blood",

He Xi quickly determined when he would die.

"Yes."Luo Hua nodded.

While developing the third generation of angel bodies, he checked the physical condition of Abomination.

If Abomination's body is like this now, then the gene sample that Alan will bring back later may not be very useful.

But it's not necessarily true.

Because from the current characteristics,

Abomination's gene may have the effect of squeezing potential and accelerating ripening.

It's okay, average.

It's not without value.

The scene returns to Alan.

Due to Abomination's daze and Hulk's doll-like appearance,

Alan waved his wings and stood on a roof, yawning to remind Abomination

"Are you ready, ugly guy?"

After being reminded by Alan, Abomination finally reacted.

He quickly picked up his arm and pulled back.

But what's the use?

What difference does it make to pull back a little distance under the wings of an angel?

At this time,

Abomination suddenly found that the granulation tissue on his broken arm was actually oozing out.

And the flowing black"blood" also slowly stopped.

What does it mean!

This means that he is healing himself!

And his ability is very strong!

Of course, this is what Abomination thinks.


An unpleasant groan came out of his disgusting throat.

At this moment, he thought he was a creature with extraordinary potential.

After reading it, Alan shook his head lightly and sighed helplessly in his heart.

"This is just a change made by organisms in self-defense under the threat of life."

Growing granulation is to seal and prevent the gene atoms from accelerating collapse.

And the absence of"blood" is a manifestation of accelerated gene collapse.

This has been said before.

Seeing Alan shook his head in disappointment.

Hate thought she was insulting him.


Hate yelled angrily.

He jumped up and rushed towards Alan on the roof.

Alan turned around lightly as if she was dancing.


Hate's slap came down from beside her.

Then only half of the building Alan was standing on was left.

Then Alan turned around and raised his long sword.

An arm that was almost no longer emitting"oil" flew up.~~~

Then, with a bang, he fell to the ground.

The Abomination, who had lost both arms, stumbled back a few steps.

He now only had a pair of legs and two half elbows.

"Roar~~~"Die, angel!"

Then, the mad Abomination, who had lost his mind, rushed up and smashed Alan with his head.

Just like before,

Alan moved her wings and jumped like an elf playing in nature.

At the same time, she kicked the back of Abomination's head when she left the ground.

Then the unconscious Abomination crashed into the building face down, like a bowling ball. After a bang, the surroundings were filled with smoke and dust. Alan's wings fluttered violently. Boom!


In an instant, the surroundings looked as if they had just been cleaned. The dust disappeared in an instant. But in the distance it was like a sandstorm, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

Looking at the 5-meter-wide hole in the building in front of him.

The feet of the abomination were still sticking out of the hole.

But they were just motionless.

He walked in with his legs.

Alan saw that the whole body of the abomination was lying there, and it seemed that he had fainted.

He walked in and saw that there was a hole on the back of the abomination's head.

It was obvious that it was kicked out by Alan.

At this time.

Although the cerebellum at the back of the head was damaged.

But the abomination was still struggling with his limbs to get up.

If it were a normal creature.

The cerebellum at the back of the head was hit like this, it would at least be a vegetable.

Because there is a central nervous system here.

If it is hit by a strong external force, it will be paralyzed.

But the abomination thought that because of the strong overdraft of the body, he could still jump a few times.

The wings flapped gently.

Alan floated above the back of the abomination's head.

She didn't even want to step on the abomination.

After all, the product of this forced evolution makes the angel sick.

Take out a test tube instrument from the dark plane.

Then use the microwormhole technology to control it.

Alan collected the gene sample of the abomination in a short while.

Save it and return to the dark plane.

Alan looked at the abomination lying on the ground and twitching for the last time and walked out.

But the moment Alan went out.

The abomination that was still struggling was emitting black smoke all over.

These black smokes disappeared immediately like ethereal things.

And the corresponding abomination's body, as long as there was black smoke floating, it slowly disappeared.

The gene completely collapsed.

Alan turned around.

In just a short while.

The original position of the abomination was as if nothing had ever happened.

There was nothing there.

From now on.

There is nothing left by the abomination in this world.

Turning back.

Alan opened the Eye of Insight.

Then after finding Hulk, he closed it and flapped his wings to find him.

Came to a doll shop.

Looking at these dolls and the Hulk inside who has recovered from his wounds.

You know what.

It really looks like an extra-large green doll.

Although the color is unlucky.

Alan continued to take out another empty instrument from the dark plane.

Then looking at Hulk who was huddled in the corner with his back to the door.

She directly used the micro-wormhole technology to control the test tube and shot it towards Hulk.!!!

When Hulk suddenly turned his head with his eyes wide open, covering his head.

Alan had already put the collected test tube into the dark plane.

Seeing that it was an angel.

The Hulk, who had been wide-eyed, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

It seems that it was the effect of Banner's subconscious.

At this time, the timid and honest Hulk was like a puppy.

But perhaps it was because of the strong charm of the angel.

Now Hulk is simply obedient.

"Sit there."

Alan pointed his sword at an empty space.

Hulk immediately sat there obediently.

Seeing this, Alan reported using the dark energy communication.

"King, this green monster is very obedient, why is that?"

At this time, Luo Hua in the Sky City smiled.

"He is not very obedient, but he is only obedient in front of angels"

""Ah?" Alan was a little confused:"Is it because the angel's charm is too great?"

"There is this relationship." Luo Hua added:"But the biggest reason is that Hulk was too obsessed with the angel before he mutated."

"Just like those sincere believers, even if it is not a human, its soul still believes in angels."

Alan understood all this.

It turned out that the monster Hulk in front of him believed in angels before he mutated.

So even if it has become like this now, both Banner and Hulk are the same.

Angel = faith, so just obey.

After the communication was completed.

Alan looked at Hulk who was sitting there like a good baby and waved his hand

"Then go wherever you want. I suggest you go to the wild, but don't come back to destroy the city, otherwise......"

Alan swung the sword.

The cold light on the surface made Hulk shrink violently.

Then he nodded frantically.

Alan nodded with satisfaction.

Then he put the sword back into the dark plane and walked out of the doll shop.

She flapped her wings and quickly flew home. After seeing Alan leave.

Hulk also bent down and climbed out of the doll shop.

Then he accidentally knocked his head on the door frame. He immediately turned around and stroked it with his hand to bend it back.


Hulk looked in the direction of the distant natural wilderness.

He jumped into the sea with two mad runs and disappeared.......

A few hours later, the fire brigade and police slowly approached Harlem Avenue.

Buildings within a radius of several kilometers were destroyed.

The entire scene was a mess.

Ruins, damaged buildings, potholes on the ground, burning cars, debris everywhere, broken storefronts, and thick dust everywhere.

"Oh my God."Many people were surprised and said:"What did those two monsters do!? Alien invasion?"

How could the destruction be so great?

The city within a radius of several kilometers near Harlem was completely destroyed.

It was almost all ruins.

There were not many good buildings.

The amount of loss was at least tens of billions of dollars!

What did those monsters do!?

Then, all the major reporters and the military, including private individuals, were checking their own surveillance videos.

But the military must have investigated the most clearly.

They just checked the videos of major intersections and key locations.

But after they watched the complete video, no one was not surprised and opened their mouths wide.

"monster....Angel....Oh my god! Quickly organize all these videos and upload them to the Internet!"

At the same time, in the basement studio of a sea view villa,

Jarvis reminded Tony, who had also invaded all the surveillance cameras in New York:

"Sir, you seem to have missed a great opportunity to watch a live battle."


Tony sighed.

Then he turned his head and looked at the half-assembled Mark VI new energy armor next to him.

"What can I do? Should I go without wearing the armor? I will probably die in a very ugly way."

At this time,

Pepper's voice came from above the studio:"Tony! Why don't you go to bed! What time are you going to stay up till?"

""Okay, I'm here. Can you please stop shouting? I hope you can be gentler."

Tony got up from the ground and walked out of the studio.

At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fury, Hill, Coulson, Natasha, Hawkeye and others gathered around a big screen.

Fury pointed to the broadcast directly from the satellite and said angrily:

"Why doesn't the intelligence center have any news about this black monster?"

"Where did it come from? How did it come to be? Why did it end up on the avenues of Harlem?"

"Our SHIELD spends so much money on the intelligence center every year, what do they do for it! ?"

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