As Fury spoke in anger, the agents present were silent.

Although they were not from the intelligence center, they were more or less responsible for any failure in discovery.

So let alone the fact that Abomination and Hulk had been fighting violently for so long.

The entire Harlem Boulevard was in a mess.

The area within a few kilometers was in ruins.

It basically had to be rebuilt.

"I think the President will call me later, and I will go to meet him overnight."

Fury said angrily, with his hands on his waist.

"Such a huge monster exploded in New York but we didn't know anything about it before! ?"

"If the angels hadn't come down to judge the greatest this time, and then suppressed the Hulk, what would we have done?"


If it weren't for the angels, the abomination could have washed the entire New York before the gene completely collapsed.

"Yes, Chief Fury." Coulson looked at the ruins honestly from the side:"If it weren't for the angels, the whole of New York would be affected instead of the current few kilometers."

"A few kilometers is not small, Agent Coulson."Hill looked at Coulson and reminded him,"At least tens of billions of dollars have been lost in these few kilometers alone."


This is a very important avenue in New York.

The people around are rich and many of them are middle-class people.

The impact in the future alone may be very serious.

"I know." Coulson nodded:"But if there is no angel judgment, this area can be expanded more than ten times."

More than ten times....

That's even more so.

If the area is expanded ten times, there will be an area around it that is even more precious than it.

If it is destroyed,

Fury almost shrank his head when he thought of it.

If it is destroyed, his position will probably be lost.


Fury sighed in his heart.

Then he looked at Coulson and asked,"What about the hammer in Mexico?"

After hearing what Fury said,

Coulson took out a file bag from his suit and opened it on the table.

It contained not only the data reports of the researchers, but also various other organized literature analyses.

Coulson took out one of the pictures and said,"This is what a hammer looks like. It looks a little more advanced."

"I think it’s better to use high-tech and retro style."At this time, Hawkeye suggested

"This high-tech and retro hammer is owned by the man who claims to be Thor."

At this time, Coulson took out a photo of Thor and said:

"His name is Thor, he is from the Norse God side, he said his father is Odin, he once discussed state affairs with the angel king Luo Hua"

"But I don't know the rest. Saul said he was kicked out after only hearing a little introduction, and the other thing was told to him by his father himself recently."

"Then he made a mistake, and his father Odin stripped him of his power and threw him to Earth."

After Coulson finished his introduction, everyone held their chins and thought about it.

It sounds true, but is it really true?

It's not necessarily false.

Because the angels have come out.

What's the difference between the Norse gods?

If you want to confirm it, just see if the angels recognize Thor.

However...They can't ask proactively.

They can only wait for the opportunity.

"So where is Thor now?" This is Natasha asked.

Coulson glanced at Natasha.

"I have arranged for him to stay in a hotel on the streets of New York. I asked him to stay in the room and wait for my news."

"Are you sure he won't be impatient and do something stressful?" Natasha asked

"No." Coulson said confidently:"I have arranged a dozen agents to watch him, and all of them are equipped with electric shock devices."

"These are all experienced agents. If Thor dares to mess around, I believe he will suffer."

After hearing Coulson's arrangement, everyone nodded.

It's really good.

But for some reason, there is always a feeling of something wrong.

Is it uneasy?

Impossible, Thor can still defeat more than a dozen agents?

At this time.

Beep beep beep~~~~!

A quick reminder sounded from Fury's satellite phone.

This meant something urgent.

Fury quickly picked up the phone.

Then, under the gaze of all the agents, his expression shrunk.

After hanging up the satellite phone,

Fury looked at the agents and sighed.

"Fortunately, it was just that the President asked me to meet him."

It was indeed a blessing in disguise.

If it was something else so urgent, it would be a big deal.

But it was just that Fury went to meet the President.


The agents thought: It doesn't matter if I'm not the one going.

They took the windbreaker, put it on, and put their hands in their pockets.

Fury walked out of the office with a somewhat bleak figure.

Because if he went, he would definitely be scolded.......

At the same time, in the Sky City 10,000 meters above the Angel Building,

Luo Hua sat on the throne and was playing with the two gene samples in his hands.

"Hulk's can be put aside for a while, and the Abomination's can be recorded first."

After saying that, he floated the test tube to He Xi.

He Xi nodded and put it away.

The Abomination's can still be kept for a while.

But as soon as the lid is opened, it will decompose into atoms and disappear.

And Alan

"How does it feel to stretch your body?"

Alan stood beside, with his sword sheathed, and a smile rose on his face that had long since been stripped of its mask:

"It's more fun than the Iron Soldier episode. The fight between those two big guys was hilarious."

"It's like a round-based system, they all have to attack at the same time, and they don't try to take the initiative." Alan said this.

He Xi also smiled.

In the eyes of the angel, the fight between these two big guys is really like playing a video game.

���No threat.

And funny.


Luo Hua waved his hand.

An energy projection panel was spread out in the field of vision of the three people.

On it was the current video that had been circulated on the Internet and in reality.

It was obvious.

Is the abomination the focus of this incident?


What about Hulk?

No either.

Angels are the focus of this discussion.

Last time, that is, the Iron Soldier, Alan was very far away from any shooting angle and distance.

So everyone saw a very blurry figure.

But this time is different.

This time because it was on the street.

Coupled with the professional camera, Alan was captured very clearly.

It's just that Alan was wearing armor and a mask.

Everyone just knew that the angels in the angel civilization were so heroic and gorgeous!

But that's enough!

Seeing such a hot discussion on the Internet about angels.

Luo Hua already felt that the energy of faith in his body was soaring again.

Isn't that........

Kaisha and Liang Bing can come out?

Thinking of this, Luo Hua turned his head and looked at He Xi who was standing next to him.

And He Xi also looked at Luo Hua at the same time.

But it seemed that she understood something.

Suddenly, He Xi's cheeks puffed up a little.

Don't ask. If you ask, you are angry.

Turning back, Luo Hua continued to arrange the things that were added.

"Now that the vibranium mining in Alan has been completed, the remaining vibranium resources are placed in the warehouse."

"Well, now there are some technologies in Sky City that He Xi is too busy to handle, so you will be the one to develop them."

"Hello, she will contact you when the time comes. She will contact you if there is a new task."

"Yes!"Alan nodded and accepted the task.

Alan knew that her main talent was combat.

So she couldn't take over major R&D projects. That would not only distract her, but she would also have to go on missions from time to time.

So some easy, non-urgent R&D projects could be given to Alan when she was free.

That way, Alan wouldn't be bored at ordinary times.

"As for He Xi."Luo Hua looked at He Xi and said,"You will continue to be responsible for the research and development of other modules of the Sky City."

"If there is a special need for technology research and development that needs to jump the queue, I will find you"

"Yes."He Xi stood below and nodded to receive the order.

As for Luo Hua himself, he would continue to develop the third generation of angel bodies.

And with the surge in faith energy this time, he could develop it even faster.

After all, the effect of the third generation of angel bodies might be like that.

But to design it requires a complete, reasonable, planned and series of detailed settings.

In the original angel civilization, it took tens of thousands of years from the second generation of angel bodies to the third generation of angel bodies.

And it will only take a few days for Luo Hua. If these two speeds are compared, it can be seen how amazing Luo Hua is.

After the end,

Luo Hua flew down from his throne.

Then he turned around and walked into the courtyard behind.


After Alan went out, the sound of high heels sounded behind Luo Hua.

He Xi followed.

Turning around and sitting in the pavilion, Luo Hua picked up the teacup on the table and glanced at He Xi

"Why, Wang, didn't you say that even if Kaisha and Liang Bing come in the future, we will still be the same?"

After saying that,

He Xi saw Luo Hua was going to pour tea for himself, so she hurried over to help Luo Hua pour it.

Putting down the teapot,

Luo Hua looked at He Xi who was pouring tea for him and said helplessly,"You come every day."

""Yeah~" He Xi raised her pretty face proudly.

Her charming eyes were now looking at the teacup carefully as she poured tea.

Her cherry-like red lips moved up and down as she spoke:

"I don't come here every day.~.....I won't come when the research reaches a critical moment."

"But we can do many things at the same time, so why not chat?"

After saying that,

He Xi handed the cup of tea to Luo Hua with both hands.

Luo Hua took it and took a sip.

"Really? Last time, my shoulder was almost covered with your saliva."!?

He Xi was stunned.

She quickly lowered her head and did not move, but glanced at Luo Hua's shoulder inconspicuously.

But after remembering that this exquisite dress would not stick to any dust,

He Xi's cheeks suddenly became a little rosy.

She took her teacup and walked to Luo Hua and sat down, trying to avoid his sight.

But when she thought that Kaisha and Liang Bing would be out in two or three days at most,

He Xi clenched her fists slightly and decided to start with the wall.

Which angel would not have a good impression of his king?

What is certain is that no matter in the past, present or future, all angels will have a good impression of Luo Hua, this is an absolute fact.

And it is not low.


After making a decision, He Xi turned her head and looked at Luo Hua's cheek with her extremely beautiful blue eyes with a little tenderness and asked softly:

"I recently learned about a skill called ear cleaning and took some time to learn it."

"King, do you want to try it?

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