Ear picking?

It seems to be that kind of.....Well, it's a very comfortable thing.

But it's obvious that the angel's body will no longer produce dirt.

So if you want to see earwax, there is no

"you..."Are there any tools?" Luo Hua was quite puzzled.

This thing requires a lot of tools.

He Xi did not answer.

Instead, he waved his hand and neatly arranged all the tools on the table.....Others would cry when they saw this.

Seeing He Xi, who had already prepared everything and expressed it directly through action,

Luo Hua had nothing to say.

"All right, I'll be your first guinea pig for the experiment."

He Xi was delighted to hear that Luo Hua was willing to give it a try.

She sat back to expose more of her thighs.

Then she pulled her skirt up.

Finally, He Xi patted her slender thighs.

Meaning: just lie on your side.


That's not right. Can't

Luo Hua do the ear cleaning by himself?

Lying down is not called ear cleaning.

He Xi seemed to know what Luo Hua meant and explained:"Sitting is because we are afraid that earwax will fall into the ears and get deeper."

"But we angels don't have it, so it will be more relaxing to lie sideways like this."

He Xi is right.

Luo Hua nodded doubtfully.

Then he turned sideways and rested his head on He Xi's cool legs.

The back of his head was facing He Xi.

Luo Hua closed his eyes first.


Something like fluff stretched into Luo Hua's ears.

A comfortable and itchy feeling instantly swept through his brain.

Apart from other things, it was really comfortable.

He was originally sorting out the third-generation angel body technology, which made him a little nervous, and he relaxed instantly. I do n't know how long it took. It wasn't until He Xi spoke again that he reacted

"Wang, this side is good. Do you want to switch sides?"


Luo Hua hummed with a nasal sound.

Then he sat up sleepily.

But before he could change his place.

He Xi stood up and came to the other side of Luo Hua.

She stretched out her hands and gently held both sides of Luo Hua's head.

Then she supported and gently placed her head on her legs.

At this time, Luo Hua's face was facing He Xi's lower abdomen.

His long breathing when he was about to fall asleep blew on He Xi's lower abdomen.

He Xi's cheeks were a little red.

But seeing Luo Hua like this, He Xi knew that she had succeeded.

This time the physical contact could go this far.

Then in the future, shaking hands, hugging arms, and patting shoulders can be done.

He Xi resolved the physical unfamiliarity between the two of them in one go.

This was her plan.

Before Kaisha and Liang Bing were born, the farther they could run in advance, the better. How far to run.

This is called pre-emptive strike, also called rushing to seize the opportunity.

Even if Kaisha and Liang Bing were born, they could only sigh after knowing it.


Really high.

Sticking to He Xi's belly, Luo Hua was already drowsy at this time.

Coupled with the gentle touch in his ear.

Unknowingly, Luo Hua fell asleep on He Xi's long legs.

Feeling the long breathing on the belly, He Xi knew that her king was asleep.

Gently took out the tools and put them back on the table.

He Xi stretched out her jade hand and stroked Luo Hua's hair as if stroking.

The sky-blue eyes that lowered their heads were full of him.

It was as if time was immersed.

At this time.

Any creature in this environment will feel the rapid passage of time.

Because the best time can always make you forget the existence of time.......

The next morning, in a hotel in New York,

Thor sat on the bed and watched TV boredly.

There was everything here.

Nothing was missing.

The agent outside had just taught him how to watch TV.

Next channel.

Next channel.


After flipping through so many of them,

Thor still felt that they were not good at all.

This TV seemed to have been specially adjusted by the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

All the information in it was basically useless.

At most, it was just for entertainment or to learn some modern knowledge.


Thor threw the remote control on the bed in annoyance.

Then he rubbed his hair and walked to the window to look at the scenery outside.

At this time, with a sound of"Snap~", a poster was blown down from the sky and hit his face.

Thor took down the poster in even more annoyance.

Just as he was about to roll the poster into a ball and throw it away, he was stunned by the content on it.

{It was an angel who suppressed the riot on Harlem Boulevard yesterday.}

{They are beautiful, they are handsome, they bring us security without asking for anything in return.}

{Come join the Angel of Faith team, we have only one purpose}

{That is the Angel of Faith.

This is a team that is completely organized by the people.

They promote the poster of the Angel of Faith.

And printed on it are all the scenes of Alan yesterday.

But at that time, Sol was almost there, so he hadn't arrived in New York yet.

Looking at the date on the poster,

Sol realized that this happened yesterday!

And the angel appeared not far from where he is now yesterday!

The angel is nearby!

Sol reacted immediately and turned around and ran to the door.

He knocked on the door continuously.

The agent opened the door.

When Sol saw the bulging thing in the agent's suit, he knew it was not tissue paper.

"I want to go out, the angel is nearby, I will definitely find it if I look for it."

The two agents at the door apologized:

"Excuse me, Mr. Thor, Commander Coulson has given us the task of keeping an eye on you and not letting you get out of this situation in any way."

"He said you live here first, and they will wait for a chance to contact the angels to verify your identity."

Thor thought about it, and couldn't find any other reason.

He stared deeply into the eyes of the two agents and asked,"Is there no other way?"

The two agents saw Thor's meaningful look and slowly reached their hands into their suits.

"Yes, Mr. Saul, so I suggest you go back first......"


Before he could finish his words,

Thor knocked down an agent with a single blow.

The other agent saw that it was too late to take out the stun gun.

He could only shout into the headset:

""The target wants to escape from here! Hurry up and support us!"

Then, a group of black-clad agents rushed up with big steps.

They were entangled with Thor.

Bang! Bang! The sound of smashing and smashing was everywhere.

After a while, a long-haired man with a bruised face and limping walked out of the hotel.

In the hotel, there were more than a dozen black-clad agents lying.

A few dozen minutes later,

Coulson and Hill drove here.

Seeing that the target had escaped and there were more than a dozen agents on the ground, Hill looked at Coulson and pursed his lips and said:

"Is this what you call battle-hardened?"

Coulson saw this and said silently:"They are battle-hardened."

"but....."Coulson looked at the direction where Thor left:"Maybe that man has been through thousands or even tens of thousands of battles."

Hill looked at Thor leaving in disbelief.


"No need to chase." At this time, Fury happened to be nearby so he followed.

He looked at the location on his phone and said confidently:"Mr. Thor seems to have a purpose. I want to see what he can do."

Thor, who had already run out, walked on the street in a daze.

There was a lot of traffic here, and all kinds of people were mixed. There were people going to work, shopping, and traveling.

There were also all kinds of clothes that made Thor dazzled.

In addition to the various things.

Some he could understand, and some he couldn't guess at all.

At this time

"Sir, you seem to need help. Would you like to receive some medicine from an angel admirer?

A girl who seemed to be only 14 years old happened to pass by Thor.

She had two white cosplay wings hanging behind her. She was holding a small box in her hand.

It actually contained medicine for applying wounds.

Thor touched his cheek radioactively.

The wound there from a punch had broken a piece of skin, so it was quite painful.

He squatted down awkwardly.

"Forehead...ah..."Okay, thank you."

The little girl saw that Thor agreed.

She happily wiped Thor's wound with red wound potion.

"You're welcome. The angels are helping us selflessly. We should also help others."


When the value of interests is not at the same level.

The help of angels is indeed like selfless dedication.

But how is it possible?

Luo Hua is not idle and asks angels to help people every day.

Only those with faith value will do so.

After a while.

Sol, who was grinning from being wiped by the little girl, finally heard her say:"Okay."

He immediately stood up and relaxed his expression.

But suddenly.

Sol seemed to remember something.

He squatted down again and asked the little girl in the most gentle voice:

"I want to believe in angels. Where do angels live?"

The little girl looked at Thor doubtfully.

Is there anyone who doesn't know where angels are?

But she was still helpful and raised her hand to point to the Angel Building.

"That's where the angels live, but no one is allowed to get close."

"I heard that someone who was too excited wanted to break in, but was caught by a group of people in black clothes."

People in black clothes.

Aren't they agents of SHIELD?

Thor took a look at the Angel Building and immediately gave up the idea of breaking in. It seems that he has to outsmart them......

Although he couldn't think of any good ideas

"Thank you for telling me. I have something to do and I'm leaving first." After saying goodbye to the little girl,

Thor ran to the river across the sea.

It was only a few kilometers away from the Angel Building.

But this piece of land cut off the idea of going directly.

And it was said that the angels would not come out.

What should I do?

Thor spent a whole night on the lawn by the river.

The next morning.

At this time in Asgard,

Loki was already in charge of Asgard in name.

He sat on the throne, holding the Spear of Eternity in his hand.

At the same time, he also had control over the Destroyer.

At this time, he looked at the Earth lying on the lawn and sleeping. Thor made up his mind and murmured:

"My brother, since the unstable factor of the angel will affect your return to compete with me for the throne,"

"Then I will have no choice but to make it impossible for you to snatch it from me forever."

""Destroyer, go ahead."

Loki waved his hand.

The Destroyer in the treasure room of Asgard walked out and headed for New York on Earth alone!

Another war was about to begin.

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