The next morning, the Destroyer was about to set off.

In the Sky City,

Luo Hua was working on the last project of developing the third generation of angel bodies.

That was to organize and list all the settings that had been understood, and then create them through the system.

He waved his hand to open the energy light screen.

Luo Hua looked at the light screen and used his mind to control the list to slide up and down and open other pages.

Don't tell me, with this kind of panoramic"computer", it basically provides convenience in many ways.


Luo Hua, who finally sorted out all the information, began to create the system.

"The third generation angel body is the most powerful body known to angel civilization except for the divine body."

"From now on, unless you are hit by the gamma rays condensed from the radiation effects of thousands of nuclear bomb explosions,"

"Or it could be hit by a gene-decomposing weapon, otherwise it would not be damaged at any level."

"At the same time, even magical attacks or mental attacks will be no different from physical attacks."

"Of course, because of its strong physical fitness, it also needs to consume terrifying energy to replenish"


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【The third generation of angels: Before being attacked by gamma ray bursts and genetic weapons, the third generation of angels are able to cross the universe in the flesh.】

【Under physical, magical, and spiritual attacks, unless it is attacked with enough force to destroy a planet, it will not be seriously injured or even die. 】

After reading the technology that was set up.

Even Luo Hua couldn't help but admire the strength of the third-generation angel body.

What is the meaning of sanctification of the flesh?

The third-generation angel body is only one step away from that goal!

It's just that immortality.

Open the system panel with your mind

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Angels: Luo Hua (Angel King), He Xi, Ailan】

【Technology: First Generation Angel Body, Second Generation Angel Body, Third Generation Angel Body, Angel Wings, Sky City, Faith Energy Conversion, Eye of Insight, Microwormhole Transport Technology, Dark Energy Communication Technology, Full System Energy Projection Technology, Dark Matter Computer, Vibranium Armor


Luo Hua let out a long sigh.

Compared with the previous technology, this is much stronger.

Then, the next step is to install this technology.

"Loading the third generation angel body."


At the moment when Luo Hua made the decision, a muffled groan came out of his body.

Then, a brilliant light suddenly enveloped Luo Hua.

He is the host of the angel civilization.

So every time Luo Hua upgrades, the improvement is the greatest.

And in the future, all the energy communication of angels will be supplied from him.

So Luo Hua can also control the technology content of the angels at will.

For example, an angel is now a third generation angel.

Luo Hua can change her to the second generation on the spot.

Or directly cancel the technology.

Cancel the wings and there will be no wings. Cancel the eye of insight and there will be no eye of insight.

This is his right as the king of angels.

At this time, accompanied by the sound of clacking~clacking~footsteps,

He Xi came to the gate of the courtyard.

As soon as she came in, she saw Luo Hua wrapped in light at this time.

So she chose to stand quietly outside the door and wait.

After a while,

Luo Hua finished upgrading.

Then he saw He Xi

"Come in."

He Xi walked in with her long legs, and asked as she walked,"The third generation of angel body is out?"


Luo Hua nodded and was about to get the teapot.

He Xi quickly snatched it and poured it for himself.

Luo Hua looked at He Xi's profile and said,"I'll try to upgrade it for you first."

"ah~?"He Xi was surprised for a moment and said,"I don't need it. You should upgrade Alan. Alan will need it when he goes out on missions."

"If I just need to study, the second generation angel body is already very good."

Luo Hua nodded, and the next moment he blocked He Xi's mouth.

"Don't talk, just feel it."

{Upgrade He Xi to the third generation angel body}

【Angel He Xi: Third-generation angel body, angel wings, eye of insight, microwormhole transport technology, dark energy communication technology, full energy projection technology, dark matter computer, vibranium armor]

In an instant,

He Xi, who was about to speak, was wide-eyed by the sudden upgrade.

She closed her eyes.

After a while, she slowly opened them again.

"The computing power has increased so much! ?"

What surprised He Xi just now was that the computing power of the second-generation angel body plus the dark matter computer was already very high.

But I didn't expect that the third-generation angel body plus the dark matter computer would be even higher!

The computing power has increased by more than several times.

This is equivalent to upgrading directly from a server to a supercomputer!

At this time, the sound of slightly faster footsteps came.

After a while, Alan came here and reported:

"Wang, a two-meter-tall black armored figure suddenly descended on the central avenue of New York City."

"He is now standing on the most prosperous and populous central avenue and is slowly walking towards us."

After hearing this, Luo Hua opened the Eye of Insight and took a look.

At this time, on the central avenue of New York City, was n't that the Destroyer?

And it was certain that it appeared directly on the most densely populated avenue in the center of New York City.

Don't you see who is controlling him behind the scenes?

It's Loki who wants to get the attention of the whole world.

At this time, when everyone was hiding far away and observing the Destroyer,

Loki directly controlled the Destroyer to shoot out a huge particle light wave.

This attack method is the same as Tony's armor hand cannon.

But the difference is that the Destroyer's attack power is too strong.

Tony's hand cannon is simply the difference between an anti-aircraft gun and a mosquito..


At the same time.

The building hit by the energy wave was directly destroyed.


Loki felt the attention of the crowd.

He fired energy waves around more excitedly.

Boom~! Boom~!


The Destroyer blasted as he walked.

He blasted all the way and walked towards Thor.

If Thor was not eliminated.

Then he would have the opportunity to use the angels to come back and compete with him for the throne.

But he couldn't deal with the angels.


Thor became his only choice.

The scene returned to Luo Hua.

After seeing this.

Alan turned around and asked Luo Hua:"King, the impact he caused is very big. Should we wait a while to expand it or suppress him now?"

"No rush." Luo Hua waved his hand and brought out two energy panels in front of the two women.

"This is the information about him. Strictly speaking, he is just a suit of armor and has no consciousness."

"The one who was controlling him was Thor's cousin, Loki."

Now, the two women who had read all the information immediately knew the cause and effect.

But this also meant that Thor was near the Angel Building.

Alan turned on the Eye of Insight and immediately searched for a person named Thor.

The next moment after turning it on, Alan found him.

At this time, Thor had just been awakened by the sound of bombing on the lawn by the river.

He quickly got up from the lawn and looked at the city behind him.

At this time, a beam of energy wave suddenly flew over his head.

Thor was so scared that he immediately lay down.

But the direction of the energy wave extended......

It's the Angel Building!

Even Loki in Asgard frowned.

If the Angel Building is blown up.........What should I do?

But the next moment.

A pair of silver wings that pierced the sky suddenly appeared in the path of the energy wave.

A cold light flashed across the sky and the sea.

The energy wave was actually cut in half directly in the path of the shooting.

At this time, the sky city

"King! Let me tear it down!"

Alan saw this and immediately stepped forward in anger and begged.

No matter what happened to the world.

Even if the angels moved into the Sky City.

But the Angel Building still has the memory of the first three angels who lived there for a while.

What's more, this is the property of the angels.

How dare you bomb it!?

Hearing Alan's request,

Luo Hua checked Alan's panel.

It can't be loaded with the third generation angel body yet.

"Alan, now you need to work harder, you can't load the third generation angel body yet.


Alan's body paused.

"king...You're too fast...."

She really didn't expect it.

This second generation angel body has only been used for a few days.

A few days later, Luo Hua told her that the third generation is out.

When did the third generation of angel bodies become so easy to research?

Even an angel like Alan, whose talent is the backbone of angel civilization, can't keep up with Luo Hua's research and development speed. I'm afraid that only the third kings like He Xi can keep up. Seeing Alan's somewhat lost look. He Xi comforted her:"It's okay, the third generation is here, and the harder you work to catch up, the faster you can load it in advance.


""Yeah!" Alan nodded, determined to grow up as quickly as possible.

But then again.

Seeing that the crisis of the Angel Building was resolved by Luo Hua's wing blade weapon.

But obviously the Destroyer also knew that this building could not be attacked.

So he chose to bombard other cities.

Just now it was just an angry attack after he found Thor.

But this does not mean that Luo Hua is so easy to talk to.

This can be directly forgotten.

"Alan, you wait in the air until Thor rushes up and then escalate this incident to a higher level."

"At that time, you can fight with the armor as much as you want, and he should be able to satisfy you."

"And don't hold back, remember to take off that armor for me"

"Since Loki is willing to let this destroyer come down"

"Then he belongs to me."

You know, the Destroyer is made of the best Uru metal in Asgard.

And Uru metal is the same metal as Thor's hammer.

They are all produced by the dead core of Perseverance.

The core of a Perseverance is only as big as Thor's hammer.

So you can see the mass of the Destroyer.

If the Destroyer is dismantled and brought back, then as long as it is forged, its value will be higher than Thor's hammer!

So, you want to take back the artifact that has come to my territory?

You are dreaming?

(I have only one chapter saved now. I will try my best to write it quickly and send all 3 chapters before the evening. Then I can send them together after writing more)

(Starting from 12 o'clock in the future, I will try my best to send all 3 chapters before the evening, that is, in the afternoon)

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