The scene returns to Thor.

After seeing the beam of light, he finally knows what is making the bombing sound.

The Destroyer!



Thor looked at the Destroyer from a distance of several thousand meters and shouted,"Why do you want to destroy the innocent people here! ?"


With Thor's roar,

Loki, who was sitting on the throne of Asgard, sneered.

Then he continued to command the destroyer to destroy.

On this earth with weak civilization, the attention caused by Loki's wanton destruction made him very comfortable.

So this made him even more rampant.



The bombing continued.

The day before yesterday, Harlem Avenue just rolled like a dragon.

Now the entire downtown of New York seems to be invaded by aliens.

This is the most prosperous and densely populated place in New York.

So it has led to.

Now the whole city is wailing.

The bombed cars are constantly burning. The bombed houses also collapsed in an instant.

The whole city is now filled with smoke and gunpowder.

Thor looked at this scene.

He was deeply stunned.

At this time,

Coulson, Hill, and Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., who were in New York, encountered this scene and hurriedly drove to find Thor who had satellite positioning on him. As soon as he got out of the car,

Fury's windbreaker swayed in anger and walked towards the stunned Thor and asked angrily

"What's going on! ? What kind of monster is that with the energy spraying from its face! ?"

From Thor's roar and the Destroyer's attack, SHIELD knew it had something to do with Thor.

And since he was in a daze, Thor must know something.

Thor slowly turned his head and looked at Fury and the other two.

"He is the Destroyer, one of the artifacts used by my father Odin."

"There is no other way except to destroy it with a divine weapon unless the energy stored in his body is exhausted."

"Artifact!?" Fury looked like he was in shock:"Where can we get an artifact!? What is an artifact!?"

"My hammer. Thor explained silently.

"Your hammer!?" Fury was stunned:"The one from Mexico?"

Thor nodded.

Fury blurted out:"I'll get you the hammer from Mexico. By the time it gets here, it's gone in New York!""

"You can't lift it, and it's useless even if you do." Thor said dejectedly,"Even if it's brought here, I can't lift it, and I can't use its power."

"This is Thor's hammer, and I have lost the power to use it."

After Thor's reminder, the three SHIELD agents also remembered what Thor said.

And Thor's hammer, SHIELD can't lift it.

It is made of a dead Perseverance Core.

So if you want to pick up this hammer without the right or the verification method password, you need to have at least the power to lift the mass of a Perseverance Core.

This is impossible for most creatures in the universe.

Fury thought about it but couldn't come up with a solution.

He turned around angrily and looked at the sea.

He happened to see the Angel Building.

Then he turned back and looked at Hill and Coulson.

"Angel....Will you take action?"

"I believe it will."Coulson nodded.

But he added:"But it will take a while. He needs to wait until the people in this world have no chance at all before he will take action."

Hill nodded.

If an angel appears as soon as danger appears, then the angel is not called an angel who can save the world, or a savior. The angel will only take action when the whole world is helpless.

Fury scratched his scalp in distress.

He knew this.

But by that time,

New York will be gone.

Then New York will be gone.

What use will his SHIELD, whose full name is the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, have?

Wouldn't the president have to remove him from office by then?

Then should he kneel in front of the Angel Building in person to see if he can invite the angel out?

This idea just came up.

At this time.

Just when the three SHIELD officers were frowning.

Thor suddenly walked silently to the central avenue of New York.

And he walked slowly all the way towards the Destroyer.

In the period just now

Thor saw what a country would encounter during war.

Cities were reduced to ruins.

Buildings collapsed.

The death of every family member would bring endless sorrow.

If every citizen had to go through these things, would this president or king still be qualified? Of course not.

Thor thought the same.

He wanted to provoke a war.

He wanted to suppress it with force.

But what he got in return was not much different from what he saw now.

And Asgard at that time might be even worse than this.

So he understood.

What is a qualified king.

The most basic: peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

Thor slowly walked towards the Destroyer.

And the Destroyer also found the figure who had the courage to come over during the destruction.

This inevitably made Loki even more angry.

Because Thor was always so brave.

But he himself.......Conspiracy.

Loki put down the bomb.

He controlled the Destroyer and walked slowly towards Thor.

The two were walking on a road full of potholes and smoke.

SHIELD looked at Thor in a daze from a distance.

What is this doing?

After a while.

A man in armor and a man with a beard on his face stood together.

Thor looked up at the Destroyer with a deep look.

"If you want me dead, just kill me and stop destroying the city."

"The angels behind me, you have angered them"

"If you become king, what do you think the angels will do to us in the future! ?"

After saying that,

Thor gave his final reminder:

"I know you're listening, Loki, so"

"Kill me, apologize to the angels, and then go back to be your king."

At this time, on the throne of Asgard,

Loki sat there with his fists clenched gradually.

He tried harder and harder, until finally, he stood up suddenly and roared,"Are you teaching me to be a king?!"

At the same time, the Destroyer on Earth swung his arm violently.

Thor was directly blown away by this huge force.

You know, Thor is just a very strong ordinary person now.

The Destroyer was enough to throw him to death.

But after seeing that the Destroyer really attacked him,

Thor also figured it out.

He could finally get his own power back.

The Mexican hammer was also flying quickly.

After seeing Thor being blown away, the angry Loki was obviously not calmed down.

He controlled the Destroyer to bomb even more fiercely.


Boom boom boom~!!

After seeing S.H.I.E.L.D. in the distance,

Fury looked at the city that was once again in destruction uncomfortably.

"What did Thor do to make the Destroyer even more violent?"

Coulson said silently based on his familiarity with Thor:"Maybe he said something that made the Destroyer even more angry."

"For example,"Go home quickly, stop destroying things," etc., these are just adding fuel to the fire."

While they were talking, the Destroyer bombed several more high-rise buildings.


Fury said in a rage, and suddenly thought of something and said,"Where is Tony Stark? His building is about to be blown up!"

"Director Fury, Mr. Stark's armor is broken and is still being repaired.

Agent Coulson reminded:"It will take a few days to repair it."

""Wotfuck!?" Fury was really desperate this time. No one could help him.

New York was almost torn down for dozens of kilometers.

Who could deal with the Destroyer?

At this moment,

Fury wanted to kneel on the ground and beg the angel to come out quickly.

Coulson looked at the city that was still being destroyed and suggested:"Do you need to use the agent's mobile phone? We haven't talked on the phone yet. This is the first time."

After hearing Coulson's suggestion,

Fury began to think.

Should he use

"Call!" Fury gritted his teeth and asked Coulson to start dialing. As the call was just beginning, a figure appeared in the sky above New York. Fury looked at the winged voice and turned around and shouted:

"It's almost closed! It's almost closed! The angel is coming out!"

"but...Sir." Coulson said regretfully:"Although I turned it off in time, the call still went through."


Ouch, it's over, a favor was used.


Alan suddenly appeared in the sky above New York.

She saw the Destroyer still bombing. She immediately felt a surge of anger.

This thing almost blew up the king's building!

Now it doesn't admit its mistake and is still destroying everywhere.

For a moment, Alan directly took out a vibranium sword from the dark plane and swung it hard. The Destroyer reacted.

It directly sprayed energy waves at the sword.

But it was obvious.

This vibranium sword easily broke through the energy wave.

Because this is Antarctic vibranium.

Energy attacks have no effect on vibranium.

So it led to.

Clang~! After a sound.

The Destroyer was nailed to the ground by the vibranium sword from the face.

At this time, he was nailed by the hilt of the sword and could only lean back halfway.

The overall posture was like a waist armor.

At this time.

Loki of Asgard had a mocking smile on his face.

Just relying on a weapon that can pierce the Destroyer, you want to deal with the Destroyer?

What is the Destroyer's recovery ability for?

But the next moment.

Loki's grin turned into a frown.

Although the Destroyer was recovering, the speed was.....Very slow, less than 70% of the original speed.


This is of course because of the characteristics of Antarctic Vibranium.

As long as the energy is stimulated, the surrounding metal molecules can be decomposed.

Although it is impossible to decompose a divine weapon like the Destroyer, it can at least reduce its recovery effect.

Moreover, after the Destroyer was hit, it was not only his recovery speed that slowed down.

Also, his various movement speeds!

Seeing that the Destroyer was about to break free


Alan snorted.

The next moment, he threw out a vibranium sword from the dark plane.


This time, the sword directly pierced into the Destroyer's abdomen and nailed him to the ground again.

At this time, the Destroyer could only look at the sky!

And his recovery was even slower!


Loki, who was far away in Asgard, slammed the armrest and shouted angrily:"What kind of weapon is this! ?"

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