However, Loki's roar was definitely useless.

As the two swords were inserted into the Destroyer's body, it was obvious that the Destroyer's mobility and recovery abilities were directly reduced by half!


Ella sighed softly through her red lips exposed behind the mask.

She thought that this Destroyer armor could warm her up well.

Improve her combat capabilities so that she can quickly master the body of the third-generation angel.


The vibranium weapon perfectly restrained the Destroyer.

How could this not make Alan sigh?

The sandbag was gone.

Looking at the still struggling Destroyer.

He seemed to be struggling more and more.


Alan gently flapped his wings and landed.

Then he walked towards the Destroyer with his long legs wrapped in metal boots.

He came to his side.

Looking at the Destroyer, who was facing up and his body was in an N shape.

At this time, it was almost struggling to an R shape.


Alan chuckled cruelly.

"When you bombed my Wang Building, why didn't you admit your mistake right away?"

After saying that,

Alan lifted up the angel's long legs and stepped down gently.


Then, with the sound of metal friction, the Destroyer's body, which had just been raised, was stepped back from R to N.

But it was still facing upwards.

Nothing could move.

At this time, the Asgard.

Crash~! Pala~!~!

Loki was so angry that he smashed plates and cups.

His Destroyer was held in Alan's hand like a toy!

She could do whatever she wanted to the Destroyer!

This made Loki so angry.

The last time his ice giant invaded the treasure room, it was directly destroyed by this beam of light.

But when it came to the angel, it was just like being kneaded like mud!

The difference is too big! ?

Loki got angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and sat back in his seat to control the Destroyer.

The scene returned to Alan.

After stepping on the Destroyer again,

Alan looked at him helplessly.

That's it?

So she had no choice but to contact Luo Hua secretly.

"King, the Destroyer is like this now, do you want to make it into a specimen and take it back?"

After Alan controlled the Destroyer, the people who didn't have time to escape gradually gathered on the surrounding high-rise buildings.

They immediately took out their cameras and started recording.

In the Sky City,

Luo Hua supported his chin with one hand, and his legs were swaying after crossing his legs. He said helplessly

"Then bring it back and make it into my newest weapon."


Alan received the order.

He waved his hand and took out several vibranium swords from the dark plane.


Clang clang clang~!

As four sounds rang out,

Alan pierced all of the Destroyer's limbs with vibranium swords.

This time, the Destroyer's entire body could no longer move.

A total of 6 vibranium swords simultaneously activated the ability to decompose metal molecules.

The Destroyer's ability was instantly less than the previous level.


At this time, the Destroyer shook his head.

Loki, who was controlling him, was already in a hurry.

The Destroyer's face flushed.

Instantly, a beam of the highest energy he could use shot into the sky!

And it would not stop once it shot!

If this was the case, the Destroyer could not break free by using the high-energy recoil.

Maybe he could expand the range of his head shaking until he could sweep the surrounding buildings.

Boom boom boom boom~~~~~

Seeing the Destroyer's high-energy beam growing bigger and bigger, and lasting longer and longer,

Alan was just beginning to think about whether to chop off his head.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed from the sky above the Angel Building to where she was.

Everyone present seemed to have seen this silver light.


It was like a dream.

So where did the silver light that suddenly flashed across the sky come from?

At this time, the Destroyer, which was still emitting high-energy rays, suddenly stopped.

Then, he fell down from the top of his head to his crotch on Alan's sword.

Looking at the Destroyer in two halves,

Alan knew that it was Luo Hua in the Sky City who made the move!

The king used the vibranium wing blade to remotely control the Destroyer in half!

All of a sudden, cheers rang out around them.

They thought it was all done by Alan.

This time,

Alan was a little embarrassed.

It was obviously the king who did it, but she had to bear the cheers.

But if Luo Hua knew, he would not care about these cheers, because it was useless.

The cheers were of no value.

Then, just when Alan was about to put away the Destroyer and go back, a man in a red cloak and holding a hammer appeared.

This was Thor.

He had just waited for his hammer and recovered.

Alan thought he was coming to take the Destroyer.

So she raised her metal boots and stepped directly on the Destroyer.

Then the Vibranium Sword pointed directly at Thor.

Now Alan didn't even want to say anything.

If Thor's next move was to grab the Destroyer, then Alan would kill him without hesitation!

But Thor here....

Seeing Alan's long sword pointed at him,

Thor was immediately frightened.

The Destroyer's body was still lying on the ground.

He didn't think he was more durable than the Destroyer.

"No, no, no. Thor waved his hands and said,"That's what I meant. I'm here to apologize."


Alan heard that Thor was here to apologize.

He reluctantly stopped pointing his sword at him.

But he still wouldn't put it away.


Seeing Alan's skeptical look, Thor quickly explained:

"First of all, I apologize on behalf of Asgard for the attack that was mistakenly launched at the angel just now."

"That was not intentional. The attack was meant for me, but I dodged it and hit the angel by mistake."

"So here, as Odin's son, Thor Odinson, I apologize to the angels on behalf of Asgard!"

After saying that, Thor also bowed.

���He was asked to clean up the mess, which was considered as his understanding.

Otherwise, Thor would never do this.

After hearing Thor's words,

Alan also reported to Luo Hua for instructions.

"Let him go back and tell him that it is difficult to change a person's nature, and some people will never change."

After saying that,

Alan also looked at Thor and said:

"Wang has already said that he agrees with your apology"

"King Shunbian kindly reminds you: It is difficult to change one's nature, and some people will never change."

After saying that,

Alan put away the Destroyer Armor that was broken into two halves.

Then he flapped his wings and disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the angel that had already flown away,

Thor felt grateful and sad.

He was grateful that the Angel King forgave the accidental injury. He felt sad because he had already guessed who the Angel King was talking about.

Who else could it be but Loki?

But if you think deeply, it means that the current angel civilization does not like Loki at all.

And Loki's cunning and conspiracy are not suitable for being a king.


Saul decided

"Loki, you are not fit to be a king. Asgard will be destroyed in your hands."

"I won't allow you to do this! You won't be a king!"

After that,

Thor raised his hammer to the sky and shouted:

""Heimdall! Send me back!"


Heimdall, who was frozen by Loki with the Ice Box, finally broke free.

He ran to the terminal of the Rainbow Bridge, inserted the sword and brought Thor back.

In an instant, a beam of light shot directly from Asgard to New York.

Then only a mark was left on the ground.

And Thor had disappeared. For a moment, the downtown of New York, which was about to be destroyed just now, was silent in an instant.

At this time, the whole city was silent.

If there is a city background noise award,

New York at this time is definitely the champion.

From smoke to silence.

From bombing everywhere to empty.

When the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived at the scene.

Is this still New York?

There are potholes everywhere.

There are burning vehicles and destroyed buildings everywhere.

Now it seems that this is much worse than the time on Harlem Boulevard.

Hill looked at it from the side and guessed:"Director Fury, the loss this time....It may exceed 100 billion and reach hundreds of billions of MiGold."

This almost killed Fury.

Another sudden crisis!

Another unknown threat! And it turned out like this without knowing anything!

The President just talked to him a few days ago!

What should he do? What should he do when he is asked?

What on earth is the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency for?

And Fury felt that this sentence was familiar.

It seemed that he had scolded the Intelligence Center in the same way.

And now it was his turn.

"Oh my god!".......

At this time in the Sky City.

He Xi looked at the Destroyer Armor lying in the hall of the King's Palace and felt a little sorry.

"If there were more materials, it could be made into a throne."

Luo Hua:

What are you doing with it?

He Xi turned around and explained,"It's a throne-like flying machine."

He Xi then brought out an energy model for everyone to see.

The throne is the same as the one Luo Hua is sitting on now.

In addition to the two huge wings on both sides, there is also a throne in the middle, which looks very majestic.

Then there is a sword-like authority under the throne.

But only a part of it.

So the overall look is that

Luo Hua just sits on it like an angel sitting on top of a group of angels.

This is a symbol of power and position.


He Xi continued:"But the materials are really too little, so it can only be made into the second wing blade."

Destroyer metal is also known as Uru metal.

This metal can store magical energy and can transmit the user's characteristics to the weapon.

So this metal is most suitable for making weapons.

That's all there is to it.

As He Xi put it away, she will use the production module of the Sky City to automatically build it.


Luo Hua should praise Alan for his performance this time

"Alan, to be honest, your actions this time really surprised me."

"I didn't expect that the Destroyer would be like clay in front of you."

After hearing this, Alan was secretly delighted and explained:

"King, it's all thanks to the vibranium weapons"

"If there is no such weapon, it is inevitable to fight for a while."

Faced with Alan's words,

Luo Hua smiled and teased:"It can't be considered a fight, but it should be missing a sandbag for practice."

All of a sudden,

Luo Hua's praise directly made Alan hesitate and didn't know what to do.

Who would have thought that the female warrior angel who was so powerful outside was like a little girl here?

No one could have thought of it.

But only Luo Hua could have it.

But then again.

Now the creation of the remaining two kings can really be carried out.

I am looking forward to it when I think about it.

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