After dismissing the angels,

Luo Hua came to his own courtyard and sat on a chair in the pavilion.

He leaned back with his eyes closed.

This was not because he was tired or sleepy, but because he was thinking.

After waking up from He Xi's arms that day, the fragrance on her body naturally filled his nostrils.

He felt like lying down for a while longer.

But since he was already awake, he sat up.

But that feeling was really good.

At this time, click~click~

He Xi's footsteps slowly came from outside the yard.

After a while,

He Xi arrived at the door.

He had been here many times, and Luo Hua didn't want to say"Come in" every time.

So he moved his fingers to He Xi with his eyes.

He Xi understood that this was a consent.

He came to sit next to Luo Hua.

He Xi seemed to deliberately sit back.

This way, he could put more of his legs on the seat.

Luo Hua lay down like this last time.

After all, the normal sitting posture should not be sitting fully, with only half of the thigh sitting.

But this time when He Xi came.

The whole thigh sat on it.

When she came in, she saw Luo Hua closing his eyes to rest.

She thought he was tired.

He Xi whispered beside him:"Do you want to lie down for a while?~?"

The voice was very soft and gentle.

Like the elder sister next door, bathing in the spring breeze.

Opening his eyes.

Facing He Xi's deep blue eyes.

Luo Hua thought about it.

He fell down and slept directly on He Xi's legs.

Why not lie down when there is a knee pillow?

Can't I lie down with my angel?

Don't tell me about style and playing hard to get.

My angel is only good to me.

Pretending to be reserved, you psychopath.

Resting his head on He Xi's legs, Luo Hua was lying face up with his eyes closed.

At this time.

A warm hand was gently combing his hair on his forehead.

While He Xi was combing Luo Hua's long hair.

He also used his other hand to gently pinch Luo Hua's earlobe and shave it.

This kind of shaving will not only relax the brain.

It is also very comfortable mentally.

I have to say.

He Xi must have learned and understood this.

Otherwise, it would not be so smooth and natural.

Luo Hua closed his eyes at this time.

He was enjoying himself physically and mentally.

It's good to have an angel.

After a while.

He Xi's hands changed to pressing his temples.

However, a voice that could not be heard came softly.

"Wang, when were Kaisha and Liang Bing born?"

Luo Hua's handsome eyebrows twitched when he heard this.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at He Xi.

Well, he was almost blocked by someone.

"What's wrong? I can't tell whether you are good or bad from your tone. If you say something that I am not satisfied with,"

"What if Master He Xi doesn't let me use his knees as a pillow?"

As Luo Hua said this in a teasing tone,

He Xi couldn't hold it back.

"King, what I mean is to determine the time of their arrival and then determine the research allocation as soon as possible."

"This way, it will be easy to connect when the time comes....Then Kesha's research level is also very impressive."

Kesha's research level is not inferior to Hexi.

If you insist, Hexi and Kesha's research levels are similar.

But Kesha's combat ability is obviously stronger.

Liang Bing's words....She has a unique talent in some aspects. But her overall ability is still slightly inferior to Kesha and Hexi.....What He Xi just said

"He Xi. Luo Hua opened his eyes and looked at He Xi.

"Hmm?" He Xi asked in confusion.

"I think you are suitable to be a boss, because you are particularly good at exploiting employees."Luo Hua was quite serious when she said this.

Wow, she was really cruel.

How could someone connect to the research process right after birth?

They don't even have time to rest.

Go to work directly? People who don't know would think that the daily life of angels is like 007.

There is not even a day of rest.

But in fact, the daily content of angels is completely flexible.

Luo Hua has never stipulated when the angels should research, how much they must research, and when they should rest.

Luo Hua just assigns them work.

Then they just need to submit it after the research is done.

Luo Hua didn't even stipulate the time.

Maybe there will be a complete system to correspond to the new angels in the future, but it must be very easy.

Besides, which of Luo Hua's angels has not been thought about by Luo Hua long ago.

If Luo Hua assigns them work, many of them will research day and night.

For example, He Xi studied until she was too sleepy at the beginning and then went to sleep.

Then she got up and wanted to start researching immediately.

But then she was taught a lesson by Luo Hua.

The kind who directly pointed at He Xi's silver long hair with his fingers

"I am the boss?"He Xi raised his head and thought for a while:"I don't think so. Angels won't follow me."

"They, including me, are all following you. If I were the boss, no one would pay attention to me."

Listening to He Xi's affirmative tone,

Luo Hua immediately wanted to tease her.

"I didn't expect you to be such a boss. Great! He Xi"


He Xi panicked immediately.

I believe there is no need to explain too much about what the boss means.

The boss they just talked about means the King of Angels.

He Xi said that even if she became the King of Angels, no one would follow her.

But Luo Hua directly teased He Xi and said that he really wanted to be the King of Angels.

This scared He Xi directly.

Seeing her open red lips in surprise. Her pretty face looked shocked and at a loss.

Luo Hua raised his hand and pinched He Xi's cheek and smiled:"Look at you, you are dumbfounded, you can't even hear that I am joking."

After hearing this, He Xi immediately hit Luo Hua's chest in grievance.

"Even if it's a joke, I'm still thinking about how to explain it."

At this time, although it seems that everyone is joking, from a distance, it looks like a silver-haired royal angel is lying in the arms of a leisurely and handsome angel.

And they look so well matched.

They flirted and joked with each other.

Unknowingly, the relationship between the two has become so close.

Now what's left is really just to break the last layer of paper.

But who knows when it will be broken.

At this time in New York, the restoration project has just begun.

Harlem Avenue has just begun to prepare for reconstruction.

The most important economic zone in New York has been destroyed.

And it seems that it can no longer be used.

It must wait until it is completely rebuilt.

But the entire Harlem Avenue area of several kilometers and the New York Avenue area of more than ten kilometers combined.....

It is still unknown how long it will take to rebuild this.

Although the central area of New York will be repaired and put into use soon, the outer areas.....

Two years?

Four years?

Who knows when it can be repaired.

But no matter what the citizens think now.

Fury is very uncomfortable now.

At this moment. He is standing in the office of the presidential building.

And in front of him is the president.

When Lu Dan came before, he could still do something, but now Lu Dan can only stand.

There is no other reason.

Just these two incidents.

Each time, SHIELD bears the greatest responsibility and takes the biggest blame.

It is SHIELD's responsibility to prevent incidents that threaten the country.

As a result, they were not only powerless in these two times.

And they were all solved by angels.

Prevention cannot be prevented.

Targeting cannot be targeted.

Resolving cannot be resolved.

What's the use of this SHIELD that I invest so much money every year?

This is what the president thinks now

"What do you think of these two incidents, Director Nick Fury?"

Facing the president's question,

Fury stood there with a serious expression.

"Sir, this is indeed our SHIELD negligence, we have discovered the problem"

"Oh?" The president immediately became interested:"What's the problem?"

"The problem is."Fury hesitated and said,"We don't have any supernatural creatures, or we don't have any means to deal with the supernatural."

This made the president stunned.

Then he asked in a faint voice,"Do you have any supernatural creatures under your command?"

""No." Fury replied honestly.

If Captain Marvel counted, she was not one of Fury's men.

And now Fury has not found Captain America, but even if he found Captain America,

Captain America is at most half a supernatural creature.

If he encounters a real supernatural creature, he will definitely be beaten up.

And he and Natasha are at most half of the half.

So in this way, he has no supernatural creatures under his command.

"Do you have any means against supernatural creatures?" the president asked.

"Yes." Fury admitted:"I have the Avengers plan that you approved, and Tony Stark has already joined it."

"Tony Stark?" the president repeated, then smiled and said,"Are you sure his armor worked in these two incidents?"

"Besides, he is a businessman, he will not be used by us, he has his own ideas, and you can't control him."

"Could he be like an angel and not have asked for anything until now?"

"The angel has been selflessly contributing until now. He has helped us solve so many problems."

"Otherwise, do you think I would not care about the global upsurge of believing in angels?"

Not only did he not care.

He couldn't care even if he wanted to. What reason do you have for the people of this free country not to trust angels?

What reason do you have to target angels?

Do you have any?


The word"angel" only has positive meanings.

No one can use any reason to target angels.

No one can!

Fury couldn't reply to a word the president said.

And what he said was not wrong.

"I know, sir." Fury explained as best he could:"If the angel can join the Avengers, then I can do it no matter what the cost."

"But I know this is impossible, so I have been looking for a plan to deal with these alien creatures."

"The Avengers Project is one of them......."

"Correction." The president suddenly interrupted and said,"You brought the angel in too."

"You should say that it is an alien species that has no good intentions towards the earth."

"Yes. Fury nodded.

Then, the president's office seemed to be immersed.

After a long time, the president thought about it and finally reminded Fury

"I declare you to activate the Blue Cube emergency plan. We need to make weapons that can target supernatural creatures."

"If we can't build elites, then we can just pile up quantity and weapons."

This time,

Fury really opened his eyes wide and confirmed:"Sir, are you really starting?"

"You can go now."

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