Luo Hua's words directly let the angels present know one thing.

That is: the scepter is also one of the Infinity Stones!

And it is the Mind Stone!

Just when the angels were about to stand up again.

Luo Hua raised his hand in the air and pressed it, signaling them to sit down.

This is called prediction.

After being interrupted by Luo Hua in advance,

Kaisha looked at Luo Hua's face close to her on the left and said worriedly:

"King, we can be safer if we put the two gems together."

"Yes, King." Keira also said worriedly:

"Even if there are villains who come to disturb us when we enter the universe"

"At most, the sisters can run around more and drive them all away."

"So I think the Infinity Stones are the most important, let's get them in advance."

After hearing the suggestions from Keira and Kesha, the other angels nodded in agreement.

They all looked worriedly at Luo Hua, who was drinking tea leisurely in the center.

It seemed that nothing in the world could make him panic.

After taking a sip of tea and putting down the cup,

Luo Hua looked at the angels who were all worried about him.

"I don't do anything without confidence. In a few days, the gems will be in my hands."

"There are no ifs and what-ifs."

Speaking calmly of these things,

Luo Hua was not worried about whether the gem would not be in his hands. The current angel civilization is a complete dimensionality reduction attack on the Chitauri army.

And the angels are not worried about accidents at all.

They are worried that the king is the most important, so they are worried.


Luo Hua looked at them:"Didn't you hear that Gu Yi said that I would be invisible after getting the space gem?"

This time, they finally remembered that Gu Yi said that after Luo Hua got the gem.

This means that Luo Hua got the gem.

Immediately, they were relieved and no longer entangled in this matter.

Liang Bing looked at Loki who had already driven away with his men and said:

"I didn't expect that the two gems would be together directly. This is too rare."


The angels all nodded.

There are only six gems in the universe.

It is the first time that two gems can be so close.

And until now, no one has more than two gems at the same time.

Including two!


As Alan's energy projection continues to simulate,

Loki has evacuated with Hawkeye and the Cosmic Cube.

This time they will find an underground base to build the most basic base.

Then they will snatch a metal that is very precious to the mortal world: iridium.

Finally, through heating and construction, the simplest and most basic portal can be built.

Although it is not big, it is enough for the Chitauri army to come in.

Luo Hua waved his hand and asked Alan to cancel the energy projection.

Because there is basically nothing to do next, just wait until Loki summons the Chitauri army in Stark Tower.

Then The angels will just have to take care of it and get the gems back.

It will only take a few days to go back and forth.

Luo Hua doesn't need to take it to heart.

Instead, what makes him think is when he enters the universe and comes into contact with the three major empires and other civilizations.

The Shi'ar Empire in the Caedira Galaxy.

The Nova Empire in the Andromeda Galaxy.

There are also the Kree and Skrulls in the Large Magellanic Galaxy.

There is even the Sovereign civilization led by the Golden Queen.

These are all quite interesting things.

However, the Kree are the people Luo Hua can't stand the most at the moment.

Not only their accuser Ronan.

What Luo Hua can't stand even more is that their civilization contains unhealthy violent factors.

The genes of this factor have been traced back to their ancient times.

So, if the Kree do not accept Luo Hua's control in the universe, then they will only face extinction........

The next day.

Today is a very important day for SHIELD.

Because today Nick Fury will go to Captain America to recruit him into the Avengers.

And Coulson will go to Tony Stark to ask him to return to the team.

As for Natasha.....

She will go find Hulk.

Of course, it can be seen that Natasha is not too willing.

It was night time.

Natasha brought a group of elite agents to a poor town in Mexico.

Just like the plot, Banner was tricked by a little girl.

Then Natasha came out from a corner.

Banner put down the medical box in his hand and laughed:

"Not long ago, a little girl came to me in the same way."

"But her mother is really sick, and you lied to me."

Natasha walked to the only table in this dilapidated house and sat down.

"I just want to talk to you. That little girl is just a temporary one."

"I thought that little girl was also an agent."

Banner rolled up his coat in his hand and looked out through the cracked wooden board.

"You must have more people, let them go, hot weapons and anesthetics have no effect on me"

"I'm the only one here this time, Dr. Banner." Natasha looked at Banner and said"sincerely".

Banner put his rolled-up coat on the table and sat down on the chair.

"Say what you want to say quickly, I guess you are in trouble again"

"And the pistol under the table is of no use to me, it's not even good enough to tickle me."


Natasha's face changed when she heard that there were weapons under the table.

At the same time, dense footsteps were heard outside.

They thought their plan had been discovered, so they pressed forward.

Natasha quickly informed through the headset:"I'm fine, everyone go down."

Watching the black-clad agents who were pressing forward retreat.

Banner showed a sarcastic smile and said:"Just us?"

Then, he shook his hand indifferently

"If you have something to say, please say it quickly. I won't believe anyone except an angel."

"After all, it is still far from the reach of you mortals to possess angels."


Natasha frowned.

What happened to Dr. Banner?

Why did he suddenly call humans like this?

And what Natasha didn't know was that

Banner didn't know that there was a gun under the table and that there were agents outside.

She was too focused when she came.

But now Banner has discovered it after careful observation.

Obviously, Banner is stronger than before!

But there is no time to think about these things now.

Natasha tightened her gauze dress in her hands.

Then she began to explain everything to Banner. After a while,

Banner looked at Natasha and confirmed:"In other words, as long as I help you find the Rubik's Cube,"

"Can you try your best to help me next time?"

Natasha nodded.

Banner immediately asked:"Can you take the initiative to meet the angels?"

Natasha immediately shook her head.

Banner immediately said disdainfully:"What's the use, now I just want to live an ordinary life and meet the angels as much as possible."

"There is nothing we can do about it."

Natasha said helplessly:"Angels are not something that anyone can see if they want to."

"So far, unless they take the initiative to show up, we have no right to ask for a meeting with them."

Speaking of this,

Natasha remembered what Fury said about how regrettable it was to meet Luo Hua the only time in New Jersey. He should have asked as many questions as possible at that time.

Who knew that he hadn't met him a second time until now.

Because SHIELD is not worthy.

However, after hearing that SHIELD had no choice,

Banner was obviously not interested and wanted to leave by picking up his coat.

Natasha panicked at the sight of it.

She didn't expect Banner to be so decisive.

Don't bother me if you can't see the angel. Natasha thought of a solution in a hurry.

She immediately grabbed Banner's wrist and said anxiously:

"This is a very serious matter! When the situation becomes serious, the angels will definitely appear!"

"There might even be a big fight then! You can definitely meet him when you transform into the Hulk!"

"Didn't you meet last time? And an angel saved you!"

Banner paused.

He thought about it. If the matter is very big, an angel will indeed come.

And Natasha said that this matter is very big.

So will the angel come then?

Thinking of this, Banner felt that no matter what, he must go and see.

What if he can meet an angel?

He turned around and shook off Natasha's hand.

Then he picked up his coat, put it on his shoulders and walked towards the door.

Halfway there, he stopped, turned back and asked,"How do I get to S.H.I.E.L.D. ?"......

Next, another day passed.

When the scene turned to the aerospace aircraft carrier, all the Avengers were in place.

Basically, everyone who should have arrived had already arrived.

And just like usual, after everyone introduced themselves to each other, they found Loki's trace at night.

At this time, Loki was at a banquet in Switzerland.

And his goal was the metal iridium.

However, as they set out to capture Loki, the Angel Mansion, which had been abandoned for a long time, was about to change.

Standing in the Sky City and looking down, all the angels are now enjoying the scenery on the outer corridor of the Sky City.

But now it is dark.

But looking into the distance, relying on the strength of the angels, there are still stars shining in the distance.

I looked down at the building where I used to live.

Last time I said I would transform it into a place of prayer, but it has not been transformed until now.

But since I thought of it, let's transform it on the spot.

Luo Hua looked at the angels around him.

"What elements do you think are needed to transform the Angel Building into a place of prayer?"

Immediately, they answered one by one.



"White jade building"

"The auspicious clouds that cannot be seen from the outside"


Obviously, what they said had a deeper meaning.

Luo Hua combined these elements in his mind.

He immediately thought of the transformation of the prayer land.

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