"Divine Body....."

Kaisha and Hexi repeated these two words.

Luo Hua nodded.

He continued,"Divine body, as the name suggests, means to become a true god."

"In my understanding, those who need to breathe, have vital parts, and need to eat are not gods."

"Although we don't need to eat, we still need to breathe and rest."

"And the brain and heart are still classified as fatal parts."

Kesha and Hexi thought about it.

If it is counted this way, it means that it is truly beyond the level of mortals to be a divine body.

No need to breathe, no need to rest, no fatal parts, nothing that can easily hurt oneself.

But when Kesha and Hexi had just made the plan.

Luo Hua nodded and said:"This is the most basic condition for a divine body."

Kesha, Hexi:"The most basic! ?"x2

"Yes, the most basic. Luo Hua looked at the two women in confusion and as if it was natural.

"This is just the basic condition for a generation of divine bodies."

"How could the second, third, or even fourth generation divine bodies only have this much ability?"

Strictly speaking, the first, second, and third generation divine bodies are all basic divine bodies.

Only when you reach the fourth generation divine body will you have special abilities.

Kaisha and Hexi looked at each other slowly.

This project seems to be very large.

"That...What are the differences between them?"

As He Xi slowly asked the question,

Luo Hua briefly introduced them to her.

"The second and third generations are nothing more than a little more computing power and physical fitness, there is nothing much to say about this"

"But by the fourth generation, there is a strong diversity."

"There are invincible bodies in the fourth generation, and they are strong enough to withstand supernovas."

"There are also personal supercomputers. A person is a small celestial computer."

"Or there is the Holy Body, which has strong computing power in addition to strong defense."

"But this is not the most important"

"The strength of the sacred body lies in the fact that it backs up every atom of the living being."

"Unless you can destroy all atoms, as long as the energy is sufficient, the target can absorb the energy and revive."

"Of course, the energy required will be huge."

After listening to Luo Hua's simple introduction,

Kaisha and He Xi couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

They felt that it was huge just thinking about what Luo Hua said.

This really needs to be studied.

It will be enough for them to study for a long time.

Looking at their thinking,

Luo Hua smiled again and said,"It's okay, I will study the main genetic engineering, and then you can help me with the modification."

"Our final divine body is developing towards the function of the divine body."

"So we should try to be as comprehensive as possible."

Kesha and Hexi nodded.

They understood........

Time came to night.

Liang Bing also came to Luo Hua's yard.

This time she was no longer wearing a suspender pajamas, but a black patterned dress.

But it was still a skirt, but it was longer than this morning.

After she came to sit next to He Xi, she took out some snacks and food as usual.

Luo Hua reached out to take some.

Then he suddenly laughed:"I think Liang Bing is my breeder."


Luo Hua's words made the three of them laugh.

But the next moment.

The three women looked in a certain direction at the same time.

Fluctuation of space and time detected the fluctuation of space and time.

Luo Hua drank tea calmly.

At this time, the fluctuation of space and time can jump.

Only Loki came.

After a while.

Click click click click click ~ click click click ~ two quick footsteps came from outside Luo Hua's yard.

Then Alan and Kaila arrived here.

As soon as they entered the door.

After they saluted, they immediately asked:"King, do you need to go out?"

Luo Hua shook his head gently while drinking tea.

Then motioned for them to sit down

"Alan, use the Eye of Detection to simulate the energy of the scene"


Alan and Kayla walked to the edge of the pavilion and sat down.

Then Alan turned on the Eye of Insight. At the same time, he waved his hand and a sand table simulated by energy appeared on the table of the pavilion.

On the energy sand table, all the characters and things were reduced by 10 to 1.

In other words,

Loki, who was standing in the cosmic magic research base at this time, was only a dozen centimeters tall on Alan's sand table.

Similarly, Fury, Hawkeye and others in black were only a dozen centimeters tall.

Liang Bing looked at Loki with reindeer horns and asked curiously,"Is he an alien?"

"Asgardians. Luo Hua was watching with great interest, as if he was watching a movie.

"He is Thor's younger brother. Although he is not his biological brother, he grew up in Asgard after all."

""What is he doing on Earth?" Keira asked curiously.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was the only one there,

Keira would have almost slashed at him with a flaming blade.

But at the moment, this reindeer didn't seem to pose any threat.

Luo Hua thought there were too many things to explain, so he packed his memories of the relationship between the Asgardians into data and uploaded it to the database.

This way, every angel could see it.

"Look, he is the pioneer to open the large portal."

After a while, all the angels present had read all of this.

Kaisha immediately noticed the key point.

She looked at a blue dot on the Alan sand table simulation.

"Is this the Space Gem?"

"You have good concentration." Luo Hua praised:"Yes, the space gem you are looking at is a rough stone, about the size of a thumb."

"Although this thing is called the Cosmic Cube, it is because it is just a shell of the original stone."

"Just like the outside of jade is all stone shell."

After hearing what Luo Hua said, all the angels present stood up.

They took a look at the cosmic magic.

Then they looked at Luo Hua.

Kaisha said to Luo Hua respectfully:"King, I will get you the space gem.

" They all knew the use of the space gem.

It is the representative of the celestial supercomputer, which is an endless energy source and a treasure house of knowledge!

With it, it is equivalent to having a treasure house of knowledge!


Luo Hua waved his hand.

He said in a very calm tone:"Don't be anxious, sit down first.

" The angels present looked at each other.

They still suppressed their anxiety and sat down according to the king's instructions.

Then Luo Hua began to explain.

"He fell from Asgard's Rainbow Bridge into the universe"

"Then it happened to be discovered by the Chitauri civilization under Thanos"

"After the transaction"

"Loki teleported here first, and then used the Cosmic Cube, also known as the Space Stone, to teleport the entire Chitauri army here."

"After that, the planet belonged to Loki, and the Cosmic Cube belonged to the Chitauri."

"Of course, the Chitauri also handed over the Cosmic Cube to Thanos."

After understanding the cause and effect, they also understood why Loki came to get the cube this time. Look


Loki has already started fighting with the SHIELD agents with the Mind Staff.

He can still use the green cloak material of Asgard.

At least it can be used to fire the bullets of Earth's thermal weapons.

At this time, He Xi also said

"In other words, we wait until Loki summons the Chitauri before we get the Space Stone, right?"

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded.

But he added:"Not only that, we can also wipe out a wave of Chitauri."

"He is Thanos's subordinate, which means he is our enemy."

"Then why not use them to absorb a wave of energy."

As the angels present nodded,

Kayla suddenly realized and said:

"With the Cosmic Cube, we angels will enter the cosmic conference"

"So it’s a good opportunity to show them how powerful we are through the Chitauri!"

"Right, right, right." Liang Bing agreed from the side:"It will save a bunch of small fry from coming here to cause trouble!"

"It will be troublesome to clean up later."

After Kayla and Liang Bing's analysis, this is Luo Hua's idea.

After getting the space gem, the next gems will be obtained one after another.

Then who will still play in this corner of the earth?

The solar system can only be regarded as one of the territories of the angel civilization.

It can be regarded as one of the homes.

So who will still play at home later?


During their conversation, the simulated scene on the Alan sand table has been going on.


Loki has already cleaned up all the people.


He had already placed the Mind Scepter on Hawkeye's chest.

Seeing this, Luo Hua smiled and said,"Do you know what color the Mind Stone is?"


The angels present said it almost at the same time.

They did not hesitate.

Because from the information Luo Hua gave them, the Mind Stone is yellow.

And it has the ability to enhance the spirit, control other people's minds, etc.


Control other people's minds.

He Xi suddenly thought of this.

She leaned forward a little at the same time.

Then she saw Loki put the scepter on Hawkeye's chest.

Hawkeye actually put down the gun in his hand.

He immediately became a team with Loki.

He Xi frowned:"The energy source of the scepter is blue, it can't be the space gem."

"The Space Gem doesn't have this ability, and the Mind Gem isn't blue either."

In response to this,

Luo Hua smiled and shook his head.

The angels present immediately looked over.

Because Luo Hua was going to say something important next.

Looking at the movie on the sand table,

Luo Hua pursed his lips and smiled and said,"Isn't the Cosmic Cube also a Space Gem?"

"Why can't the Mind Gem have a shell?"

"No one dictates what color or shape the outer shell of a gemstone should be."

All Angels:!!!!!!

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