As Liang Bing squirmed,

Luo Hua leaned on the cushion behind him.

Then he turned his head to look at Liang Bing, who was also leaning on the cushion and putting her shoulder against his shoulder.

At this time, Liang Bing was only wearing her usual dress-style pajamas.

This dress is not just a strapless dress.

It is black in color, which matches Liang Bing's hair color.

But at the same time, the simple but delicate patterns on it add a sense of mystery.


At this time, Liang Bing's whole arm is cool.

But the smooth touch is like jade skin.

Looking down through the suspenders.


Liang Bing should be the oldest among the three angel kings.

Of course, I'm not talking about age here.

But now it's just an estimate.

We still have to wait until we see it in real life.

Luo Hua turned his head and looked at Liang Bing.

"I think this reward is excessive."

"Not too much"


"Not too much, not too much."

Feeling that Luo Hua didn't want to let her stay,

Liang Bing immediately shrank into the thin blanket.

After a while,

Luo Hua felt a pair of hands holding his waist, and another pair of legs clamped his left leg.......

Where did he learn this strangling technique?

It's not professional.

But looking at Liang Bing who was unwilling to let go


Luo Hua sighed and let her go.

After all, she would be the one who would feel comfortable.

Liang Bing could leave when it was daytime.

"Since your research is of great value, I will leave at dawn."

""Hmm, hmm~"

Luo Hua finished speaking.

The bulge in the quilt was obviously Liang Bing's head, and she nodded.

He took out a book from the dark plane.

Luo Hua didn't build the knowledge treasure house framework.

With Liang Bing protecting herself in the quilt like this, why would he bother to study that thing?

He read the book, sipped tea, ate snacks, and passed the time.

As Luo Hua kept turning pages, the sound of pages rustled.

When he turned to page 32, the guy in the quilt who had been quiet for a long time started to get naughty again. He took away the book, pulled out his hand, and swung it down without hesitation. With a bang, Luo Hua took the time to hit the quilt with his hand to knock Liang Bing's naughty hand down. But the silence didn't last long. Her hand actually reached down. Hiss


Hua took a deep breath.

He threw the book directly into the dark plane.

Then he suddenly lifted the blanket.

"Liang Bing, I suddenly feel like you deserve to be punished!"

Liang Bing sat up from the bed with a confused look on her face.

Then she said nothing. She looked up at Luo Hua stubbornly. She said nothing.


Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing's pretty face.

{Temporarily revoke Liang Bing's permission to use all abilities}

【Angel Liang Bing, technological ability: none]

In a flash,

Liang Bing suddenly found herself turned into an ordinary person.

Then she saw Luo Hua moving his wrists and walking towards her.

Both wrists were grabbed.

Then her legs were also pressed down.

Her long black hair was scattered all over the bed.

Looking at Luo Hua's staring eyes,

Liang Bing could only dodge and evade.

But Luo Hua didn't care about that and bumped into her directly.......

A few minutes later.

Liang Bing gasped with a red face and lips,"Let me take a breath.~"

{Restore Liang Bing's permission to use all abilities}



Liang Bing's breathless appearance recovered immediately.

But will Luo Hua let her go?

Don't even think about it.

But at this time, the light of the rising sun shone through the balcony.

Two clicks~clicks~footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

Obviously, these were the footsteps of Kaisha and He Xi.

It's already morning.

Looking back.

Luo Hua"glared" at Liang Bing fiercely.

Then he released her wrist.

But Luo Hua had obviously restored her technological capabilities.

But now Liang Bing is still panting and her face is ruddy.


He Xi knocked on the door.

Liang Bing picked up the suspender dress on the bed

【[Wings of Space and Time: Teleport]

A golden light flashed. Suddenly.

Liang Bing disappeared from Luo Hua's large bedroom.

Only the abandoned table, snacks and the uncovered thin blanket still proved her existence.

He waved his hand and put the snacks on the table into the dark plane.

Luo Hua looked at the magic of the system.

One of them was automatic sorting.

After reading it once.

Luo Hua waved his hand.

The whole bedroom instantly became like no one had lived there.

Why do I feel a little guilty?


At this time, He Xi knocked on the door again.

If Luo Hua didn't agree, they wouldn't knock the third time but would just choose to leave.

"Come in."

Luo Hua said.

He also changed into his daily dress and went out.

Sitting on the pavilion.

He Xi made tea.

Kesha asked at the side:"Wang, the technology....."

"You mean that technology?"

Luo Hua took the teacup handed over by He Xi and explained calmly:

"That was Liang Bing running over to cheer for the technology she had just developed."

"I define it as the wings of time and space. With it, you can teleport at will."

Obviously, what He Xi and Kaisha care about is not some technology.

But the fact that the time and space technology that Liang Bing is good at was developed in the middle of the night.

So they came together early in the morning just after dawn.

But seeing Wang's matter-of-fact look,

Liang Bing should have been driven away after the technology was transmitted.

Thinking of this,

Kaisha and He Xi looked at each other without leaving a trace. They were both relieved.

They were just afraid that Liang Bing would stay here overnight.


Kaisha also said:"Wang, I have also completed the magic technology you talked about that day."

"Oh?" Luo Hua turned his head and looked at Kaisha:"What is the final effect?"

The last suspense left that day was whether the golden energy slash was a cut or a bomb.

""All are fine." Kaisha suddenly said an answer that no one expected.

At the same time, she waved her hand to start energy projection.

Just like before, the golden magic energy originally in her bare hands was attached to the angel's vibranium sword weapon.

Then, through the output of energy, a more powerful attack was completed.

But in the end,

Kaisha demonstrated that she could cut and explode at will.

So in the end

"In other words, when cutting is used, it is called flame cutting."

"When bombing is used, it is called flame bombing."

After listening,

Kaisha nodded and said that it was indeed the case.

"That's a surprise."

Luo Hua smiled and looked at Kaisha:"We have a multifunctional attack method, which is of course better.""

Cut if you want to.

Explode if you want to.

There is nothing better than this.

Although Kaisha nodded, she was obviously not so happy.

It can only be said that it's just so-so.

Looking at Kaisha who was not happy.

Luo Hua reached out and pinched Kaisha's serious and majestic cheek.

In an instant,

He Xi next to him was amused.

The majesty and solemnity that Kaisha tried hard to possess were suddenly pinched by Luo Hua to make her whole face cute.

If it were normal times, who would dare to pinch Kaisha's face?

Even He Xi didn't dare to pinch it.

As a result, when it came to Luo Hua, a pinch on the cheek directly made the queen pout.

This is unparalleled.

Hearing He Xi laugh out loud,

Kaisha also smiled helplessly with her lips pursed.

Then she sighed leisurely and said:"This is just the most basic attack method, it is not useful at all"

"The Wings of Space and Time developed by Liang Bing is one of our most important"

"And when we have the virtual engine in the future, this kind of attack will be even less useful."

It turned out that

Kaisha was unhappy because the things she developed would soon be eliminated.

But the technology developed by Liang Bing is of great significance to angels.

So this created a big gap.

This is not because of jealousy.

This is because Kaisha felt that she could not help.

Although Luo Hua talked about diversity, practicality, etc., but this is the most basic thing.

After understanding the reason why Kaisha was unhappy,

Luo Hua laughed.

Then, in Kaisha's puzzled eyes,

Luo Hua waved his hand.

An angel-shaped character model appeared.

Due to some problems,

Luo Hua couldn't use a female one, so he could only use his own data to make a model.

But fortunately, this model only has outlines drawn by lines.

So the problem is not big.


Luo Hua coughed lightly twice.

Pulling back the minds of Kaisha and He Xi who were instantly attracted

"This is my body model. What I am going to say next is very important."

"And this requires He Xi and Kaisha to jointly research it." When the two girls heard this, they knew that this must be a very challenging task.

They immediately focused their attention and waited for Luo Hua to speak.


Luo Hua looked at the two girls who were listening attentively and continued,"Let me ask you, do we need to breathe now?"


He Xi and Kaisha replied directly.

Of course, there is no need to think about it. They must breathe now.

And just now Liang Bing almost couldn't breathe. Cough cough cough cough~~~


"Do we need to avoid the radiation from gamma-ray bursts?"

""Yes." Kaisha and Hexi answered without hesitation again.

Ordinary gamma rays or nuclear bomb radiation can't harm angels at all.

But the radiation intensity of gamma ray burst can directly destroy the genes of angels.

The angels hit by it will directly collapse their genes and turn into ashes.

"Do you still need a rest?"

"Yes."Still the same, Kaisha and Hexi replied immediately.

Even if they are the third generation of angels.

But if they don't rest, their spirit will be exhausted sooner or later.

This is something that energy cannot replenish.

They must rest.

Although angels can recover in a sober state.

But this is still considered rest.


Luo Hua looked seriously into Kaisha and Hexi's eyes

"So, what I am going to tell you next is the idea of divine body technology."

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