Chen Yu raised his eyebrows, and without thinking any more, he prepared to bring Fei Long and others in.

The panel above Dantian was also gradually shattering.

After selecting the first entry, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been misled. The third entry "continuous" means that the Nascent Soul can give birth to a small Nascent Soul every month, and this Nascent Soul can self-destruct.

This self-destruction is indeed useless to him.


Who the hell wants to self-destruct!

He is a 12th-grade Nascent Soul, the most powerful Nascent Soul in the entire Xuantian Continent. Even if the little Nascent Soul does not have the powerful strength of the original Nascent Soul, it is definitely stronger than some 7th and 8th-grade Nascent Souls.

At that time, he will directly save up the Nascent Souls he gave birth to.

Save for a year or two.

Just wave your hand casually, and more than a dozen 12th-grade Nascent Souls will appear in the world. Isn't this quite powerful.

What a pity.

With only ten breaths to think, he was misled by the effect of this entry into thinking that the Nascent Soul exploded. For ordinary people, the Nascent Soul can only explode, but he is not an ordinary person.

Now that the selection is complete, it is definitely not possible to reselect.

But it doesn't matter.

Let's see if I can get a "Top Heavenly Dao Retracing Order" when I am at the second level of the Nascent Soul, and then I can choose the "Continuous" entry that I abandoned.

Chen Lu shook his head and didn't think about it anymore.

With a thought, he took Fei Long and others from outside the small world in.

Then he looked at the brown paper that Fei Long handed over.

"One, two, three."

Chen Yu counted them, and after a long silence, he looked up at Fei Long with an expressionless face: "How many forces are there in Quzhou?"

"Not counting those particularly small forces, there are about 400."

"Among the more than 400 sects and families in Quzhou, there are 387 evil sects?"

"Fei Long, I think you may have gone astray."

"What I mean is that we are going to slay demons and eliminate evil, eliminate harm for the people, and completely eradicate those evil sects, not going for the foundation of these sects."

"According to the information recorded on your brown paper, Quzhou should be a river of blood. If these people unite to fight us, we are still somewhat unable to defeat them."

"The most important thing is that it is immoral."

If the trump card is not used, although these sects and families do not have strong men in the God Transformation Stage, they are still not something that Chaotian Sect can defeat when they unite.

Although his current self-destruction attack already has the power of a full-strength attack by a strong man in the God Transformation Stage.

But now, there are only three entries that can self-destruct, at most four or five.


Fei Long touched his nose awkwardly: "I asked the leader of the Dao Sect to report it himself, and that guy basically wrote down all the sects except his own."

"But although many of these sects are not evil sects, they have also done some bad things."

Chen Lu lowered his head and looked at the brown paper again carefully, and finally selected seven evil sects.

"These seven evil sects have done the most bad things, four evil sects, and three demon sects."

"Clean these sects."

"Although the rest are guilty, they are not guilty of death. After that, go sell them some "atonement orders" and let them use the atonement orders to atone for their sins. Everything will be fine."

"Understood." Fei Long nodded heavily, and then couldn't help asking: "Brother Lu, what if they don't buy the atonement orders?"

"Don't buy? "

Chen Lu's face gradually turned cold: "If you don't buy the atonement order, you will be trapped in the vortex of sin and still not repent. You will be treated as a demon sect."

"Send these Nascent Soul bodies."

"Everyone retreat for three days."

"Three days later, go to war!"

"Yes! "

After all the things were settled, Chen Lu sat alone on the mountain peak behind Chaotian Sect again. He usually sat here for much longer than in the Sect Master's Hall.

Although he was the Sect Master of Chaotian Sect.

But he rarely went to the Sect Master's Hall on weekdays.

Wait three days later.

The original batch of Jindan perfect disciples of Chaotian Sect can basically break through to the first level of Yuanying. By then, Chaotian Sect will have 38 Yuanying disciples!

38 Yuanying!

Good guy. Scared those evil sects to death.

It's perfect for robbing.

By the way, find an evil sect to test his current strength. After breaking through Yuanying Before they had fought, he also wanted to see if he could beat the middle and late Nascent Soul stage without using his trump card.

Let's give it a try.

As for the early Nascent Soul stage

He could kill the early Nascent Soul stage at will before he entered the Golden Core stage. Now that he had entered the early Nascent Soul stage, the early Nascent Soul stage was no different from ordinary people in his eyes.

If you touch it, you will die. If you touch it, you will break.

Chen Yu took a deep breath and took out a Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill from his arms and swallowed it. He only had 40 pills in total, so one less pill was one less pill.

Then he closed his eyes and operated his mind method.

One hour later——


"Cultivation": Nascent Soul stage 1st level (10.0%).


Looking at the cultivation progress panel, Chen Yu smiled with satisfaction. It was very good. A Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill could increase the cultivation progress by 10% at a tenfold cultivation progress.

And it only took one hour to absorb all the medicinal properties.

According to this progress.

Within three days, you can completely reach the second level of Nascent Soul cultivation, or even the third level or even the fourth level of Nascent Soul.

He could clearly feel that the difficulty of improving the cultivation level in the Nascent Soul stage was obviously higher than that in the Golden Core stage.

Within this hour.

In addition to absorbing the medicinal properties of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, he was also absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but he did not even increase his cultivation progress by 0.1%, and this was under the effect of tenfold cultivation.

In other words, if there was no entry to increase the cultivation progress by ten times, his forty Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills, even after all of them were absorbed, could only increase the cultivation progress to 40%, and he could not even reach the second level of the Nascent Soul.

"This is not easy to do."

Chen Lu sighed lightly. The progress of the Nascent Soul stage cultivation was much slower than he thought, which meant that he had to get more Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills as soon as possible within this month, within the limited time of the entry "Breakthrough".

To quickly improve his cultivation level.

Otherwise, once this month is over.

Without the tenfold cultivation speed increase blessing, even if he has the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, the cultivation speed will be much slower.

If there is no more Yuanying Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill.

Then it really depends on time to grind. Just like a normal Yuanying, he can only retreat for two or three years at any time. After two or three years of retreat, his cultivation may not have broken through a small realm.

This is actually the normal way of the cultivation world.

Everyone came this way.

It’s just that Chen Yu has been abnormal all the way. If he suddenly returns to normal, he will definitely not adapt. So within this month, get enough "Heavenly Dao Yuanying Pills" and use ten times the cultivation speed to quickly improve his cultivation realm.

It is a crucial task.

And it must be obtained as soon as possible. If it is delayed for more than ten or twenty days, even if he obtains a large number of Yuanying Cultivation Pills, he will not have time to absorb the medicinal power of these cultivation pills.

It takes time to absorb the cultivation pill.

It takes one hour to make a Yuanying Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill.

After determining the next path to take.

Chen Lu was not stingy and used 108 medium-grade spirit stones to set up a spirit gathering array for himself. He sat in the center of the spirit gathering array to practice. With the dual blessing of the spirit gathering array and the Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, his cultivation progress could be improved faster.

Of course

There were some useless spirit stones.

He planned to retreat seriously for the next three days, and gave the treasure he picked up from "Yuan Zong", a bronze mirror, to Fei Long.

This bronze mirror can know the information about the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm that will be opened in Quzhou.

If there is any good Heavenly Dao Secret Realm with rich rewards, call him as soon as possible.

Then, next, retreat time!

Don't dare to delay for a moment.

Time is limited.

Racing against time, after twelve hours, he has absorbed all twelve Yuanying Cultivation Pills in these twelve hours.

And his cultivation has also reached——


"Cultivation": Yuanying Stage 2 (23.0%).



After absorbing all the medicinal properties of the twelve Nascent Soul Cultivation Pills, Chen Yu let out a long breath of turbid air, then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the cultivation panel above his dantian.


Even if he reached the second level of the Nascent Soul Stage, a Nascent Soul Cultivation Pill could increase his cultivation progress by 1%, and after the tenfold cultivation progress blessing, it would be 10%.

The milky white light emitted by the middle-grade spirit stones around him was already much weaker.

At most, these middle-grade spirit stones would break after practicing for another twenty-four hours.

After practicing in the Gathering Spirit Array for twelve hours, that is, a whole day, if the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill is not counted, his cultivation progress has only increased by 3%.

This is the effect after the tenfold blessing.

If it is a normal Nascent Soul first-level cultivator, then practicing in the Gathering Spirit Array for twelve hours, the cultivation progress will only increase by 0.3%.

If you stay in the Gathering Spirit Array to practice every day, it will take at least 330 days.

This is the case of not eating, drinking, and doing nothing, completely secluded and practicing. If the place of seclusion is a place with rich spiritual energy, the time may be shortened to about 250 days.

If the family is relatively wealthy, using a gathering array made of high-grade spiritual stones, the time may be shortened to about 180 days.

Then buy some Yuanying cultivation pills made by Dan Xiu, or even worse, get a few Yuanying Tiandao cultivation pills, and the time can be shortened to about 100 days at most.

But this is almost the limit!

If all cultivation resources are maxed out, a cultivator at the first level of Yuanying will break through to the second level of Yuanying. It will take at least 100 days, which is more than three months. This cultivation speed is already very fast.


How many people can use up the cultivation resources.

Most people don’t even have the opportunity to practice in the gathering array made of medium-grade spiritual stones, let alone the later ones. Even the first step is so difficult, let alone the later ones.

For someone like Chen Yu, it took him twelve hours to break through from the first level of the Nascent Soul to the second level. This is unprecedented.

It is the result of many factors combined.

Whether it is the "Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill" or the gray item "Breakthrough", if one is missing, it is impossible to achieve this step.

And from this point of view.

The value of the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill is even higher.

A normal Nascent Soul cultivator in the early stage can improve his cultivation progress by 0.3% by practicing hard in a medium-grade spirit gathering array for one day.

If he only takes the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill and practices hard for one day, he can improve his cultivation progress by 12%.

The two can be superimposed, that is to say, if a normal Nascent Soul can max out the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, theoretically, it can even break through from the first Nascent Soul to the second level in eight days.

Of course, this is theoretically, after all, the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill is not so easy to obtain.

After a long breath of turbid air, Chen Yu looked at the panel wrapped in clouds above his Dantian.

After absorbing all the remaining 28 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills, he was ready to go out to find opportunities, and first see if there are any good things in the treasure houses of those evil demon sects.


"The cultivation level has increased greatly, and officially entered the second level of the Nascent Soul."

"Please make a choice from the three random terms below in ten breaths."


"Term name": one feed and one pull.

"Term level": blue.

"Term effect": You can use natural treasures as food and feed them to your Nascent Soul. After your Nascent Soul devours them, it will randomly pull out a treasure. The strength of the treasure depends on the grade of the food. You can feed it once a day.


"Term Name": Nascent Soul Awakening.

"Term Level": Blue.

"Term Effect": Your Nascent Soul can awaken self-awareness and keep practicing at all times. The speed of practice is equal to the speed of practicing by running the mind method to absorb spiritual energy, but the awakened consciousness cannot control good and evil, and there is a possibility of competing for physical control.


"Term Name": Born with Disability.

"Term Level": Blue.

"Term Effect": Your Nascent Soul will become a human pig, and the Nascent Soul itself can trigger all terms related to human pigs and disabilities.



Chen Yu looked at the first term with a slightly strange expression. He felt that he seemed to have missed the term "continuous" in the first level of Nascent Soul.

The effect of that term is that the Nascent Soul can give birth to a small Nascent Soul, one per month.

And the effect of the first term is.

As long as the Nascent Soul is fed with natural materials and treasures, the Nascent Soul can pull out a treasure. The quality of the treasure depends on the quality of the food

Natural materials and treasures?

He simply doesn't want too much!

So many evil woods and eight waste fruits are quietly placed in his Chaotian Sect's warehouse. There are hundreds of thousands of evil woods, so many that they can't be used up. If the little Yuanying born by the Yuanying can also have the effect of the first entry, it will be invincible.

He looked at the other two entries and chose the first entry without hesitation.

The remaining two entries are useless.

"Yuanying awakening", to put it bluntly, is to exchange a pseudo-Heavenly Yuanying for the awakening of the Yuanying's self-awareness. The main effect of this entry is that it can be practiced at any time. One of the effects of the Heavenly Yuanying is that it can rotate and absorb spiritual energy by itself.

However, the speed at which the Heavenly Yuanying automatically absorbs spiritual energy is far less than the speed of absorbing spiritual energy by running the mind method.

The speed of practice of this entry is fast.

But the danger is also very high. The Yuanying and the self begin to compete for control of the body.

That's too disgusting.

He doesn't need the Yuanying to have self-awareness. He just needs to quietly do what a twelfth-grade Yuanying should do. There is no need to think about anything else.

As for the third entry, it is useless to him, but it can produce linkage effects with some entries, such as "People with Natural Defects", which require a certain organ to be missing or disabled to play its effect. These entry effects can now also be applied to Yuanying.

Let the Yuanying that comes out of the body have stronger combat power.


If he is not born disabled, he thinks that no one will keep collecting entries that can produce linkage effects with disability.

Chen Yu sat cross-legged on the peak of the back mountain of Chaotian Sect, looking at the Yuanying in his hand, whose body was engraved with the names of entries, and tentatively put an Eight Desolate Fruit to his mouth. After waiting patiently for a long time, the Yuanying did not open his mouth.

After a long silence with a blank expression.

He opened the mouth of the Yuanying and forced the Eight Desolate Fruit in his hand into it!

It only took a few breaths.

He felt that the Yuanying was churning inside at this time, and soon, a token was discharged from the back of the Yuanying's buttocks.

When he saw this token, Chen Yu was slightly stunned.

It's the "Top-grade Heavenly Dao Tracing Talisman"! !

Damn it.

Chen Lu's eyes flashed with shock. He didn't expect that he could exchange a "Top-grade Heavenly Dao Tracing Talisman" for a Eight Desolate Fruit. This deal is a big profit!

He looked at his Heavenly Dao storage ring. When he left Daxia, he brought 33 Eight Desolate Fruits with him. After using so many, he only had 20 Eight Desolate Fruits.

The evil wood is much inferior to the Eight Desolate Fruit.

I don't know what treasure the evil wood can be exchanged for.

Without any hesitation.

He immediately crushed the top-grade Heavenly Dao Tracing Talisman and selected the "continuous" entry that was randomly selected by the Yuanying level, the entry that can give birth to a little Yuanying every month.

After doing all this.

Chen Lu was satisfied and patted the little head of the Yuanying in his hand with expectation in his eyes: "I'll feed you a piece of evil wood to try tomorrow."

In fact, if it is normal.

This entry is not a useful entry.

After all, you have to feed the Nascent Soul with natural materials and treasures, and he will randomly pull out a treasure for you that depends on the grade of the natural materials and treasures. The cost of natural materials and treasures is not low, and when compared with the spiritual treasures pulled out, it is hard to say whether it is a profit or a loss.

But Chen Yu is different.

He happens to have a large amount of "fierce wood", a natural treasure purchased at a low price. If he remembers correctly, the price of this batch of ferocious wood seems to have cost less than ten middle-grade spiritual stones in total. Size.

But now a single piece of evil wood is worth at least 10 medium-grade spiritual stones.

This profit has doubled no one knows how many times.

After doing all this, Chen Yang got up and stretched himself with a satisfied look, preparing to take a short rest and...

His consciousness suddenly reached out.

The entire Mootian Sect was enveloped, and then he found the little wolf practicing hunting in a corner of the back mountain. With a thought in his mind, he appeared next to the little wolf after a few breaths.

The moment Xiaolang saw Chen Yuan appear, he was slightly startled, and soon trotted excitedly to Chen Yuan's side, rubbing his head against Chen Yuan's boots to express his submission and excitement.


Chen Yuan smiled and took the little wolf into his arms, and then activated the entry "rapid growth". He got that entry on the first level of Nascent Soul, and then he saw the visible body of the little wolf growing rapidly. .

His cultivation level is also rising rapidly.

When it reached the first level of Nascent Soul, its cultivation also officially stopped. The height of its limbs lying on the ground was about two feet, which is equivalent to six meters. Among the monsters, it was already considered a large monster.

"Nascent Soul?"

Chen Yuan looked at the little wolf in front of him with a flash of surprise in his eyes. The little wolf was the "Yeyue Wolf Demon", a special kind of wolf monster, at least he had never heard of it before.

Generally speaking, the cultivation level of a monster before reaching adulthood depends entirely on its own racial talent.

In other words, some monsters build foundations as soon as they reach adulthood, and they start to practice after they reach adulthood, and their cultivation realm gradually begins to break through. The cultivation realm before adulthood will slowly increase with age. of.

This is the inherent talent of monster beasts and monster clans themselves.

Not enviable.

But he has never heard of monsters that reach the level of Nascent Soul when they reach adulthood. This means that Xiaolang is one of those monsters with extremely high bloodline.

After becoming an adult, Xiaolang seemed to be a little unfamiliar with his huge body. He lay on the ground on all fours and kept licking Chen Yang's body-protecting aura with his huge tongue.

All white.

Unlike ordinary wolves, the fur of the wolf cub is much longer than that of the normal wolf. It looks furry and white, and feels good in the hand. However, its mind has not followed that of adulthood. It still seems to be the kind of person who is full of curiosity about the world. Eyes, there is no way to do this quickly, you have to develop it slowly.

Chen Yuan once again crushed the entry "Yeyue Wolf Demon" that he had idle for a long time.

Immediately afterwards——

Then he saw Xiaolang's body rapidly expanding visibly to the naked eye, growing to a height of twenty feet with all four limbs lying on the ground before stopping. Although he was not as tall as Zhao I, he seemed to be many times more powerful than Zhao I.


Chen Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and tentatively patted the little wolf's head to signal it to lie here quietly. Then he flew to the little wolf's body and lay down. The snow-white wolf fur was very soft and easy to touch.

He rested his head on his hands, looked above his head and murmured.

"I seem to have built myself a soft bed?"

have to say!

Although the little wolf's combat power has not been tested, the softness of the wolf fur is really good, really comfortable, and it is also well-behaved and obedient. Let's see how the little wolf's speed is when we visit the Demon Sect in three days.

If the speed is good, as a mount, the comfort is much better than that of a flying boat.


Chen Yuan's satisfied spiritual energy surged out suddenly and condensed into a huge palm in the air. Then he used the palm to control the spiritual energy and gently caressed the little wolf's head, and glanced at the scattered and crushed spiritual trees around him.

"I'm going to practice first. You can find an open place to build a nest for yourself."

"As little as possible, these spiritual trees like mine have been transplanted with a lot of effort."

"never mind."

"Huo Huo, just Huo Huo, if nothing happens, we should be able to transplant more in a few days."

After settling down the little wolf.

Chen Yucai once again returned to the peak of the back mountain of Mootian Sect alone, looked at the cultivation progress panel above Dantian, took out a handful of Yuanying Tiandao cultivation pills again, slowly closed his eyes, and began to use his mental methods.

A few more days.

After he finished taking all these Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao cultivation pills, he was ready to leave seclusion.

By then it will be time for the disciples of the Chao Tian Sect to become Nascent Souls.

It's a good season to slay evil spirits.

Another day passed.

Chen Yuan, who had been practicing hard for twelve hours, opened his eyes again and let out a long breath. The progress of his cultivation above his dantian had come to an end——


"Cultivation": third level of Nascent Soul stage (46.0%).



Chen Yuan chuckled and nodded, not bad. Under the effect of the term "progress by leaps and bounds", his cultivation speed was barely satisfactory.

I practiced hard for two days.

After using up 24 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills, there were only 16 left.

It feels a bit unused.

I don’t know if I can break through to the sixth level of the Nascent Soul within this month. Otherwise, after this month passes, the progress of my cultivation will be much slower. The new version of Heaven’s Dao will come in the eighteenth day.

The new Tiandao version should have a lot of good things.


After taking a long breath, he looked at the Nascent Soul in his hand again. Another day had passed, and the term "feed and pull" could be used again. This time he took out a piece of evil wood and went to the Yuan Ying. Put it in the baby's mouth.

The grade of Fierce Wood is slightly lower than that of Bahuang Fruit.

But the victory lies in having enough numbers.

He originally had 20 Bahuang Fruits, but after using one yesterday, he only had 19. He didn't have much left, so he had to save some. In case he needed this thing to break through to the God Transformation, even though this thing costs 1,000 pieces, it was mid-grade. Although the price of spiritual stones is expensive, he can't afford it.

It's just that in Xuantian Continent, many times things that are valuable do not necessarily mean that they can be bought.

After the evil wood was stuffed into Yuanying's mouth, he felt that Yuanying's body was rolling, and the power of heaven and earth was leaking out. Soon, he saw a pill being discharged from the back of Yuanying's butt.


Chen Yuan was silent with a complex expression. This was a Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill.

how to say.

He is now trying to convince himself that Yuanying is not a real life, but a product of the combination of the power of heaven and earth and his own aura. It has no self-awareness and no filth. This Yuanying Tiandao Cultivation Pill does not emit a foul smell. taste.


The source is somewhat frowned upon, after all.

Chen Yuan lowered his head and looked at the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill in his hand with mixed feelings. He really didn't expect that a piece of evil wood as food could be exchanged for a Yuanying Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill. This is a good thing. Seriously good stuff.

Plus this Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill.

He now has 17 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills.

It's just that he felt a little awkward and couldn't put it into his mouth.

However, he quickly found a good way. He took out all the 16 clean Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills in his arms and poured them on the ground. Then he closed his eyes and threw in the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill that had just been produced. .

It will be easier this time!

As long as he doesn't know which one is the Nascent Soul, he doesn't have any psychological mysophobia.

After a while.

Chen Yuan opened his eyes and looked at the 17 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills in front of him. He was silent and did not speak. He made a mistake. One pill was already dirty, but now it feels like 17 pills are dirty.

Originally, it was enough to just bite the bullet and swallow one Tiandao Cultivation Pill, but now I need to bite the bullet and swallow 17 pills.

"Cultivating immortals is contrary to nature, and such trivial matters are not worth mentioning."


Chen Yuan quickly convinced himself and built an extremely strong psychological defense wall in his heart. Then when he was about to look at what the three choices would be after this cultivation breakthrough, he suddenly heard an extremely familiar sound of vicissitudes of life. The sound rang in my ears.


"Tiandao Edict": Inspired by Heavenly Dao, in the middle state of Xuantian Continent, 'Kong Ming', the true disciple of Tianlong Temple, married the 'Tenth Grade Nascent Soul of Heaven's Dao' with the appearance of a genius and attained the Dao of Nascent Soul!

Such a feat is celebrated by everyone.

Give him "a wisp of local pride's luck" and hope that the common people will follow this principle.



Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and instantly retreated from the small world, standing on the sea again. He glanced around and saw no strange phenomena in the world.

Logically speaking, since the tenth-grade Nascent Soul can be nominated by the Heavenly Edict, there must be visions of heaven and earth.

He glanced at the "Xuantian Continent Merit Ranking".

Sure enough, Kong Ming's name was found among the top 100, ranking 47th on the list with a merit value of 3.4 billion.

There should be visions of heaven and earth.

But the coverage area is not large. He is located at the northernmost point of Lower Kyushu and cannot see the heaven and earth phenomena of Zhongzhou.

However, the merit value given by this is not as much as the merit value given by his twelfth-grade golden elixir. Although I don't know how much merit value it originally was, even if it is calculated as the maximum, it only gives 3.4 billion merit points.

"Tenth grade Nascent Soul."

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a long time he suddenly chuckled. Sure enough, troubled times are coming, and geniuses will emerge in large numbers.

The conditions for the tenth-grade Nascent Soul are quite harsh.

First of all, the three necessary prerequisites are -

"Tiandao Foundation", "Tenth Grade Golden Pill", "Colorful Entries"!

Apart from anything else, there will definitely be an edict from heaven for the tenth-grade golden elixir, but the history books of Xuantian Continent record that no ten-grade golden elixir has appeared for a long time, which means that the level of the golden elixir before this "Kongming" is definitely not tenth-grade. .

It can't even reach the eighth or ninth level, because if it is an eighth-level golden elixir, there will be a heavenly edict within the scope of Quzhou, just like Li Shiyi.

But after he came to Xuantian Continent, he specifically checked the history books in recent years. No matter what the decree of heaven was about, it would definitely be recorded. He had never seen the name "Kong Ming".

That means——

This person broke the shackles of being unable to improve the level of the golden elixir.

He used an entry similar to "Golden Elixir of Merit", or some unknown means and natural treasures to upgrade the golden elixir to a tenth-grade golden elixir, and then satisfied the requirements of the colorful entries and Tiandao Building. After this entry.

Only then was the tenth grade Nascent Soul created.

Thus he became famous all over the world.


Chen Yang shook his head with emotion on his face. It seemed that his progress had to be faster. He couldn't take it too lightly, otherwise he would be easily caught up.

There was no hesitation afterwards.

Enter the small world again and start practicing.

And at this time——

Zhongzhou, somewhere on a peak above the clouds.

A barefoot old monk, with a wrinkled face and a smile hidden deep in his eyes, looked at the back of the young monk standing in front of him with satisfaction, wearing a cassock and said: "Kongming, you have formed a tenth-grade Nascent Soul."

"You are already a peerless genius in Xuantian Continent, which is rare in a thousand years."

"The troubled times are coming again."

"You can go down the mountain to find your opportunity, spread Buddhism throughout the continent, and save the world from the water and fire."

The young monk standing on the railing of the mountain was also wearing a cassock, with his palms clasped together and a string of Buddhist beads, facing the old monk without looking back, and whispered after a long silence.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the one-day seven-color entry jade slip, which allowed me to form a tenth-grade Nascent Soul."


"Other top sects in Zhongzhou are afraid of the prophecy passed down, and choose to close the mountains and avoid the world. Don't we Buddhists avoid it?"


The old monk shook his head meaningfully with turbid pupils.

"Do you know why Chaotian Sect disappeared for tens of thousands of years? If you can kill him once, you can kill him twice."

"Who should retreat from the world and who should close the mountain."

"It has not been concluded yet."

"Go down the mountain boldly, disciple, take this thousand-year-old ancestor's relic, no one in the world can kill you."

ps: I posted the wrong word first and corrected it later, please give me some monthly votes~

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