Chao Tianzong, on the peak of Houshan Mountain.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the oval stone, let out a long breath and looked at the cultivation panel suspended above his dantian——

"Cultivation": third level of Nascent Soul stage (46.0%).

He has already cultivated to the third level of Nascent Soul.

After practicing hard for a full twenty-four hours, that is, two days later, his cultivation level finally reached the third level of Yuanying from the first level of Yuanying. The progress was slightly faster than he expected.

It is expected that before leaving the customs, he should be able to reach the fourth level of Nascent Soul.

There are 17 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills left.

After they've finished eating, they're ready to leave.

He took advantage of the situation and looked at the panel that was wrapped in clouds and mist suspended above Dantian.


"My cultivation has greatly increased, and I have officially entered the third level of Nascent Soul."

"Please choose from the three random entries below, Ten Breaths."


"Entry name": Nascent Soul resists.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": Every time you encounter an entry rule kill, your Nascent Soul will help you block it at the cost of dying.


"Entry name": Jiujianxian.

"Entry level": yellow.

"Entry Effect": The improvement of spiritual wine on your cultivation progress will be greatly enhanced.


"Title Name": Do one good deed a day.

"Entry level": blue.

"Entry Effect": If you do one good deed every day, you can get a mid-grade spiritual stone.


"Nascent Soul resists?"

Chen Yuan held his cheek thoughtfully with one hand. This was the first purple entry he randomly came across after entering Nascent Soul. There is no doubt that this is definitely a good thing.

The biggest difference between Yuanying and Jindan is——

For the golden elixir monks, breaking the elixir means death. From another perspective, the golden elixir belongs to the life gate. Once it is broken, the gods cannot save it, and the dead cannot die again.

But for Nascent Soul.

You can still live without the Nascent Soul, but your cultivation will never be improved, and your cultivation will also regress significantly. If you quickly escape from the quagmire of the world of immortality, you can still find a place to spend your old age. Ordinary days.

If you don't retreat bravely from the rapids, you will naturally die.

However, in the face of the entry rule killing, the Yuanying monk died together with the person and Yuanying. With this entry Yuanying, he can block a entry rule killing for himself at the cost of death.

Entry rules kill is a very rare attribute.

For now.

He only knows one entry rule, which is the entry "until death do us part". The effect of this entry is that when a pair of lovers are bound to each other, no matter who falls in love with another person, the one who falls in love with him will be together with the loved one. The three of them blew themselves up together.

Those who ignore cultivation.

Generally speaking, most of these entries will have a cultivation limit. For example, if the cultivation level of the person you are falling in love with exceeds one's level, it will not be effective. However, this entry is rare without any cultivation limit.

It has become one of the very few who can kill enemies regardless of their cultivation level.

But if he has this entry, he will be much safer. His Nascent Soul can help him block this blow, and with the entry "Continuous", he not only has one Nascent Soul, but can give birth to a child every month. A small Yuanying, a small Yuanying can be used to help him block this blow.

"Continuous", "feeding and pulling", "Nascent Soul resisting".

These three entries can already form a small entry group.

It goes well together.

His Nascent Soul can pull out a baby every day by devouring heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and then he can give birth to a little Nascent Soul every month. The little Nascent Soul can not only continue to pull out babies, but can also be used to resist the rule of entry.

Just perfect.

Chen Yuan nodded with satisfaction, and then immediately selected the first entry "Nascent Soul Resistance" without any hesitation.

This time, the safety level is greatly improved.

As for the remaining two entries, they are completely unsuitable for him. The entry "Jiu Sword Immortal" is obviously suitable for Sword Immortal, and it should be one of a large entry group.

For example, when you are drunk, your sword power can be greatly improved.

The entry "Doing one good deed a day" is suitable for the initial stage, but not for him.

Just like the "Talking to Immortality" entry, this kind of spiritual stone economic entry has quite significant effects in the early stage. At his current level of cultivation, the daily spiritual stone is not enough for him to make a tooth sacrifice.

Every year he does one good deed, he only gets 365 middle-grade spiritual stones.

He took a walk around any sect and found more than just these spiritual stones.

But the value of a medium-grade spiritual stone is indeed not low, equivalent to the value of 600 low-grade spiritual stones. If you can randomly find this blue entry through foundation building or golden elixir, it will indeed be a perfect entry.

Not only can you earn spiritual stones, but you can also earn merit.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

After selecting the entries, Chen Yuan didn't waste any time. He looked at the 17 Heavenly Dao Yuanying Pills in his arms and took a deep breath to retreat again.

this time--

He stayed in seclusion for twelve hours.

Consume all the Heavenly Dao Yuanying Pills you have, leaving not a single one left.

When he opened his eyes again, the progress of his cultivation had reached——


"Cultivation": Fourth level of Nascent Soul stage (69.0%).


It’s the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the peak of Mootian Sect, had a trace of regret in his eyes. He hadn't tested his combat power in the early stage of Yuanying yet, so why had he passed through the early stage of Yuanying?

He originally wanted to see if his early Yuanying stage could beat the late stage Yuanying stage.

There are still 5 Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills left.

But that's it.

Let’s stop talking about it for the time being. After reaching the fourth level of the Nascent Soul stage, which is the middle Nascent Soul stage, a Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill can still increase the cultivation progress by 1%. At ten times the effect, it is 10%, but it needs to be slowed down a little. Slowed down.

He has risen to four realms in three days. Even his Heavenly Dao Nascent Soul is a little unable to withstand it at this time. The realm is rising too fast and it is easy for the realm to become unstable.

First spend a few hours to stabilize your realm, then knock out all the remaining five Nascent Soul cultivation elixirs, and rush to the fifth level of Nascent Soul in one go!

But before that——

Select the term first.

Chen Yuan looked at the panel that appeared above his Dantian and was wrapped in clouds and mist. After he broke through the fourth level of Yuanying, the panel couldn't pop out again. It has to be said that ten times the speed of cultivation combined with Yuanying's Tiandao cultivation pill The feeling of being together is simply not that good.

The only slight regret is that.

The Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill is about to be finished, and there are only five left.


"My cultivation has greatly increased, and I have officially entered the fourth level of Nascent Soul."

"Please choose from the three random entries below, Ten Breaths."


"Entry name": Long hair like a waterfall.

"Entry level": white.

"Entry Effect": Your hair will continue to grow rapidly all the time, and as your cultivation level increases, its tenacity and hardness will also increase accordingly.


"Entry name": Merit Nascent Soul.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry effect": When your merit value exceeds one billion and you are a Nascent Soul cultivation level, you have a chance to randomly find this entry. This entry can turn your Nascent Soul into a meritorious Nascent Soul, with a strength equivalent to the fourth grade. Nascent Soul, and can subsequently be upgraded to the ninth grade Nascent Soul by consuming merit points.


"Title Name": Good luck comes.

"Entry level": blue.

"Entry Effect": Each time you select an entry from three choices, you can spend 100,000 merit points to get a chance to re-randomize. Each re-randomization opportunity can only re-randomize a single entry, and you can choose three entries each time. Temporarily, can be used at most once.



A glimmer of light flashed in Chen Hong's eyes. The first entry was a white entry. It's really amazing that you can randomly get a white entry in the Nascent Soul stage. Generally speaking, entries of this level often appear in Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment. , it is difficult to arrive at random in the Nascent Soul stage.

The effect seems to be useless.

But it is obviously a powerful entry, or a pre-entry of a certain entry group.

This is a bit of a gamble.

If you randomly come across this entry and select it when your cultivation level is low, then if you do not randomly find a related entry that matches this entry later, this entry will not only fail to improve your combat power, but will become a A burden.

At least so far, he has not seen any entry that can be linked to this long-haired entry.

He doesn’t need the meritorious Nascent Soul.

In the same way as the merit elixir, he looked down upon it.

With the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul in hand, where can I look for the meritorious Nascent Soul that is the highest to reach the ninth-grade Nascent Soul?

However, the third entry "Everything comes with good luck" attracted him quite a lot. This entry meant that he could choose one out of three at a time, which gave him another random chance. The probability of randomly selecting an entry that was more suitable for him was higher. .


The third entry was selected before the end of the ten breaths.


Chen Yuan spent three or four hours to completely consolidate his cultivation realm and avoid being unstable due to too fast cultivation. Under the effect of the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul of Heavenly Dao, he consolidated his cultivation realm. The realm is still very simple and relaxed.

Then before practicing, he fed his Nascent Soul a piece of evil wood.

This time, instead of pulling out the Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill, he pulled out a "High-grade Enlightenment Stone".

The effect is that all spells of Yuanying and below can be raised to the Great Perfection in an instant.

Well, good stuff.


Although the spells on his body are basically perfect now, and there is nothing that requires an Enlightenment Stone, it would be good to stay and learn another spell sometime.

After doing all this.

Chen Yucai once again sat cross-legged on the oval stone and slowly closed his eyes. He put a Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill into his mouth. After swallowing it and using his mind, the surrounding middle-grade spiritual stones also flashed. In a flash, it was obvious that the spiritual energy was about to be exhausted.

Five hours later.

The middle-grade spirit stones around Chen Yuan had no luster and all turned into fragments and scattered on the ground. After several days of continuous practice, the spirit gathering array could no longer hold up and completely shattered after exhausting all the spiritual energy.

Just such a small spirit gathering array consumes so much middle-grade spirit stones.

It’s hard to imagine that if the giant spirit gathering array of the sect of the Mootian Sect was opened, the astronomical number of mid-grade spiritual stones consumed every day would be astronomical. Was the Mootian Sect so rich back then? Where did it come from so many mid-grade spiritual stones?

He didn't say anything about leaving any means of getting rich, so he could see if he could learn from it.

There is only one way he can think of to get rich——

That is to slay demons.

But it was still a bit indecent. He felt that the Chaotian Sect should have had a more efficient way to make a fortune back then. Otherwise, how could it have been possible to support a giant spirit-gathering array like the Chaotian Sect, which was as big as a gold-swallowing behemoth.

After Chen Yuan opened his eyes, he looked at his cultivation progress.

"Cultivation": fifth level of Nascent Soul stage (19.6%).

It’s the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

It only took three days to advance from the first level of Yuanying to the fifth level of Yuanying. This speed of improvement in cultivation would be extremely terrifying in the entire world of cultivation, if it weren't for the pride of heaven cultivated by a large sect.

If an elder from a normal sect in Quzhou wants to advance from the first level of Yuanying to the fifth level of Yuanying, it will take at least several decades if everything goes well.

And it only took him three days!


The price paid was the forty Nascent Soul Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pills. At this time, there was not a single one left, all gone.

Moreover, this thing seems to be addictive.

If he didn't have the Yuanying Tiandao Cultivation Pill, maybe he would have practiced step by step, but he had already experienced the rapid improvement of his cultivation level with this thing, and now that it was gone, it would be very uncomfortable.

"never mind!"

Chen Yuan took a long breath and prepared to stand up to see how the Yuan Sect's batch of storage rings were progressing in cracking the ban. There were only fifteen days until the Tiandao version of "World Conflict" came.

There are only twenty-seven days left before the tenfold increase in cultivation progress can be achieved.

The road to slaying demons is imminent.

I heard that there are only three forces in Quzhou that have reached the stage of becoming gods.

They are called "Su Family", "Qi Zong" and "Dao Jian Zong".

The former has a certain friendship with him, and the latter two sects are afraid that the version of Heavenly Dao will escape the world and run away. This means that at this time, except for the head of the Su family, the god of transformation, the strongest person in Quzhou is only at the peak of Nascent Soul.

And at the peak of Nascent Soul, he is not afraid!

At this point in time, he was able to leave Quzhou.

Since I can walk sideways, it makes no sense not to do something.

"How's the progress?"

Chen Yuan stood at the entrance of the disciples' dormitory, looked at the shopkeeper sitting among a pile of storage rings and asked.

"It's basically no problem."

The shopkeeper looked slightly pale and nodded without a trace of blood, and said: "The Yuan Sect's batch of storage rings, including the storage rings of this peak Nascent Soul master, have been cracked, and there are still a few disciples' storage rings left. ”


Chen Yuan looked at the face of the shopkeeper, frowned slightly, took out the thirty golden elixirs and Tiandao cultivation elixirs that had arrived in the past three days from his arms and handed them over: "When you are free on weekdays, improve your cultivation level." First of all, the higher your cultivation level, the easier it will be to crack it."

"Pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"Thank you for your concern, Master."

After saying goodbye, Chen Yuan once again came to the peak of Houshan with a large number of forbidden storage rings.

as expected.

This Yuan Sect leader has left a lot of private goods for himself. There are 1,000 middle-grade spiritual stones hidden in the storage ring, which is actually much less than he thought. I dare you to believe that this leader really has most of the middle-grade spiritual stones. Placed in the sect's treasure house, just for the sect's inheritance?

The sect leaders don't have many spiritual stones, and the elders also have around 1,000 spiritual stones.

If every sect was like the Yuan Sect, then the richest place would indeed be the sect's treasure house, and there wouldn't be much in the storage ring.

The rest are some messy things like spiritual treasures, medicinal herbs, and spells.

I didn't see any valuable ones, not even the jade slips.

Simply throw them all in the Chaotian Sect warehouse.

He had already asked the disciples of the Chaotian Sect with Jindan cultivation level to build a few more warehouses overnight. The warehouses were a bit overwhelmed. There were too many messy things that were not classified yet. It looked messy. He had to find a warehouse manager. Class.

After he thought for a moment, Zhao Dezhu seemed to be good.


It's time to go out!


The sky had just darkened, and there was still afterglow in the sky in the distance. In the dark blue sky, the crescent moon was very dazzling.

The scene before me was beautiful.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

However, some people do not have time to appreciate this beautiful scenery.

"This is too much!"

North of Quzhou, on a mountain peak shrouded by evil spirits, the "Guixie Sect" is located on this mountain peak. At this time, the leader of the Guixie Sect was retreating with panic and anger in his eyes, looking at the people who were approaching along the mountain road. Chen swim.

"We have no grievances, so why would you go on a killing spree!"

"You are so aggressive, do you really want to fight to the death?"

In his eyes.

The young man in the green robe was slowly approaching him with the Tianji Umbrella, and there were 38 Nascent Souls behind him. He himself was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, which looked quite scary!

38 Nascent Souls?

Where did they come up with so many twin babies?

He naturally knew Chen Yuan, especially since these people were wearing unified sect uniforms and each had the word "mocking" engraved on their chests. Even if he was a fool, he would know that these people were mocking the Tian Sect.

He was really not sure whether he could beat Chen Hong. Although his Nascent Soul cultivation peak completely crushed Chen Hong, Chen Hong obviously could not be calculated according to common sense. When the golden elixir reached its perfect cultivation level, he would immediately surpass him. In the early stage of killing Nascent Soul, he can even kill an entire state by using his trump card!

At this time, he was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his strength was even more unfathomable, like the deep sea!


Even though Chen Yuan smashed his mountain-protecting formation as soon as he came up and killed many of his disciples, he just kept giving in and did not take action, hoping that he could persuade Chen Yuan to retreat with affection and reason.


Chen Yu, who was wearing a green robe with the word "Chao" embroidered on his left chest, stood on the top of the mountain of "Ghost Evil Sect" with one hand leaning on the Tianji Umbrella. He took the sins of "Ghost Evil Sect" handed over by Fei Long and said quietly with a calm face.

"Ghost Evil Sect has been passed down for more than 400 years. The current sect leader has reached the peak of Yuanying realm. After failing to break through the Shenhua realm by force."

"Injured by the thunder tribulation, his realm fell slightly, and his injuries have not yet fully healed."

"The sect's inherited mental method is "Evil Heart Jue", which can convert all of its own spiritual energy into evil energy. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is useless for you to improve your progress in cultivation. On the contrary, absorbing evil energy and resentment can quickly improve your progress in cultivation. "

"Coupled with some entries that can be linked with evil energy and resentment, both the speed of cultivation and strength are far superior to those of the same generation of cultivators. "

"In order to create a large amount of evil energy and resentment, you slaughtered countless mortals, and not only slaughtered, but also punished every mortal. ”

“Eye digging, human pig, slow slicing, finger cutting, skinning.”

“In addition to physical pain, you will also choose to defile your wife in front of your husband, kill your children in front of your elders, and have your family members killed by others.”

“Through various means, you can create a lot of resentment, thereby greatly improving the cultivation progress of the Ghost Evil Sect disciples.”


Chen Yu looked up at the Ghost Evil Sect leader and said calmly: “Have you been wronged?”


The Ghost Evil Sect leader did not refute, but stood on the mountain with a gloomy face, staring at Chen Yu, with evil spirits surging from his body, suppressing the anger and rage in his heart: “But what does this have to do with you?”

“The Ghost Evil Sect only kills mortals in their own territory, but never goes to other places.”

“Your Excellency is so kind, can you protect all the mortals in the world? "

"Or do you think you are a saint of heaven because you have earned hundreds of billions of merit points and topped the Xuantian Continent Merit Ranking List? You should bear the responsibility of protecting all mortals in the world. Don't forget that."

"You not only topped the Xuantian Continent Merit Ranking List, but you are also the leader in the Xuantian Continent Crime Ranking List."

"If you want to use the reason of acting in the name of justice to eradicate our "Ghost Evil Sect", I don't agree with this reason. My crime points are not even one percent of yours. Aren't you the one who should be eradicated the most?"

"No, you are wrong. "

The majestic spiritual energy gradually flowed out of Chen Yu's body. Dark clouds appeared above the Ghost Evil Sect, and violent storms followed closely behind.

The whistling sound of the wind made the already tense atmosphere even more tense, and a sense of killing was floating in the air.

Chen Yu looked at the Ghost Evil Sect leader with an angry face, shook his head and said softly.

"You want to discuss Taoism with me again."

"I said it a long time ago, my Taoism is that if you can't beat me, you must die."

The next moment——

Countless thunder dragons appeared out of thin air and directly enveloped the Ghost Evil Sect leader on the mountain!

"Boom! ! "

Amid the deafening explosion, the Ghost Evil Sect leader, who exuded a strong evil aura, was obviously a little disordered after the attack, but he rushed out of the explosion in a relatively good condition.

Holding two evil fires, he turned into gilded light and shot towards the distance, throwing the evil fire at Chen Chu and grinning.

"Are you really that confident! ?"

"Heavenly Evil Domain!!! "

The next moment——

The thick evil energy immediately enveloped the entire Ghost Evil Sect, and the visibility was instantly reduced. From time to time, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling could be heard from the depths of the evil energy.

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. In this environment, he could clearly feel that he could not absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world. The entire Ghost Evil Sect seemed to be pulled into a small world in an instant.

His spiritual consciousness could not be probed out, and the figure of the Ghost Evil Sect leader also disappeared instantly.


He raised his eyebrows slightly, and used the Tianji Umbrella to block the two evil fires without much effort, and then looked around.


Isn't this a method that only the God of Transformation can use? The Ghost Evil Sect leader is only at the peak of the Nascent Soul, and he has failed to break through, but he can actually use this method. However, if you look closely, you can find this The domain is still relatively crude.

It just barely creates a domain full of evil energy, which expels all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the domain, making it impossible for cultivators other than the leader of the Ghost Evil Sect to recover their spiritual energy, and then their spiritual consciousness cannot detect them, so they can hide in the dark.

It is much worse than the domain of the God Transformation Stage.

Once the God Transformation Domain is fully exerted, the effect is much more powerful than this.


Chen Yu shook his head. He just used only one-tenth of his spiritual energy. He is now at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul. His cultivation level has increased too fast, resulting in him not knowing the specific strength of his own.

But with only one-tenth of his spiritual energy to activate the Lightning Induction Technique, the leader of the Ghost Evil Sect seemed to be a little bit unable to hold on, and his breath was a little disordered.

It seems that his strength seems to be a little stronger than he imagined.

And at this time——

"Chen Yu!"

In the domain full of evil energy, the voice of the leader of the Ghost Evil Sect came, and the voice that seemed quite proud: "Do you think I have been avoiding you because I am afraid of you? "

"It's just that my skills in this field are not perfect yet, and I don't want to use them like this, as it may easily backfire on the Nascent Soul!"

"But since you have angered me, I will let you see my skills!"

"This field is a means of transforming into gods. Although I failed to break through the last time I tried to break through to transform into gods, I was lucky enough to understand a bit of the field!"

"If your cultivation is not as good as mine, you will never be able to break through my realm."

"I can only be trapped here forever."

"There is no hatred between the two of us, so why not just let it go?"

"I won't come to trouble you, and you shouldn't come to me. There are so many evil sects and demon sects in Quzhou. Is it possible that you, Chen Yuan, can go to them all?"

Although the Guixie Sect leader's voice was full of pride, hiding in the dark, his face was indeed extremely pale, and his whole arms were trembling.

Domain is the unique means of becoming a god.

He was able to force it out with his peak Nascent Soul cultivation level, which was also a peak Nascent Soul cultivation level that had fallen into decline, and the backlash against him was huge.

There was even faint traces of blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

He can only support a hundred breaths at most.

In his field, if he pushes it with all his strength after breaking through to the divine transformation stage, there will be countless resentful spirits and hundreds of ghosts walking at night, attacking Chen Yuan continuously like a tide!

but now.

Because the field is not yet mature, there are only two effects.

One is to expel all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, leaving only evil energy. The other effect is to allow oneself to hide in the dark.

He took a deep breath.

Forcing his voice to be calmer, so as not to expose the fact that he was weak, he understood one thing when Chen Yun Leilong enveloped him just now.

In a head-on fight, he couldn't defeat Chen Yuan.

Fighting for Yuanying?

How could his Nascent Soul be able to compete with the Nascent Soul of Heavenly Dao? What a joke!

And what exactly is Chen Yuan's situation? Didn't he just realize the Yuanying with the Nascent Soul at the top of the Heavenly Dao three days ago? Why did he reach the fifth level of the Nascent Soul in just three days?

Break through a small realm in one day?

More than that?

The fastest way to improve your cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage is the Tiandao Yuanying Cultivation Pill, but you can even treat the Tiandao Yuanying Cultivation Pill as a jelly bean.

It is impossible to raise your cultivation level to the fifth level of Nascent Soul in three days!

He had already made up his mind secretly.

After scaring Chen Yuan away, he will leave the Guixie Sect completely. No, he must leave Quzhou completely. Something is not right in Quzhou recently, it is a bit too weird.

This is obviously no place for people to stay.

Originally, when the evil state was destroyed, he actually had the intention of retreating. After all, in his many years of practice from birth to practice, he had never heard of any state being directly crushed and merged into the sea.

This is simply outrageous!

But after all, he still hesitated. After all, his century-old foundation lies in Guixie Sect.

But I just hesitated for a few days.

I can't leave anymore. If I can retreat this time, I will definitely leave. Whoever loves the Guixie Sect wants it. Only survival is the most important thing. Everything else is empty.


Chen Xuan leaned on the Tianji Umbrella and listened to the voice of the leader of the Guixie Sect coming from the evil aura. He could not detect it with his spiritual sense, nor could he determine the specific location of the Guixie Sect.


never mind.

He is not the kind of cultivator who requires his spiritual consciousness to lock onto a person before he can kill someone.

next moment--

A large amount of majestic spiritual energy poured out crazily, and a violent storm roared in, like a pocket version of thunder punishment, covering the entire evil field.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder dragons carried extremely terrifying power, roaring crazily in the field.

This scene!

It seems to have restored the scene over Xiezhou in the past!

Thunder punishment from heaven!

ps: There will be two chapters later, typos will be posted first and corrected later~

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