The whole scene happened extremely suddenly, without any warning. The disciples of the mocking Tianzong who were just like the living dead just now seemed to have suddenly come to life, and they all knelt down in unison. Say hello to the sect leader.

This scene.

In the silent and silent underground palace, it seems quite permeable.

Standing next to Chen Yuan was Xiong Gao, who felt that his soul was about to be scared out of his mind. He wanted to remind him loudly, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

On the contrary

Chen Yang, who was sitting on the chair, looked at everything in front of him calmly. There was not much surprise in his eyes, but he bent his index finger and tapped on the armrest.

The next moment——

"Disciples pay their respects to the sect leader's wife!"

A high-pitched sound resounded in the sky below the underground palace again.


Xiong Gao, who was still in a state of fear, now gradually has a trace of confusion in his eyes. How can there be a sect master's wife here, let alone a lady, there is not even a female creature. He is also a male bear, so he can't be recognized. Is she a female bear?

But then

The former disciples of the mocking Tianzong below stood up and knelt down again and shouted loudly.

"The Chao Tian Sect will be immortal for thousands of years!"

"One day, we will regain our glory!"

At this time, Xiong Gao also noticed that something was wrong. He was not completely out of the state of fear, and said in a trembling voice: "Master, what is going on?"


Chen Yang nodded lightly, and after a moment, he said softly: "Are you scared? It's not resurrection, it's just some little tricks."

Under the armrest of the chair, he felt four buttons.

Obviously, this button corresponds to some mechanism. He doesn't know what mechanism it corresponds to, but no man can resist the temptation of pressing an unknown button.

A family man may be able to resist the temptation of beauty.

But there is a high probability that it will not be able to withstand the temptation of an unknown button.

Anyway, he couldn't hold it back.

So he pressed it, and immediately he felt a weak spiritual energy flowing along the button to the underground of the entire Bluestone Square. Only then did he notice that there was a spiderweb-like spiritual energy pipe under the Bluestone Square. Densely packed.

This weak spiritual energy leads to the feet of each corpse along these channels, and then controls the corpses to kneel down in a uniform manner, and activates the amplifying stone carried on their chests.


Achieved, such a shocking effect.

These sounds were made tens of thousands of years ago and were recorded in advance.


Chen Huan narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not explain to Xiong Gao what had just happened in detail. Instead, he was thinking without speaking. He could probably deduce the character of the first leader of the Chao Tian Sect.

First of all, the ability and means, including the charisma, should be good, so that you can attract so many people to follow you and be willing to die with them.

The greatest recognition between men is that they are willing to die with you.

Secondly, this person should enjoy the feeling brought by power and status. He has obviously led all his disciples to die together, but he still wants to cause such a scene before dying. He has strong reasons to suspect that this person at that time The sect leader is actually not dead at all.

Just sit in this chair.

Keep pressing the button and enjoy the power that is about to dissipate through the kneeling worship of the disciples of Xiaotian Sect.

This kind of person.

It has become a puppet of power. When a person enjoys the delicacy brought by power too much, he will become a walking corpse of power. It is like being contaminated with forbidden drugs. He cannot give up forever. He would rather destroy the world and destroy his family than give up what he has gained. power.

A person who takes illegal drugs may be able to quit using illegal drugs.

But a person who has lost his rights can never give up his rights, and he will carry them with him in his coffin until death.

No one wants to go back after enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by people and being ridden in front of and behind the horse.

He is actually pretty much the same now.

All his current happiness and happiness are based on his strength. Once his strength suddenly drops below the Qi Refining stage, everything he has now will be instantly wiped out.

Will the leader of the Sky Ax Sect still respond to him?

There is a high probability that he will kill him to eliminate the memory of his groveling.

Will Fat Dragon still follow him?

Maybe he won't attack him, but he will definitely leave.

As for the scholar and Qu Gui, it would be the greatest goodwill not to take action against him. Maybe they would empty out the treasure house of Xiao Tianzong before leaving, or force him to hand over the opportunities that he has not used over the years, etc.

He never hesitates to speculate on others with the greatest malice. This is the biggest reason why he can live well in every life.

This does not mean that you have to be evil to everyone, but no matter who betrays you, it will not cause much harm to you, because you have already made a plan in your mind and can easily solve the matter.

From this perspective.

He and the first sect leader of Mootian Sect are actually somewhat similar. They are both addicted to something. But in fact, when they reach their point of view, they have to go up and cannot stop at all. Once they stop, they are waiting to die.


Chen Yang didn't think much. He looked up at the huge gap in the bluestone square on the ceiling above his head. There was a button on the armrest on the other side of the chair. After he pressed the button, nothing happened.

He pressed a few more times, but still nothing happened.

He could vaguely feel that a ray of spiritual energy penetrated into the spiritual energy pipe embedded in the wall, and quickly shot towards the ceiling and the huge gap in the bluestone square on the upper floor. However, on the way, this ray of spiritual energy disappeared without a trace. .


The corners of Chen Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

In human terms.

This button is used to open the crack in the bluestone square internally, but whether due to an accident or something else, the button is now disabled, which means that deep in the underground palace, the crack in the bluestone square cannot be opened.

The materials around this underground palace are extremely strong, and the defense strength has even reached the highest level of God Transformation. It sounds ordinary, but in fact, it is incredible to find such a level of defensive material in the first-level continent. It is an extremely exaggerated thing. .

In other words——

The first sect leader of Mootian Sect back then sat up from his chair. I don’t know whether it was due to factors such as fake death or resurrection. If his cultivation level happened to be completely lost after resurrection, then he would be a mortal at this time, even with the most basic skills. There was no spiritual energy or entry. At this time, I found that the exit of the underground palace could not be opened.


The next thing to be greeted is death, waiting for death quietly in the silent and dark underground palace.

The plan has obviously been completed, he has been resurrected successfully, and supplies have been prepared in advance for his resurrected self. However, the problem arises when the spiritual energy channel that opens the exit has been cut off. A mortal body cannot even solve this problem, let alone solve it. There is no ability to detect this problem.

The despair of waiting for death in this situation is torturous just thinking about it.

This guess should be the closest to reality with a high probability.

Because he is in the secret room of the Bluestone Square on the upper floor. Although there are many high-grade things, there are also many low-grade things, including everything from Qi refining to foundation building, golden elixir, and Nascent Soul.

In addition, everything was not placed in the storage ring, but in the secret room.

There should be two reasons for this. The first reason is that it is prepared for yourself after resurrection. When you are a mortal after resurrection, you cannot activate the storage ring.

The second reason is.

Storage rings are not meant to be used permanently, and there is a risk of collapse. A lower grade one may last for hundreds of years, and a higher grade one may last for thousands or tens of thousands of years. But before these people died, they expected that it would take them a long time. It can be resurrected later, so it is naturally more appropriate to store it in a secret room.

"Let's go."

Chen Yuan stood up from his chair and prepared to search around the underground palace to see if he could find any traces left by the first head of the Sky-Mocking Sect.

The conclusion can now basically be drawn.

When the first sect leader of the Mootian Sect faced a catastrophe, he led nearly ten thousand inner disciples to swallow poison and die together, and prepared resources for future resurrection.

Judging from the supplies he had prepared, it seemed that the sect leader did not lie to these disciples. He really planned to bring everyone back to life, otherwise he would not have prepared so many things that he would not use.

From the sight of these corpses, we can also infer that the former leader of the Mocking Sky Sect sat on this chair and accompanied everyone to death.

Among the countless possibilities, the thoughts in his mind gradually became clearer, and he vaguely felt that he had reached the closest conclusion.

After that, I don’t know how many years passed.

The plan worked.

The leader of the Mootian Sect was the first to wake up or be resurrected. When he wanted to open the underground palace, he found that the button had been destroyed. He was completely locked in the underground palace. A mortal with cultivation level could not leave such a place.

Chen Yuan quickly walked around the underground palace and was a little disappointed. He didn't find any ashes or clothes. Apparently too much time had passed and they were all gone. The dust-free formation would occasionally stir up breeze and take away the dust in the underground palace.

He didn't find any traces on the walls or the underground palace. Logically speaking, if a person is desperate and unwilling to die, he will most likely find tools or leave some messages with his teeth or nails.

But it's a pity.

The walls and floors of this underground palace are made of god-level materials, and a mortal cannot leave any trace at all.


The leader of the Sky-Mocking Sect, who might have been quite glorious in the past, met his final chapter in the dark and desperate underground palace.

This was the guess he came up with.

The scene before him also confirmed his guess.


Chen Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and stood in front of a shelf. There were a lot of porcelain on this shelf. The shapes were all very beautiful. They should have been carefully protected in the past, but now they were all turned into pieces of porcelain and scattered on the ground. superior.

Before dying, no one will come and knock this shelf down.


Many things make sense. After his resurrection, the former leader of the Sky-Mocking Sect first celebrated the success of his plan with joy and excitement, and then prepared to open the exit of the underground palace, but found that he could not leave, and then in his emotions In desperation, he wreaks havoc to vent his emotions.

The entire logical chain is thus connected.

It's perfect.

Chen Yang glanced around again, and after finding nothing unusual, he took Xiong Gao back to the upper bluestone square. After pressing the "." character again, the gap in the bluestone square slowly closed.

And he was not polite, opened all the secret rooms in turn, and put them all into his Tiandao ring. Fortunately, his storage ring was a Tiandao spiritual treasure and had a large enough capacity, otherwise it might not be able to hold it.

All of them were stored in secret rooms, and none of the treasures were stored in storage rings, which saved him a lot of trouble. If every force could be like this, the shopkeeper could retire and there would be no need to break the storage ring restriction.

This incident once again taught him a truth!

When eating noodles, don't put the meat at the end.

You don't know whether you or someone else will eat this piece of meat in the end.

No matter how good the opportunity is, it is only your opportunity if it is delivered to your mouth at the first time, otherwise it may become someone else's opportunity.

For example

When all this wealth was put into the storage ring by Chen Lu, Chen Lu took a deep breath, put his palms together, and murmured with a trance and pious face: "Amitabha, good people really get good rewards."

Among this batch of wealth, there are 11 million spiritual stones alone, which greatly solved his urgent needs!

It is enough for him to use for a long, long time.

This allows him to maximize the "Good Luck is Coming" entry. Under this entry, his cultivation progress is only 50%, which means that if he has enough spirit stones during this period, he will improve his cultivation very quickly.

"Master, do you believe in Buddhism?"



"When I'm in a good mood."

Chen Lu smiled and shook his head, and then took Xiong Gao back along the corridor. This exploration brought him an extremely rich harvest. Who would have thought that there was such a treasure hidden under the small world, and if he had obtained this amount of spirit stones earlier, he would not be too happy.

It happened that he got this amount of spirit stones when he was most in need of them.

This made him feel that his luck had come and the world was united.

This feeling was very good and made him feel very good.

When he was in a good mood, let alone believing in Buddhism, even if a thief suddenly appeared and spoke rudely to him, he would not be angry, and would even ask with a smile which family the other party was from.

When people are in a good mood, they always appear very kind.

Soon --

Chen Lu brought Xiong Gao to the exit of the tunnel. Chen Lu's spiritual energy suddenly surged out, rolling up countless mud to temporarily block the tunnel. Then he covered the tunnel with his spiritual sense and found the little wolf hiding in the distance. He shook his head and said nothing more.

He carefully investigated the little wolf with his spiritual sense and found that the little wolf had no signs of exploding, which was a bit strange.

He was also glad that the little wolf just ate some pills specially for monsters to improve their cultivation.

He was glad that when the little wolf was in the Great Xia Kingdom, he only saw him press the word "sin", so this time he also pressed one word and did not try other words, otherwise he would have ate all the treasures in other secret rooms.

Then maybe, today the whole Chaotian Sect will have a full wolf feast.

Such a bad pet, what's the point of keeping it.

Now it seems.

The secret room under the boundless ice field of the Great Xia Kingdom in the past should be a test product? Obviously, the grade is lower than the one below the small world. That one is just for practice. This one is the real secret room.


Xiong Gao on the side hesitated and said: "Do you think it is possible that the master's wife cut off the button?"


Chen Lu narrowed his eyes slightly. When he heard this possibility, a trace of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes. It is possible, and this possibility is very high. He really didn't expect it.

From the slogans of the group of disciples, they learned that the master's wife existed.

But in the secret room, the master's wife was not found at all, so it is likely that there is something wrong with this link.

Xiong Gao continued to speculate with some uncertainty: "According to the information you said, the wife of the sect leader may not have died at first, but just slept beside, so that if the spiritual energy pipeline was broken, it could be repaired in the first time."

"And this sect leader's wife felt bored after sleeping for a while, so she left by herself, and the former sect leader of Chaotian Sect who was resurrected later found that his wife was gone and the button was broken when he woke up, and he could only wait for death in despair."

Generally speaking.

This process of using spiritual energy to control something basically does not use spiritual energy pipelines. The risk of accidents will be very high, especially in the long years, anything can happen, there is no need to be so troublesome, just need to turn the spiritual energy into silk and then shoot it out.

Simple and fast.

But for mortal bodies, spiritual energy cannot leave the body, so only spiritual energy pipelines can be used.

In this case, one person must be left to sleep to maintain the spiritual energy pipeline to prevent such accidents.

Without waiting for Chen Lu to reply, Xiong Gao continued to talk about his thoughts.

"Since the former leader of Chaotian Sect trusted his wife so much and entrusted the important task of maintaining the pipeline to her, it means that the relationship between the two sides must be very good. So what is the reason for this sect lady to destroy the button?"

"I guess there must be something very important, or she simply felt very bored, so the leader's wife had to leave, but she was worried that if her husband woke up and found that she was not there, he would definitely hate her. Although the first generation leader of Chaotian Sect was definitely not as good as you, master, he was also a good hero."


"She was worried about being retaliated in the future, so she left and cut off the spiritual energy pipeline."

"The way to leave is completely eliminated. If you want to repair the spiritual energy pipeline, you must open the wall made of god-level material. This is almost impossible for a mortal."

"Master, do you think this is possible?"


Chen Yuan nodded, a hint of possibility flashed in his eyes, and he narrowed his eyes without speaking.

Have to admit.

Xiong Gao's guess made him feel that he was closer to the truth, and who could guarantee that his life span would be tens of thousands of years?

Even a strong person with combined cultivation only has a lifespan of ten thousand years.

Very simple.

Dragon clan, a dragon clan with high enough cultivation level.

The Dragon Clan has a long lifespan, and with a high enough cultivation level, it will have a long enough lifespan to complete the maintenance of spiritual energy pipelines while sleeping. In addition, in the past, the Xiaotian Sect and the Xuantian Continent Dragon Clan had a very good relationship, then Whether it was due to political marriage considerations or simply a long-lasting love, it is not too strange that the wife of the sect leader who used to mock the sect master of Tianzong was a woman from the dragon tribe.

If you put it this way, the logic is basically clear.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is.

These treasures stored by the Mootian Sect cannot be born in a first-grade continent at all. A continent has an upper limit. This upper limit means that even if you are a business genius, you cannot do anything in a first-grade continent. Come to 11 million spirit stones.

There was still a doubt in his mind.

That is.

Before the Mootian Sect arrived at the Xuantian Continent, they might have already been on other high-grade continents. They just encountered some disaster and fled all the way down, and these spiritual stones are the legacy left behind.

Until the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog, and was forced into the small world by the top forces of Xuantian Continent.

However, there is still one question that cannot be explained.

For such a long time, only the Xuantian Continent has had time travellers, and after the Mootian Sect was forced into the small world, only the Daxia Congress has had time travellers. At least he has never seen a time traveler in the vast continent, nor has he seen one before. I have heard relevant information.


Only when the Mootian Sect is near will travelers come?

And that's how he came. It's been so long that he's forgotten what his identity was before time travel. Oh, come to think of it, freelancing is pretty good.

He once communicated with Fei Long.

He asked Feilong whether his face would be the same after time travel as before. Feilong's answer was that both body shape and appearance were exactly the same, and even the arrangement of crotch hair was the same. Some boys would grow crotch hair. .

Fat Dragon has a hobby, that is, he likes to caress his butt hair before going to bed. It feels like stroking a cat, so he is quite familiar with his butt hair. This is a strong argument.

The same is true for him. His body and appearance are the same before and after the time travel.

It appears to be wearing.

But before he traveled through time, his body had been living in this world for more than twenty years. This always gave him a heavy, strange feeling, a feeling of deception. It was not deceiving him. It was deception. The way of heaven.

Before he traveled through time, there was a method called fake identity.

It's expensive, but it works.

Roughly speaking, choose a person who is almost the same size and appearance as you, and go to another city to live a normal life, shopping for groceries, walking the dog downstairs, picking up express delivery, shopping and other normal activities.

Then when you commit a crime and run away, you can immediately go to this city and take on this identity. People around you can testify for you that you have been living here for a long time, such as vegetable vendors, dog friends, inn owners, etc.

This is called identity substitution.

I blended into a strange city very smoothly without arousing anyone's suspicion.

And his time travel made him feel like this.

First, make a body that is exactly the same as his and live a normal life in the Great Xia Kingdom, so that when he travels over again, he will not encounter any hidden dangers, because in the eyes of Tiandao, he is not a time traveler at all, but a native of the country. people.


Shock suddenly flashed across Chen Hong's eyes, and he suddenly thought of an extremely unbelievable possibility, and this possibility finally made him fully understand what the Mootian Sect had been planning all along!

Mo Tianzong kept saying one thing.

"Heaven will kill me, and it is not a crime of war."

Why would Heavenly Dao target the Chao Tian Sect? Heaven is ruthless and will not target the Chaotian Sect because of its actions. There is only one possibility, that is because all the members of the Chaotian Sect are time travellers. In the eyes of Tiandao, they are all extraterrestrial demons who need to be purged. existence.

This is most likely because the former members of the Ridiculous Sky Sect traveled through time by directly wearing their clothes and appearing in this world out of thin air. Not many people may have paid attention to this matter, but in the eyes of Tiandao, it was like dripping into a glass of white water. A drop of ink stands out.

Only then did he attract the attention of heaven, and he expressed the feeling that he would die from heaven.

It was very likely that it was already a high-grade mainland force, but after being targeted, it gradually fell into the first-grade continent and was forced into Daxia.

And the solution of Mootian Sect is.

"False identity."

Just like in the previous life, first create an identical body in this world and live here for decades. In this way, in the eyes of Heaven, this person has no problems. He was born from the mother's belly according to the process, and then let him travel through time. The person who enters this body can avoid being targeted by Heaven and completely integrate into this world.

This matter.

It is very likely that this is what Chaotian Sect has been doing all along.

And Chaotian Sect did succeed.

I don’t know since when, all the time travelers he knew were directly born in a body, even if this body was the body of a monster, but after the transformation, it was exactly the same as his own.

This is Chaotian Sect’s plan, and it is also very simple to verify this guess. Just find out how the members of Chaotian Sect used to travel through time in the past. If the members of Chaotian Sect used to travel through time in the past, then it proves that his guess can basically be confirmed!

If this is the case.

Chen Yu’s eyes flashed with horror, and he subconsciously took a breath of cold air. Those corpses under the bluestone square may not be waiting for resurrection. These people are really trying to change their accounts!

Change the account and log in again!

This account was targeted by Tiandao. After studying that they could use fake identities to log in to deceive Tiandao, they went to death together and changed their accounts collectively. But the process of changing the account may not be so smooth?

Or after resurrection, can we directly remove the Heavenly Dao's targeting?


Chen Lu let out a long breath, threw all these speculations out of his mind, and stopped thinking about it. He had basically sorted out his thoughts. Although it has not been confirmed, he felt that his speculation should be almost right.

This first batch of travelers has caused the biggest muddy water for them, the later ones.

And they have paved the way.

Although they will not have any great opportunities, at least they will not be targeted by the Heavenly Dao.

Thank you for your hard work, senior.

For a moment, he suddenly felt a little guilty about taking away the spiritual stones stored by the senior.

"I borrowed it."

Chen Lu looked at the entrance of the tunnel in front of him that was blocked by mud with a sincere face: "If you come to me at that time, I will return it to you. I am really a little tight on money recently. If you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent."

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